PROFILE 辰曼景观与建筑设计
CHEMIN LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGN Chemin, for the process of urbanization and real estate development to provide professional landscape space art design services. Chemin design is an accumulation of many years and has a deep precipitation of the design agency, from the first platform in Asia, the backbone of the power set in one, to build Chemin Chinese team. Combined with the Internet information technology, and the original design of the split mode, the new advanced design concept of service in the future. 辰曼,为城市化进程与房地产开发提供专业的景观空间艺 术设计服务 。辰曼设计是一家积累多年且具有深厚沉淀的设 计机构,来自亚洲一线平台的主干力量集一体,构建 CHEMIN中国团队。 结合互联网信息技术,和独创的设计分拆模式,以全新的 先进设计理念服务未来。 我们专注于房地产、五星级酒店、旅游度假区规划及景观 设计,完成了多个知名项目,所服务项目多次获得地区销售冠 军。 艺术原创设计 辰曼定位于高端环境综合设计服务机构,联合:深圳那特 雕塑公司、北京独角兽公共艺术机构、香港BIM、王志刚工作 室,共同为客户提供高艺术含量的原创作品。
作为《地产资源联盟》景观秘书长单位,广东设计师联盟 理事企业 辰曼拥有欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内庞大的粉丝客户群,能为客户提供业 内精准的营销及推广。 Chemin positioning in high-end environment comprehensive design services United: Shenzhen l-art sculpture Co., Ltd., Beijing Unicorn public art institutions, Hong Kong BIM together for customers to provide original works of high artistic content.
As the "real estate resources alliance" landscape of the secretary general, Guangdong Designers Association, the industry has a huge fan of the industry's huge fan base, to provide customers with the industry's precision marketing and promotion. 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内精准推广 设计+ 。。。以下略