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E-mail :Kurt@tencent Avatar Business Plan What’s Avatar 现实中的我 虚拟世界的我 (AVATAR) Avatar指的是起源于韩国的一种“网络化身”的在线娱乐项目,玩家可以通过购买服装、饰品、房屋等自由变换自己的网络虚拟形象。
一方面我们说Avatar是网民在互联网上的一个形象化的可变的标识,另一方面来说Avatar是在线交流类网络服务中最现实可行的一种收费模式。 Why Avatar “How about ragged jeans?”
“They are not suitable for your age, Mom.”
Kim Ran(42), who lives in Samsong-dong, Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, recently have much more
conversation with her fifth-grader son in elementary school than before. That’s because she
has had discussions and evaluation sessions over their Avatar clothes and accessories.
“With 5-6 thousand won a month, I can buy ragged jeans or princess
dresses that I dare not wear in the real world and satisfy my
repressed desires,” said Mrs. Kim. “Most of the 40 members in my same-age Internet
community have their Avatars.”
2002/04/28, The Digital Times 网络也是一个世界,一个我们可以实现现实中不可能实现的梦想世界,Avatar提供这种可能 Why Avatar
Lee Jisun, a 23-year-old student, hasn't owned anything Barbie in over a decade but has
spent almost $85 so far this year on girly pink dresses and ankle-breaking high-heels for her avatar.
"I would never wear this stuff in real life, but what else
would you do with an avatar but go wild and have some
fun?" she says.
2002/06/18, Korea economics 著名的芭比娃娃,由于其Avatar授权在年初的良好表现,该公司在韩国今年15%的许可收入预测将来自于对Sayclub的Avatar授权。 。。。以下略