2022 State of S EngineersOverview from Hired’s CEO 2 Amid the ongoing tech talent shortage and record-high demands from companies eager to ?ll open roles, so more than twice the amount of interview requests on average in 2021 than they did in 2020. 2022 State of S Engineers Introduction Key Findings Top S Engineering Skills Top S Engineering Roles Salary & Demand Trends by Market to o?er compelling salaries and bene?ts and extend their talent search to hire remote so Demand by Company Size What Motivates S What's Next? and distributing teams globally. Methodology & Glossary For so market and the more specialized their skill set, the higher the demand and salary. Josh Brenner CEO of HiredIntroduction 3 In this report, we analyzed data from over 366,000 interactions between companies and so To uncover the latest trends in the ?eld, we also surveyed over 2,000 so 2022 State of S Engineers Introduction Key Findings Top S Engineering Skills Top S Engineering Roles demand skills and roles, salaries across markets, shi away from tech hubs, and what matters most to so when considering a new job. Salary & Demand Trends by Market Demand by Comp