自 2011 到 2014 的三年间,中国使用的水泥比美国在上个世纪一百年的时间里消耗的都要多。曾经住在 自然 材料住宅中的人们,现在都迁入了混凝土房屋中,而且这个趋势随着全球化的进程在世界各地都变 得更加普 遍。事务所被委托设计 3 个旅店,以表现出传统天然材料和现代手法结合后的潜力:区别于传 统的审美,设 计师想要表现出天然材料的美感,直接将裸露的泥土用作外立面的设计。用非标准化的材 料为当地创造了更 多的就业机会,也加强了城乡直接的区别性和多元化,促进了经济的公平发展,保护 了地球的生态。
Within three years (2011-2014) China consumed more cement than the USA during the last century. Most of those people living now in concrete housing blocks were living in houses made of natural materials. T his trend happens all over the world. Alternatives are needed to reduce CO2 emissions. The 3 hostels show that traditional, natural materials can be used in contemporary way s: unlike many traditional houses that hide mud behind fake facades, this project celebrates the beauty of natural materials. Using non-standardized, local materials will lead to more diversity in urban and rural regions, foster fair economics – through the creation of jobs – and preserve our planet`s ecosystem. 龙泉山竹子旅店,浙江宝溪 / Studio Anna Heringer
融入自然的竹编夯土建筑。 ▼竹质旅店的外观,appearance of the building ?Ju lien Lanoo 这个项目是龙泉国际双年展的一部分,主办方邀请了12名建筑师来设计竹材结构的永久性建筑。Studio Anna Heringer 的设计团队被委托设计 2 个旅店和 1 个民宿。旅店的结构由石头和夯土材料组成。核心区 包含所有 的设施和楼梯,附有休息的空间。核心区外的部分是竹编的外立面,就像中国传统的灯笼,体 现了编织竹子 的表现力。
This project was part of the Longquan International Biennale that sought to build with bamboo, for which 12 architects were invited to build permanent structures. Our studio was commissioned for 2 hostels and 1 guesthouse. The structure of the hostels is formed out of a core made of stones and rammed earth. The core hosts all facility units and the stairs.
Attached to it are the sleeping units. The latter are designed like Chinese lampshades that gloom in the night. Around them is an expressive structure out of woven bamboo. 。。。以下略