002022 SETTING THE PACE FIFA Benchmarking Report Women’s Football President’s foreword All over the world, girls and women are getting passionately involved in the game, both on and o? the pitch, using the sport to break down barriers, and this is exactly where FIFA is leading the way by accelerating the growth of women’s football. To boost further growth, and in line with our vision to make football truly global, we have set out a dedicated strategy focusing on four key areas aimed at reforming competitions, increasing the commercial value, modernising development programmes and enhancing professionalisation. Our goal is to bring the women’s game into the mainstream, ensuring that opportunities in football exist for girls and women globally – both on and off the pitch. FIFA now wishes to further build upon the solid basis laid through the first edition of the report and to continue monitoring the growth of the women’s game. The document provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the women’s football landscape at both league and club level through the participation of 30 elite leagues and 294 clubs. This edition, as in last year’s, assesses the reality of the game across key areas: sporting, governance, financial landscape, fan engagement and players. As we strongly commit to maintaining the momentum and accelerating development between every edition of the FIFA I truly hope that, by presenting emerging challenges and op 。。。以下略