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the second stage conceptal design 第二階段規劃、概念階段 chieF designeR:Ricky Wong design Manage R: thion luneng taishan no.7 the secong phase pRoject chongqing, china 重慶 · 魯能泰山七號二期会所室內設計項目 analysis oF geogRaphical enviRonMent 地理壞境分析 luneng taishan no.7 the second phase pRoject · chongqing 重慶 · 魯能泰山七號二期会所室內設計項目 Projec項t目l區o位cation Yubei District lOcal blOck is lOcateD iN chONgqiNg ON the west siDe Of ceNtral park, the largest OpeN citY ceNter park, high-eND plate the DOwNturN, urbaN ecOlOgical resiDeNce, imprOViNg traffic settles, prOmOteD acceleratiON Value, busiNess, cOmmerce, gOVerNmeNt, eDucatiON is perfect, cOmplete equipmeNts. 本地塊位於重慶市渝北區中央公園西側,國內最大的開放式城市中心公園,高端低迷板塊,城市生態住宅,交通改善落定,價值加速提升,商業,商務,政務,教育完善,配套齊全。 luneng taishan no.7 the second phase pRoject · chongqing 重慶 · 魯能泰山七號二期会所室內設計項目 in chongqing local custoMeR MaRket deMand FoR the Main diRection, this kind oF just, just change the custoMeR deMand as the coRe custoMeRs, Meet the Functional RequiReMents oF such gRoups living in chongqing FoR the FiRst tiMe hoMe oR hoMe again; on this basis, to attRact investMent clients FoR key custoMeRs; the ReMaining custoMeRs FoR My custoMeRs nationWide. 以重慶本地客戶為市場需求做主要導向,以此類剛需、剛改需求客戶為核心客戶,滿足此類群體於重慶首次置业或再次置業的居住功能需求;在此基础上,吸引到的投 資客戶為重要客戶;全國其餘客戶為偶得客戶。 such gRoups just need to change, just need gRoups Mainly in uppeR class society, and have a ceRtain econoMic base, the gRoup leading the opeRation oF coMMunity ResouRces sMaRtFoRtune class. 此類群體以刚需、剛改需求群體為主,處於社會中高層階級,具備一定的與經濟基礎,該群體主导社 会资源运作的财智阶级。 such gRoups to iMpRove custoMeR based, to Meet the Functional needs oF such gRoups living. local Residents as an iMpoRtant custoMeR, such gRoups have a ceRtain econoMic stRength, a ceRtain aMount oF expeRience in the investMent, the puRchase oF pRopeRty to occupy a laRgeR pRopoRtion oF the pRopoRtion oF the gRoup's investMent. 此類群體以改善型客戶為主,滿足此類群體居住功能需求。以当地居民為重要客戶,此類群體具備一 定經濟實力,對投資有一定經驗,購置物業佔據該群體投資比例的較大部分。 pRovince and otheR Regional investMent gRoups. 省內及其他區域投資群體。 custOmer base lOcatiON - graDe lOck 客群定位 - 分級鎖定 custoMeR base analysis 客群分析 核心客戶 偶得客戶 重要客戶 。。。以下略

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