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“硕士毕业论文_人工智能客服对消费者讨价还价行为的影响PDF”第1页图片 “硕士毕业论文_人工智能客服对消费者讨价还价行为的影响PDF”第2页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
The Effect of Chatbot on Consumers’ Bargaining Behavior
With the continuous development of information technology, the achievements of artificial
intelligence technology benefit all aspects of life. Ai products and services have not only
changed people's lifestyles and improved their quality of life, but also reshaped the way
companies produce and market their products. More and more enterprises are embracing AI
and adapting their marketing strategies based on it, and the application of AI customer service
is typical. Chatbot can provide customers with 24-hour service, anytime and anywhere to
answer their doubts, help enterprises improve service efficiency and reduce labor costs. But at
the present stage, the standardized and procedural reception mode of chatbot applied by
enterprises also makes many consumers feel disappointed. In the treatment of flexible problems
like bargaining, chatbot also appears to be inadequate. Bargaining is an eternal topic in the
market, and it is still the case in the online shopping scene. How to reduce the impact of
consumers' bargaining on profits by using controllable marketing communication means while
promoting the transaction is an important practical issue that enterprises pay attention to. From
the point of view of existing studies, scholars mainly focus on personal factors, enterprise
factors and other factors to study the bargaining behavior, but there are few studies on the
impact of different customer service reception subjects on consumers' bargaining behavior.
Therefore, this article put forward three hypotheses on the basis of existing research, using
a field experiment and laboratory experiment, through the consumers to purchase before and
after buying two classes of consumption situation, focusing on tangible goods (headphones,
used bicycle, bookshelf band 4 and band 6) and intangible services (dye hair package), using
SPSS software and related data analysis method, This paper verifies the influence mechanism
of artificial intelligence customer service on consumers' bargaining behavior, reveals the
mediating role of principled perception and the moderating role of consumers' anthropomorphic
tendency. The results show that when faced with the same bargaining situation, the consumers'
bargaining behavior is weaker when faced with ai customer service than when faced with
human customer service. The principle perception plays a mediating role in the influence of AI
customer service on consumers' bargaining behavior. Compared with human customer service,
consumers think ai customer service is more principled, and their bargaining behavior is weaker
when facing AI customer service than when facing human customer service. Consumers'
anthropomorphic tendency is a moderating variable that changes the strength of the main effect
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of AI customer service on bargaining behavior. For consumers with low anthropomorphic
tendency, AI customer service has a more significant effect on bargaining behavior.
This study verifies the impact of chatbot on consumers' bargaining behavior. At the
theoretical level, this study is helpful to understand how consumers react to different marketing
entities (human vs. artificial intelligence), the differences in psychological cognition and
behavioral response, expand the field of human-computer interaction research and artificial
intelligence in the field of marketing; At the same time, under the background of the rapid
development of artificial intelligence, the research in the field of bargaining has been expanded.
On the practical level, this paper provides referencefor enterprises using ARTIFICIAL
intelligence customer service to optimize marketing communication and guidance for the
development direction of artificial intelligence customer service technology. For enterprises
using artificial intelligence customer service, this paper can also obtain inspiration for choosing
the appropriate target market.
Key Words: Chatbot; Bargaining; Principled Perception; Anthropomorphic Tendency
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Abstract .................... II
1绪论.................... II
1.1研究背景................ 1
1.1.1现实背景............ 1
1.1.2理论背景............ 3
1.2研究内容与研究意义................. 4
1.2.1研究内容............ 4
1.2.2研究意义............ 6
1.3研究方法与论文结构................. 7
1.3.1研究方法............ 7
1.3.2论文结构............ 8
2文献综述.................. 10
2.1人工智能.............. 10
2.1.1人工智能的概念............ 10
2.1.2人工智能在营销领域的应用............. 10
2.2人工智能客服............. 12
2.2.1人工智能客服的概念和发展............. 12
2.2.2人工智能客服营销研究现状............. 13
2.3讨价还价相关研究............ 15
2.3.1讨价还价的概念与内涵.............. 15
2.3.2讨价还价营销研究现状.............. 16
2.4现有研究评述............. 17
3研究假设与模型............. 19
3.1人工智能客服对讨价还价行为的影响........ 19
3.2原则性感知的中介作用........... 20
3.3拟人化倾向的调节作用........... 22
4研究一:人工智能客服对讨价还价行为影响的主效应检验.... 24
4.1研究设计.............. 24
4.1.1实验设计................. 24
4.1.2实验过程................. 26
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