2022: a challenging year for Digital Commerce Seismic shifts in Digital Commerce Then, in 2020, Covid-19 caused seismic shifts in digital Today, e-commerce accounts for almost $1 trillion in annual retail sales in the US, or 13% of the total retail industry. On a global level, e-commerce is now worth $5 trillion. commerce, forcing near-total reliance on digital and online retail. This exacerbated the existing shift to digital commerce, driving tech stock growth. It also drove a wave of mega capital raises, as venture capital and growth equity firms were flooded with large amounts of dry powder to spend on high-growth, highly successful Covid plays. Beyond well-known market hegemons like Amazon and Alibaba, tremendous growth in e-commerce throughout the 2010s propelled the rise of many big winners in the tech stock market. 430.00 380.00 330.00 280.00 230.00 180.00 130.00 80.00 -56% Sep '16 Sep '17 Sep '18 Sep '19 Sep '20 Sep '21 Sep '22 EvolutionoftheGlobalOnlineRetail“GLORE50” indexshareprice,2016-present Mid-year market corrections? In May 2022, the value of e-commerce stocks The year 2022 has seen huge changes in the Digital Commerce market. As Covid-19 restrictions loosened, spending patterns shifted away from online retail and back to brick-and-mortar stores and services. More broadly, Q1 2022 saw several geopolitical and macroeconomic events make the headlines, including post-pandemic inflationary pressures, armed conf 。。。以下略