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本研究以鄂尔多斯市准格尔旗XD物业服务公司为例,对其服务运营现状进行 分析研究并优化设计。研究通过本人家属在XD物业公司工作的实际体会、与相关 人员的访谈、业主物业服务质量满意度问卷的分析,发现XD物业公司当前在服务 运营的过程中存在以下四方面的问题:结构设置、人力资源、服务质量、运营机 制。 本研究进一步深入分析,从组织结构、人力资源、服务质量、运营模式四方 面进行了优化设计:首先,优化组织架构完善了公司原有的组织结构和小区业主 大会和业委会;其次,通过建立科学的竞聘制度、培训制度、打造专业的人才库、 健全激励机制来对人力资源进行优化;然后,优化服务质量,培养员工服务意识、 遵守制度、进行情绪管理并做好定期考核;最后,通过建立满意度为导向的管理、 提高物业收缴率、违规问题整治和推动智能化服务来优化公司运营机制问题。最 后通过构建规范化运营体制、完善人力资源体系、加强信息化建设、创新服务和 打造企业文化来等方面提出了可操作性的实施保障。通过本文的研究,希望为XD 物业公司服务运营管理的改善、服务质量和服务水平的提高有所帮助。 关键词:服务运营,运营管理,XD物业公司 II Abstract The study takes XD property company in Zhungeer, Ordos as an example to analyze and optimize its service operation status. Through the analysis of my family members' practical experience of working in XD property company, interviews with relevant personnel and the satisfaction questionnaire, the study found that XD property company currently has the following four problems in the process of service operation: structure setting, human resources, service quality and operation mechanism. The study carries out optimization design from four aspects of organizational structure, human resources, service quality and operation mode via further analysis. First of all, optimizing the organizational structure can improve the original organizational structure of the company, the general meeting and committee of residents. Secondly, the study optimizes human resources by establishing scientific competition and employment system, training system, professional talent reserve and incentive mechanism. Thirdly, the study optimizes the service quality, raises the staff's service consciousness, complies with the system, carries on the emotional management and completes the regular examination. Then, the study optimizes the company's operating mechanism through establishing satisfaction-oriented management, improving the property acquisition rate, rectifying violations and promoting intelligent services. At last, the study puts forward operational guarantee by constructing standardized operation system, improving human resource system, strengthening informatization construction, innovating service and creating enterprise culture. Through the research of this paper, it is expected to be helpful for the improvement of service operation management, service quality and service level of XD property company.

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