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北京·国瑞熙墅北七家样板房深化方案汇报 BEIJING GLORY XISHU BEIQIJIA EXAMPLE ROOM DESIGN DEVELOPMENT XX. XX. 20XX 关千我们 l HWCD CREATES EXQUISITE RESIDENCES FOR THE MOST DISCERNING CLIENTS THROUGH AN HOLISTIC AND CONSIDERED DESIGN APPROACH. HWCD is a fast-g 「 owing design firm with an international team based in Shanghai, London, and Barcelona. Our portfolio includes urban design, boutique hotels, high-end residentia,l landscape design and consulting. From concept to cons「t uction d「awings, we pride ourselves especially for our work in high-end residential and commercial projects. We approach each project In a considered and holistic way. Our wo 『 k is simultaneously considered and playful; the designs we produce are unique, not formulaic or style寸riven tu but are derived from a s died appraisal of and an intelligent 1·1 ,1 and lay印 ed response to a.brief and the particular situation. 归LWCDIS UNIQUE AS WE1: Emb 『 ace a holistic ,;1pproach towards design where the architectura.linterior design and furniture teams work closely together to create beautifully conceived, integrated design 1neorpo r 白 t e an Tn -h ous 矿 Tu1 i tini c al Design team and Procurement Manage \ch inform the design and control the deljve a_nd uality rs w of t roject h p 11 1111111l 1H Have a cli ent-cenfric 尸 , c <iil borative ethos HWCD have developed an Informedand unique approach to implement!ng andmanaging theinterior Design process 设计理念 WE DO NOT HAVEA DESIGNHOUSESTYLE BUT APPLY DESIGNHOUSE RULES WHICHENSURE THEPROJECTS ARERESPONSIVE TO THE CONTEXT,SPECIFIC NEEDS AND ASPIRATIONSOF THE CLIENT Ti 1. We design 「fiom first-principles Pl, es 1 ?op 比 l)OS S 七 ssions 如 1 ispirations from 哗 SIS of ou 于 designs. 抻 is appro ch ere 啦 s individual exi:,rll ssi(')n style and co'1s1stency in the underlying design 心 11g 叩 e II also gives depth and resonance to the des1Jns an avthentlc!!y, me如ng and appropriation 3. Out design language is not predetE/rmined It 's born out of this unique three-V.Iat collabora 廿 on be 如 ee designer. the cli rit la nd the 抽 en situation 面 s un[que amalgam becomes enriched by,the p阳 ess arid theselected desigi team involved, when co加 ned and d昢lied ihrq,4g!] 1he rigorous design process we undertake creates projects with real meaning, integrity and virtue 2. We believe in a project's Genius Loci ht:: sp r1 01 p!ace ntor ms ot des gn narratives UnderstIan,:, ding referencing and responding to context 1s key to creating harm(!nious designs ? we believe the design h'七 style of, ) t ,,. interior should be ha, onious with the exterior and the 1n 打 insic ?qualities of the arcMeclure. Designs s卜ould have nan,onious i'1ter-rel 1tionsh1ps t c:ilween architecture the 1,: teiii 对 _ a nd fumil u 『 e The work we proo Jee is therefore not formulaic or style-driven. but born ou,t 1f a 勺 ud,e c appr 印 sa:[ 9f, and learned response to, the given situation: 4. We create pro]ects·with depth and resonance Whtct ha,,e timeless qualities that have wide appeal and will not date and will be coni>idered valu;:1ble by our clients 。。。以下略

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