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摘 要信息技术快速发展催生出“零工经济”这一新型雇佣经济模式,企业开始依托在线劳动平台,利用大数据,匹配劳动供需双方,其中一方是向平台发出需求并愿意支付相应劳动的消费者,一方是愿意提供相应劳动的自由职业者或服务提供商,在服务过程中平台进行智能化管理,以实现商品或服务的交易。以网约车司机、外卖员为代表的服务业是在这种情境下产生的一种新型服务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,一线服务人员的行为表现直接关系着平台的声誉和市场竞争能力。主动服务行为对于零工工作者获得客户满意、平台得到客户信赖而言是非常重要的行为表现,而这类平台主要依靠算法对零工工作者进行管理,算法控制是平台区别于传统组织的一种工作特征,探索零工工作者感知算法控制影响其主动服务行为的路径是有必要的。为此,本文基于工作要求-资源理论和工作激情二元模型,构建了感知算法控制与主动服务行为关系的理论模型,引入工作激情作为中介变量,服务氛围作为调节变量,探索在线劳动平台零工工作者感知算法控制对其主动服务行为的影响机制,以期为在线劳动平台管理零工工作者提供建议。本文首先对感知算法控制、主动服务行为、工作激情、服务氛围的相关研究进行整理和总结,以现有研究结果为基础,做出合理假设。通过问卷对网约车司机、外卖员进行调研,再运用统计学工具分析数据,检验模型的合理性。结果表明感知算法控制会激发主动服务行为,具体而言,规范指导可以培养零工工作者的和谐型工作激情,追踪评估、行为约束则使零工工作者产生强迫型工作激情;具有和谐型工作激情和强迫型工作激情的零工工作者都会表现出高水平的主动服务行为;和谐型工作激情在规范指导和主动服务行为之间发挥中介效应,强迫型工作激情在追踪评估、行为约束与主动服务行为之间具有中介作用;服务氛围分别在和谐型工作激情、强迫型工作激情和主动服务行为之间的关系中起到正向的调节作用。研究结论可以为在线劳动平台激发零工工作者主动服务行为提供了指导建议。关键词:感知算法控制,工作激情,服务氛围,主动服务行为,在线劳动平台IAbstractThe rapid development of Internet technology has created conditions for "gig economy".Enterprises have begun to rely on online labor platforms and use big data to match labor supplyand demand, one of them is the consumer who sends demand to the platform and is willing topay for the relevant labor, one party is a freelancer or service provider willing to provide labor,and the platform performs intelligent management during the service process to fulfill thetransaction of goods or services. The service industry represented by Online car-hailing travelservices and food delivery services is a new type of service industry generated in this context.The behavior of front-line service personnel is directly related to the platforms reputation andmarket competitiveness. Proactive service behavior is a very important behavior for gig workersto obtain customer satisfaction and the platform to gain the trust of customers. Such platformsmainly rely on algorithms to manage gig workers. Algorithmic control is a job characteristicthat differentiates the platform from traditional organizations. It is necessary to explore howperceived algorithmic control of gig workers influences their proactive service behavior.Therefore, based on the job requirement-resource theory and dualistic model of passion,this paper constructs a theoretical model of the relationship between perceived algorithmiccontrol and proactive service behavior, introduces harmonious work passion and obsessivework passion as mediating variables, and service atmosphere as a moderating variable. Thispaper explores the influence mechanism of online labor platform gig workers perceivedalgorithmic control on their proactive service behaviors, which provides suggestions for onlinelabor platforms to manage gig workers.This paper firstly summarizes the relevant researches of perceived algorithmic control,proactive service behavior, work passion, and service climate, and puts forward reasonableresearch hypotheses based on the existing research results. Data were collected throughquestionnaires from online car-hailing drivers and takeaways, and then statistical softwareSPSS and Amos is used for empirical analysis and testing of research hypotheses.The results show that perceived algorithmic control will stimulate proactive servicebehavior. Specifically, standardized guidance can cultivate the harmonious work passion of gigworkers, while tracking evaluation and behavioral constraint can make gig workers haveII MBA论文_感知算法控制对在线劳动平台作者主动服务行为的影响研究PDFr>economic and social development has become a hot topic of concern to all sectors ofsociety. While stabilizing the capital market, institutional investors can take advantage oftheir advantages in professional knowledge, capital reserve, information collection ability,investment experience and decision analysis to play an effective role in supervision andgovernance,

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