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分 类 号: F275
论文编号: 2018020721 密级:
贵 州 大 学
2022 届硕士研究生学位论文
D 地区农商银行盈利能力评价体系
——以 A 农商银行为例
学科专业: 工商管理
导 师: 罗 兵
研 究 生: 陈桂萍
2022 年 6 月 目录
1.绪论 ............ 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 ........... 1
1.1.1 研究背景 ............1
1.1.2 研究意义 ............1
1.2 文献综述 .......... 2
1.3 研究内容与方法 ........... 5
1.3.1 研究内容 ............5
1.3.2 研究方法 ............7
2.相关理论基础........... 8
2.1 商业银行盈利能力 ......... 8
2.2 商业银行盈利能力相关理论........ 8
2.2.1 成本收益理论........8
2.2.2 规模经济理论........8
2.2.3 金融创新理论........9
2.3 商业银行盈利能力评价方法........ 9
2.3.1 趋势分析法..........9
2.3.2 因素分析法..........9
2.3.3 主成分分析法.......10
3.D 地区农商银行盈利能力评价现状及存在的问题 .........11
3.1 D 地区农商银行简介 ...... 11
3.2 D 地区农商银行盈利模式 ......... 13
3.3 D 地区农商银行盈利能力影响因素 ........ 14
3.4 D 地区农商银行盈利能力评价现状及存在的问题 ... 16
3.4.1 盈利能力评价现状 ..........16
3.4.2 盈利能力评价存在的问题....17
3.4.3 存在问题的原因分析 ........17
I4.D 地区农商银行盈利能力评价体系构建 ..........19
4.1 盈利能力评价体系构建目标....... 19
4.2 盈利能力评价指标选择原则....... 19
4.3 盈利能力评价指标选择 ........... 19
4.3.1 盈利性指标选择 .....20
4.3.2 安全性指标选择 .....21
4.3.3 流动性指标选择 .....21
4.3.4 成长性指标选择 .....22
4.4 盈利能力评价指标权重划分....... 23
4.4.1 权重计算基础数据的选择....23
4.4.2 主成分分析法的基本原理....23
4.4.3 主成分分析过程 .....24
4.5 综合得分及各维度指标得分的计算 ........ 29
4.5.1 综合得分的计算 .....29
4.5.2 各指标维度得分的计算 ......29
5.盈利能力评价体系的应用....... 32
5.1 D 地区农商银行盈利能力评价结果 ........ 32
5.2 盈利能力评价结果在 A 农商银行的应用 ....34
5.2.1 A 农商银行基本情况 ........34
5.2.2 盈利能力评价结果在 A 农商银行的应用 ..... 38
5.3 A 农商银行盈利能力提升建议..... 45
6.盈利能力评价体系的组织保障 .......... 47
7.结论与展望............ 49
致 谢 ............ 51
主要参考文献............ 52
II 摘 要
行正面临前所未有的挑战。D地区共有 20 家银行法人机构和 10 家银行分支机构,
该地区的 10 家农商银行在激烈的竞争环境中面临着诸多困难。商业银行的盈利
本文基于笔者在 D 地区农商银行获取的一手欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,以 D 地区 10 家农商银行
标进行权重划分,构建 D 地区农商银行盈利能力评价体系。盈利能力评价体系构
建后,以该地区农商银行中有代表性的A 农商银行为例,对 A 农商银行盈利能力
进行分析和评价,有效评估 A 农商银行的盈利能力,并根据评估情况,针对 A
容。第二章介绍商业银行盈利能力及相关理论和评价方法。第三章分析D 地区农
商银行盈利能力评价现状,提出存在的问题。第四章基于 D 地区 10 家农商银行
近 5 年的指标数据,利用主成分分析法构建D 地区农商银行盈利能力评价体系。
第五章是盈利能力评价体系在 A 农商银行的应用,根据盈利能力评价结果,分析
A 农商银行的现状和存在的问题,提出 A 农商银行盈利能力提升建议。第六章是
III Summary
Under the background of interest rate liberalization, with the continuous development of the
market economy and the continuous liberalization of the financial market, especially the rapid
development of Internet finance, the profitability of traditional deposit and loan spreads has
gradually weakened, and commercial banks are facing unprecedented challenges. challenge. There
are 23 bank legal person institutions and 10 bank branches in D region. The 10 rural commercial
banks in this region are facing many difficulties in the fierce competition environment. The
profitability of commercial banks is the basis for the survival and development of commercial
banks, and improving the profitability of commercial banks is crucial to the sustainable
development of commercial banks.
Based on the first-hand data obtained by the author in the rural commercial banks in the D
region, this paper takes 10 rural commercial banks in the D region as the research object, and
conducts a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the current situation of the profitability
evaluation of the rural commercial banks in the region. According to the analysis, find out the
problems and shortcomings in the profitability evaluation of the rural commercial banks in the
region, select the profitability, safety, liquidity and growth indicators that affect the profitability of
the bank, and use the principal component analysis method to analyze the selected indicators.
Carry out weight division and build a profitability evaluation system for rural commercial banks in
D region. After the profitability evaluation system is established, take the representative Rural
Commercial Bank A in the region as an example, analyze and evaluate the profitability of Rural
Commercial Bank A, effectively evaluate the profitability of Rural Commercial Bank A, and
based on the evaluation In view of the obstacles and difficulties in improving the profitability of A
Rural Commercial Bank, targeted improvement measures are put forward.
The first chapter starts from the introduction of the research background and significance of
this paper, and proposes the research method and research content of this paper. The second
chapter introduces the profitability of commercial banks and related theories and evaluation
methods. The third chapter analyzes the status quo of the profitability evaluation of rural
commercial banks in D region, and puts forward the existing problems. The fourth chapter builds

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