Entertainment GWI’s flagship report on the latest trends in entertainmentIn this report 04 05 07 09 Introduction Discover our data Key insights TV trends to watch Are consumers cutting the cord because of online TV? What’s next for streaming platforms? 29 Video views Which social platforms do consumers turn to most for their entertainment fix? What types of video content are they craving? Methodology & definitions 37 Audio insights All figures in this report are drawn from GWI’s online research among internet users aged 16-64. Our figures are rep- resentative of the online populations of others will include only respondents who completed GWI’s Core survey via PC/ laptop/tablet. Is music streaming still popular? What kind of music appeals most to consumers? How to use podcasts as a marketing tool? each market, not its total population. When reading this report, please note 57 Gaming findings Note that in many markets in Latin America, the Middle-East and Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region, low internet penetration rates can mean online pop- ulations are more young, urban, affluent and educated than the total population. that we focus on dat