HX 装饰公司市场营销策略研究
Research on Marketing Strategy of HX Decoration Company
作 者 姓 名: 柏怡竹
学科、 专业: 工商管理
学 号: 32011238
指 导 教 师: 董维刚
完 成 日 期: 2022 年 5 月 28 日
Dalian University of Technology
作者郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文, 是本人在导师的指导下进行研究
工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文 中已经注明引用内容和致谢的地方外,
学位论文题目: HX 装饰公司市场营销策略研究
作 者 签 名 :日期: 2022 年 5 月 28 日
摘 要
研究 HX 装饰公司这类中小型企业如何在多变的市场环境中更好地生存就变得尤为重
本文以 HX 装饰公司为研究对象,通过学习和融合国内外专家学者关于市场营销领
费需求及偏好。在此基础上,本文通过STP 理论为 HX 装饰公司进行市场细分,并针对
协助企业重新明确其市场定位。依据上述分析结果并结合 4Ps 营销理论,本文为 HX 装
饰公司制定了营销策略优化方案。最后,本文分别从HX 装饰公司的人力资源、企业制
本文的研究内容希望可以帮助 HX 装饰公司完善其营销策略并创造市场价值,同时
关键词:营销策略;家装欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司;4Ps 营销理论;环境分析
- I -HX 装饰公司市场营销策略研究
Research on Marketing Strategy of HX Decoration Company
The rapid development of the real estate industry promotes the steady growth of China’s
home decoration industry, and the market scale increases year by year. At the same time, with
the gradual improvement of China’s national income level, people have higher requirements
for the comfort of the living environment, and residents’ willingness to improve living
conditions has increased significantly, which has brought huge development space for the
home decoration industry. Although the prospect of home decoration market is bright, we
cannot ignore the existence of problems. China’s home decoration industry presents the state
of “large industry, small enterprise”, the homogeneity of products and services between
enterprises is serious and the competition is chaotic. The fully decorated housing policy
launched by the state has prompted real estate enterprises to invade the home decoration
market and compete with home decoration enterprises for customer resources, which has
intensified the competition in the home decoration industry. Therefore, it is particularly
important to study how small and medium-sized enterprises such as HX Decoration Company
survive better in the changeable market environment, among them the importance of
enterprise marketing strategy to enterprise survival and development is self-evident.
Taking HX Decoration Company as the research object, this thesis analyzes the current
situation, deficiencies and reasons of enterprise marketing strategy by learning and integrating
the research literature of domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the theory and industry
analysis in the field of marketing, analyzes the external macro environment faced by the
enterprise by using the PEST analysis tool, combs the industry competitive environment faced
by the enterprise by using Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model, and straightens out the current
situation of internal resources of the enterprise through internal environment analysis, use the
questionnaire survey to clarify the consumer demand and preference of consumers in the
market. On this basis, this thesis subdivides the market for HX Decoration Company through
STP theory, comprehensively evaluates and analyzes the subdivided market one by one, and
then determines the target market in combination with the actual resources and development
status of the enterprise to help the enterprise redefine its market positioning. Based on the
above analysis results and combined with the marketing theory of 4Ps, this thesis formulates a
marketing strategy optimization scheme for HX Decoration Company. Finally, this thesis puts
forward the safeguard measures that can ensure the smooth implementation of the optimized
marketing strategy from the three aspects of human resources, enterprise system and
enterprise culture of HX Decoration Company.
- II - 大连理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文
The research content of this thesis hopes to help HX Decoration Company improve its
marketing strategy and create market value, at the same time it can also provide practical and
effective reference value for other similar home decoration enterprises in formulating
marketing strategies.
Key Words:Marketing Strategy; Home Decoration Industry; The Marketing
Theory of 4Ps; Environment Analysis
- III -