本文通过对 CY集团旗下子公司——CYZ公司财务造假事件的研究。搜索相关财务
造假的企业并结合 CYZ公司财务造假事件理清企业造假的动因。基于三角舞弊理论探
究 CYZ公司财务造假行为,在存在盈利压力的情况下,有着高业绩承诺的 CYZ公司利
用管理层的信息和管理优势来掩饰真实财务状况,瞒过 CY集团管理层在其财务报告上
问题的 CYZ公司高管创造机会,致使财务造假行为的发生。基于动因分析可知,企业
之所以财务造假,内控不足是主要问题。本文从五个方面剖析 CYZ公司内部控制体系
Research on the motivation and Preventive Countermeasures of
financial fraud in the subsidiary of CY Technology Group
Graduate student: Lin Yongyi
Supervisor: Wang Yifeng
Major: Financial
Research direction: Financial markets and investment
Grate: The class of 2020
A modern enterprise develops and grows to a certain extent, considering various aspects
such as development strategy, it will acquire small enterprises to generate synergies and bring
new profit space for the enterprise. Before the merger and acquisition, the target company will
be comprehensively analyzed and considered, and the audit institution will be asked to
evaluate the financial data of the small company, in order to obtain the ownership of the
company at a reasonable price. In recent years, some companies have signed performance
commitments during mergers and acquisitions to guarantee the profitability and growth ability
of the company. If the company fulfills the performance commitment through financial fraud,
it will not only damage the brand image of the parent company, damage the interests of
investors, but also disrupt the capital market. order. The injection of "toxic assets" into
enterprises not only fails to bring benefits to the enterprise, but these negative effects will also
lead to a plummeting corporate image. At present, the methods of corporate financial fraud
are becoming more and more concealed and complex, which affects the judgment of
regulators and challenges the effectiveness of corporate information disclosure systems.
Based on the research on the financial fraud incidents of CY Technology Group's
subsidiaries, this paper searches for related financial fraud enterprises and combines the
financial fraud incidents of A company to clarify the reasons for corporate fraud. Based on the
triangular fraud theory to explore the financial frauds of CYZ company, under the increasing
pressure of market competition, A company with high performance commitments, used the
management's information and management advantages to cover up the real financial
situation and hide the truth from CY Technology Group management whitewashes its
financial reports in order to deliver on performance commitments. The unchanged
management of subsidiaries and the lax internal supervision system of the group have created
opportunities for the executives of CYZ company with moral problems, resulting in the
occurrence of financial fraud. Based on the analysis of the motivation, it can be seen that the
main problem of the company's financial fraud is the lack of internal control. This paper
analyzes the internal control system of CYZ company from five aspects in order to analyze at
a deeper level, from the problems existing in the internal control environment of enterprises,
the inappropriate risk assessment before and after mergers and acquisitions, the lack of
management and control of internal control activities after mergers and acquisitions, corporate
information disclosure and communication The internal control problems of enterprises can
be seen from the aspects of obstruction and failure of the internal supervision system. In-depth
understanding of the problems existing in the management of parent-subsidiary enterprises
from motivation analysis to internal control analysis. This paper puts forward
countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening the internal control system, and provides
reference suggestions for other enterprises, which has important practical significance for
preventing financial fraud in my country's parent-subsidiary enterprises.
Based on the above analysis, the following suggestions are put forward on the internal
control management of parent-subsidiary enterprises: First, optimize the internal control
environment. Enterprises should constantly improve their corporate governance structure and
establish corporate culture. Second, improve the risk assessment mechanism. Enterprises
should have an in-depth understanding of their own development and pay attention to their
business risks. Third, focus on internal control activities. Enterprise management should
implement effective management and ensure the orderly operation of the accounting system.
Fourth, strengthen information disclosure and communication. Fifth, improve the enterprise
supervision system. In order to provide reference and reference for parent-subsidiary
enterprises in the prevention and governance of financial fraud.
Key words: Financial fraud;Internal control;Management and supervision;Motivation of
financial fraud