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Y 银行 L 支行的小微信贷发展从开始的探寻时期,逐步走向如今的优化改进阶段。
但是通过对 Y 银行 L 支行的深入探究发现,其小微存量业务的逾期贷款有日趋加大的
趋势,且存在存量客户财务管理不规范、银企数据不匹配等现状,Y银行 L支行亟需实
信用风险的概念及相关理论出发,以 Y 银行 L 支行这样一个一级支行作为研究对象。
首先剖析了 Y银行 L支行小微客户信用风险管理的近况,得出 Y银行 L支行信息来源
后解释 Y 银行 L 支行小微信贷存量业务问题产生的缘由。最后提出完善信用风险管理
2020年疫情的重创和冲击及成本压力的加大,小微企业发展依然存在挑战,因此 Y
银行 L 支行面临的小微企业信用风险依然突出。本文围绕 Y 银行 L 支行的实际发展现
策略和保障措施,以此来提高 Y银行 L支行的核心竞争力,对完善 Y银行小微企业信
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Y银行 L支行小微企业信用风险管理研究
Research on Credit Risk Management of Small and Micro Enterprises in L
Sub Branch of Bank Y
In recent years, the financial services of small and micro enterprises have received urgent
attention from the state and regulatory agencies. Around the emergence of the concept of
inclusive finance, the difficulty and cost of financing for small and micro customers under the
new economic situation has been highlighted. In order to facilitate the active development of
small and micro enterprises, the state and regulatory authorities have proposed two-increase
and two-control assessment requirements to provide credit support for small and micro groups.
Affected by the new crown epidemic, small and micro enterprises have faced problems, and it's
imminent for financial assistance to resume work and production.
The small and micro enterprise loans of L Sub Branch of Bank Y has gradually moved
from the initial exploratory to current optimization level. However, into deep understanding, it's
found that the non-performing loan rate of is increasing year by year, and there are current
conditions such as non-standard financial management of stock customers and mismatching of
bank and enterprise data. L Sub Branch of Bank Y still needs practical and operable measures to
solve the problems and difficulties in the credit risk management of small and micro
enterprises.Starting from the concept and relevant theories of credit risk, this paper takes the
primary branch as the research object. Firstly, it analyzes the current situation of credit risk
management in L Sub Branch of Bank Y, and comes to the conclusion that there are few
sources of information for L Sub Branch of Bank Y and low reliability., low credit risk
diversification ability, has poor collateral effect as well as poor loan quality, the credit risk
supervision is a mere formality. And then the causes of the credit business problems are
analyzed. Finally, it puts forward suggestions and corresponding safeguard measures to
improve the credit risk management system. The suggestions mainly include five aspects:
optimizing the allocation of loan resources and the content of credit ratings, using the risk
warning level mechanism, and broaden the guarantee model, strengthen the risk mitigation
management of collateral, and strengthen the closed-loop control. The safeguard measures
include strengthening the performance and refined management mechanism, strengthening
talents, improving the assessment and competition mechanism, strengthening concept and
cultural training, improving the core competitiveness.
With the severe damage and impact of the epidemic in 2020 and the increase in cost
pressures, there are still challenges in the development of small and micro enterprises.
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Therefore, the credit risks of small and micro enterprises faced by the L Sub Branch of Bank
Y are still outstanding. This article focuses on the L Sub Branch of Bank Y, starting from the
actual development status, analyzes the problems, raises questions, and proposes the
improvement strategies and safeguard measures for the credit risk management of small and
micro enterprise loans in response to the problems, so as to improve the core competitiveness
of the L Sub Branch of Bank Y, Research on improving the credit risk management of small
and micro enterprises in Y bank can provide a certain reference, and hope that this
opportunity can be used as a reference for other financial institutions.
Key Words:Small and Micro Enterprises; Commercial Banks; Credit business; Credit
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