Future of Jobs Report
MAY 2023May 2023 Future of Jobs Report 2023
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Future of Jobs Report 2023 2May 2023 Future of Jobs Report 2023
Key findings5
1 Introduction: the global labour market landscape in 2023 8
2 Drivers of labour market transformation20
2.1 Expected impact of macrotrends on industry transformation20
and employment
2.2 Expected impact of technology adoption on industry 24
transformation and employment
3 Jobs outlook 28
4 Skills outlook 37
4.1 Expected disruptions to skills 37
4.2 Reskilling and upskilling priorities in the next 5 years 42
5 Workforce strategies 49
5.1 Barriers to transformation and workforce strategies49
5.2 Talent availability and retention53
5.3 Talent development 57
Conclusion 61
Appendix A: Analysis methodology 62
Appendix B: Sectoral lens on macrotrends and technology 75
Appendix C: Sectoral lens on skills79
User guide 82
Economy Profiles 93
Industry Profiles183
Region Profiles 237
Skill Profiles 256
Contributors 287
Endnotes 294
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Future of Jobs Report 2023 3May 2023 Future of Jobs Report 2023
Saadia Zahidi
Managing Director, World
Economic Forum
Since its first edition in 2016, the World Economic 27 industry clusters and 45 economies from all
Forum’s bi-annual Future of Jobs Report has world regions. This report would not be possible
tracked the labour-market impact of the Fourthwithout their openness to contributing their views
Industrial Revolution, identifying the potential scale and insights, and we sincerely thank them all. We
of occupational disruption and growth alongside greatly appreciate, too, the support of our network
strategies for empowering job transitions fromof Partner Institutes, which have enhanced the
declining to emerging roles.report’s geographical coverage, and our ongoing
data collaborations with Coursera, Indeed and
In 2023, labour-market transformations drivenLinkedIn, which complemented the survey findings
by technological breakthroughs, such as the with a range of unique and innovative data-driven
coming of age of generative artificial intelligence insights. Our thanks also to the project team: Till
(AI), are being compounded by economic and Leopold, Elselot Hasselaar, Mark Rayner, Sam
geopolitical disruptions and growing social and Grayling, Ricky Li and Attilio Di Battista, as well as
environmental pressures. This fourth edition of the the wider team at the Centre for the New Economy
Future of Jobs Report therefore broadens its scope and Society for their input.
beyond technological change to also consider and
address the labour-market impact of a multitude of After widespread instability in the last three
concurrent trends, including the green and energy years across the world of work, we hope the
transitions, macroeconomic factors, and geo- outlook provided in this report will contribute to
economic and supply-chain shifts.an ambitious multistakeholder agenda to better
prepare workers, businesses, governments,
Similar to previous editions, the core of the 2023 educators and civil society for the disruptions
Future of Jobs Report is based on a unique survey- and opportu