Design Foundation
设计基础 开放空间。洒脱。一个清洁,当代 建筑和充满活力的社会场景融合在 一起的地方。 Open space. Free and easy. The place where the clean, contemporary architecture and vibrant social scene blends together. Aloft Design Foundation /设计基础 Passion Points
激情点 音乐 .Music
建筑 .Architecture 科技 .Technology Design Description
Urban industrial feel with genuine
modern furniture and brilliant color. Mission 任务
给有风格与喜欢舒适性和乐趣的全球旅客。带来的社会环境,以一 个没有压力和寂寞的旅程地方。
For worldwide travelers who love style, comfort and fun. A place that brings a social environment to an otherwise stressful, lonesome journey. Lounge area W xyz Bar
早市早餐休息室。晚市热闹的酒吧。 特点雅乐轩图形和可上锁的存储。 Breakfast Lounge by day. Lively bar by night. Features Aloft graphic and lockable storage. 雅乐轩标志性的场所都拥有一致性的品牌,客户体验和服务交付不会受到损害。
Aloft iconic space features the consistency of the brand, guest experience and service delivery and are not to be compromised.
标志性的接待台,每 年更新的图形四次。
The iconic reception desk with updated graphic four times per year. Aloft Iconic Components/ 标志性成分 Re:Fuel
全天候随取,即走的美食,并带有特色的图形 菜单板,Re:Fuel桌. 24/7 Grab & Go Gourmet with signature graphics, menu boards and Re:Fuel table. Re:Stock
零售玻璃柜显示基本 的杂物,华而不实的 小玩意等等。 Retail glass cabinet for displaying basic sundries, flashy gadgets and more. In:Touch 互联网与打印机角落。 Internet corner
with printer. Re:Mix
源插座的舒适休息室。 Work meets play. Comfortable lounge with pool table and communal table with lots of electrical sockets. Backyard
面向花园的户外座位。现 代全天候座椅和双面壁炉 酒吧。 Outdoor seating facing the garden. Modern all- weather seating and double-sided fireplace glances into the bar. Find band and led wall 。。。以下略