Index Report
2023 Artificial Intelligence
Index Report 2023
Introduction to the
AI Index Report 2023
Welcome to the sixth edition of the AI Index Report! This year, the report introduces more original data than any
previous edition, including a new chapter on AI public opinion, a more thorough technical performance chapter,
original analysis about large language and multimodal models, detailed trends in global AI legislation records,
a study of the environmental impact of AI systems, and more.
The AI Index Report tracks, collates, distills, and visualizes data related to artificial intelligence. Our mission is
to provide unbiased, rigorously vetted, broadly sourced data in order for policymakers, researchers, executives,
journalists, and the general public to develop a more thorough and nuanced understanding of the complex field of
AI. The report aims to be the world’s most credible and authoritative source for data and insights about AI.
From the Co-Directors
AI has moved into its era of deployment; throughout 2022 and the beginning of 2023, new large-scale AI models
have been released every month. These models, such as ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Whisper, and DALL-E 2, are
capable of an increasingly broad range of tasks, from text manipulation and analysis, to image generation, to
unprecedentedly good speech recognition. These systems demonstrate capabilities in question answering and the
generation of text, image, and code unimagined a decade ago, and they outperform the state of the art on many
benchmarks, old and new. However, they are prone to hallucination, routinely biased, and can be tricked into
serving nefarious aims, highlighting the complicated ethical challenges associated with their deployment.
Although 2022 was the first year in a decade where private AI investment decreased, AI is still a topic of great
interest to policymakers, industry leaders, researchers, and the public. Policymakers are talking about AI more
than ever before. Industry leaders that have integrated AI into their businesses are seeing tangible cost and
revenue benefits. The number of AI publications and collaborations continues to increase. And the public is
forming sharper opinions about AI and which elements they like or dislike.
AI will continue to improve and, as such, become a greater part of all our lives. Given the increased presence of
this technology and its potential for massive disruption, we should all begin thinking more critically about how
exactly we want AI to be developed and deployed. We should also ask questions about who is deploying it—as
our analysis shows, AI is increasingly defined by the actions of a small set of private sector actors, rather than a
broader range of societal actors. This year’s AI Index paints a picture of where we are so far with AI, in order to
highlight what might await us in the future.
Jack Clark and Ray Perrault Artificial Intelligence
Index Report 2023
Top Ten Takeaways
Industry races ahead of academia.The world’s best new scientist … AI?
1 Until 2014, most significant machine learning4 AI models are starting to rapidly accelerate
models were released by academia. Since then, scientific progress and in 2022 were used to aid
industry has taken over. In 2022, there were 32 hydrogen fusion, improve the efficiency of matrix
significant industry-produced machine learning manipulation, and generate new antibodies.
models compared to just three produced by
academia. Building state-of-the-art AI systems The number of incidents concerning
increasingly requires large amounts of data, computer 5 the misuse of AI is rapidly rising.
power, and money—resources that industry actors According to the AIAAIC database, which tracks
inherently possess in greater amounts compared toincidents related to the ethical misuse of AI, the
nonprofits and academia.number of AI incidents and controversies has
increased 26 times since 2012. Some notable incidents
Performance saturation onin 2022 included a deepfake video of Ukrainian
2 traditional benchmarks.President Volodymyr Zelenskyy surrendering and
AI continued to post state-of-the-art results, but U.S. prisons using call-monitoring technology on their
year-over-year improvement on many benchmarks inmates. This growth is evidence of both greater use of
continues to be marginal. Moreover, the speed atAI technologies and awareness of misuse possibilities.
which benchmark saturation is being reached is
increasing. However, new, more comprehensive The demand for AI-related
benchmarking suites such as BIG-bench and HELM 6 professional skills is increasing across
virtually every American industrial sector.
are being released.
Across every sector in the United States for which
AI is both helping and there is data (with the exception of agriculture,
3 harming the environment. forestry, fishing, and hunting), the number of AI-
New research suggests that AI systems can have related job postings has increased on average from
serious environmental impacts. According to1.7% in 2021 to 1.9% in 2022. Employers in the United
Luccioni et al., 2022, BLOOM’s training runStates are increasingly looking for workers with AI-
emitted 25 times more carbon than a single air
related skills.
traveler on a one-way trip from New York to
San Francisco. Still, new reinforcement learning
models like BCOOLER show that AI systems
can be used to optimize energy usage. Artificial Intelligence
Index Report 2023
Top Ten Takeaways (cont’d)
For the first time in the last decade, Chinese citizens are among those
7 year-over-year private investment 10 who feel the most positively about
in AI decreased. AI products and services. Americans …
Global AI private investment was $91.9 billion innot so much.
2022, which represented a 26.7% decrease since In a 2022 IPSOS survey, 78% of Chinese respondents
2021. The total number of AI-related funding events (the highest proportion of surveyed countries) agreed
as well as the number of newly funded AI companies with the statement that products and services using
likewise decreased. Still, during the last decade as a AI have more benefits than drawbacks. After Chinese
whole, AI investment has significantly increased. In respondents, those from Saudi Arabia (76%) and India
2022 the amount of private investment in AI was 18 (71%) felt the most positive about AI products. Only
times greater than it was in 2013.
35% of sampled Americans (among the lowest of
While the proportion of companies surveyed countries) agreed that products and services
8 adopting AI has plateaued, theusing AI had more benefits than drawbacks.
companies that have adopted AI
continue to pull ahead.
The proportion of companies adopting AI in 2022
has more than doubled since 2017, though it has
plateaued in recent years between 50% and 60%,
according to the results of McKinsey’s annual
research survey. Organizations that have adopted
AI report realizing meaningful cost decreases and
revenue increases.
Policymaker interest in AI
9 is on the rise.
An AI Index analysis of the legislative records of 127
countries shows that the number of bills containing
“artificial intelligence” that were passed into law
grew from just 1 in 2016 to 37 in 2022. An analysis
of the parliamentary records on AI in 81 countries
likewise shows that mentions of AI in global
legislative proceedings have increased nearly
6.5 times since 2016. Artificial Intelligence
Index Report 2023
Steering Committee
Jack Clark Raymond Perrault
Anthropic, OECD SRI International
Erik BrynjolfssonKatrina LigettJuan Carlos Niebles Yoav Shoham
Stanford University Hebrew University Stanfo