称“XP航空公司”)隶属于海航集团(HNA),成立于 2004年 6月,现有飞机
53架(截至 2021年),公司经营着国内、国际、地区航线共计 140余条。相对
在服务资源投入受到约束的情况下,如何进一步提升自身服务质量成为 XP航空
本文选取 XP航空公司作为研究对象,主要参考 CCSI模型,以顾客感知服
登机与值机、空乘、不正常航班服务等 8个项目作为顾客感知服务质量的关键接
触点,将其作为一级评价指标,运用 AHP的思想,在此基础上进一步细化 24
定指标计算规则,构建了 XP航空公司顾客感知服务质量满意度评价指标体系。
本文以前人的研究为基础,结合 XP航空公司实际情况,通过对乘坐 XP航空公
通过调查发现,目前 XP航空公司顾客感知服务质量满意度总体处于一般水准,
In recent years, passengers' willingness to travel by air has become stronger and
stronger, which puts forward higher requirements for airline services. More and more
airlines regard service quality as one of the main products of airlines, and regard it as
the company's core competitiveness. The satisfaction of customers on flights is greatly
affected by service quality, and indirectly affects the long-term benefits and future
development of airlines. XP Airlines Co., LTD. (referred to as "XP Airlines") is a
subsidiary of HNA group. It was established in June 2004 and has 53 aircraft (by
2021). The company is registered in Kunming, Yunnan Province, with its operating
bases in Kunming, Lijiang, Chengdu, Mianyang and Zhengzhou. The company
operates more than 140 domestic, international and regional airlines. Compared with
the large airlines led by the three major airlines, XPAirlines has shortcomings such as
short time, small fleet size, limited capital and weak strength., especially in the
service of investment and innovation and hardware equipped with the obvious gap,
and these three aspects have become the precondition and foundation of restricting
airline passengers satisfaction. Under the condition that service resource input is
restricted, how to further improve its service quality has become an important
problem that XP airlines need to solve.
This paper selects XP Airline as the research object, mainly referring to CCSI
model and taking customer perception of service quality as the entry point. The
various contact point of the whole process service system, selection of ticketing
services, boarding and check-in, cabin service, abnormal flight 8 projects such as the
service as the key point of contact customer perceived service quality, Taking it as the
primary evaluation index, using the idea of AHP, on this basis, 24 projects are further
refined as the secondary evaluation index. The index system of Customer perception
of service quality of XP airline is constructed by using expert ranking method to
assign weights to all levels of evaluation indexes and formulating calculation rules of
indexes. In order to further study, based on the previous research and the actual
situation of XP Airlines, this paper designs a questionnaire, conducts a satisfaction
questionnaire survey on the passengers who fly on XP Airlines, and collects the
evaluation data of customers' service satisfaction with XP Airlines. Through the
investigation, it is found that the current situation of Customer perception of service
quality satisfaction of XP airlines is generally in the general level, passengers
generally express recognition of the service, but there is still a gap with the
expectation in the heart. Among them, the satisfaction of ticket purchase link is the
highest, and the satisfaction of abnormal flight service link is the lowest. The main
problems in the service provided by XP Airline are abnormal flight information
notification, accommodation arrangement is not timely, abnormal flight staff is not
capable of dealing with, the hardware experience of meals and other poor, there is still
room for improvement in the comfort of air service, etc. Finally, in view of the above
problems, we give countermeasures and suggestions to improve customer satisfaction.
Key words: Customer satisfaction; Customer perception; Service quality; XPAirlines;
Service touch point