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汇 编 出 版 。 保 密 的 学位 论 文 在解 密 后 适 用 本规 定 。 研 究 生 签 名 : 时问 : 年 汐 月 / i ■ 曰 导 师 签名 : 时问 : 年 Z 月 , > 5 " 曰I 摘要 随着我国市场经济的迅速发展,有力的推动了资本市场和金融欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展,我国居民生活水平 和收入水平也逐步提高,广大居民对闲置资金的储蓄要求不能满足于传统的银行储蓄业务,对理财 的关注度以及认可度也在逐步提升。目前,银行个人理财业务的发展逐渐进入瓶颈期,在发展过程 中存在着理财产品同质化严重、理财业务专业人员缺乏等问题,这些将大大限制了银行个人理财业 务的发展。本文将着眼于农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务发展中的各种问题,并针对这些问题提 出解决方案,促进农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务的快速发展。 本文主要围绕农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务发展策略进行分析研究。首先介绍了研究个人 理财业务发展的背景及意义,通过阐述与个人理财产品相关的基础理论知识,包括个人理财业务相 关概念界定、投资组合理论、生命周期理论以及风险管理理论等几个方面,打下论文的理论基础。 随后详细的介绍了农业银行石河子分行的成立基础、总体经营概况、个人理财业务发展现状等,通 过使用问卷调查的方式,从农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务自身发展需求和客户需求两个方面对 农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务存在的问题进行全面的分析。通过分析发现,农业银行石河子分 行目前面临理财产品结构单一、理财产品营销及宣传方面薄弱、理财业务存在隐形风险、理财业务 专业人才匮乏等问题,究其原因进一步发现,其原因为理财产品结构缺乏创新度、产品营销不注重 客户需求、风险控制体系不健全、缺少专业化理财人员团队建设等。最后通过四个方面提出农业银 行石河子分行个人理财业务发展策略,包括加大理财产品的创新力度、建立健全个人理财业务的营 销体系、强化理财业务风险管理、加大理财队伍的建设。 本文通过对农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务发展策略的研究,提出并解决农业银行石河子分 行目前面临的有关个人理财业务发展的问题,制定未来发展策略,同时,也将对我国其他商业银行 个人理财业务的发展策略研究提供参考,希望我国理财市场全面、持续、健康的发展。 关键字:个人理财业务;理财产品;风险管理;产品营销III Abstract The rapid development of China's market economy has strongly promoted the development of capital market and financial industry, and improved residents' living standard and income level. The residents are no longer satisfied with traditional bank deposits to save their idle funds, their attention and recognition of financial management is gradually improving. At present, personal finance services in banks has gradually entered a bottleneck period, there are problems such as serious homogenization of financial products and shortage of financial professionals in the process of the development. This paper will focus on various problems in the process of personal finance services development in Shihezi branch of agricultural bank, and proposes solutions to these problems to promote the rapid development of personal finance services in Shihezi branch of agricultural bank. This article mainly focuses on the analysis and research of the development strategy of personal financial management business of Shihezi Branch of Agricultural Bank of China. Firstly, it introduces the background and significance of studying the development of personal financial services. Through expounding the basic theoretical knowledge related to personal financial products, including the definition of personal financial services related concepts, portfolio theory, life cycle theory and risk management theory, it lays the theoretical foundation of the paper. Then it introduces the foundation of the establishment of Shihezi Branch of Agricultural Bank in detail, the general situation of its overall operation and the development status of personal financial services. Through the use of questionnaire survey, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the problems existing in the personal financial management business of Shihezi Branch of Agricultural Bank of China from two aspects: its own development needs and customer needs. Through analysis, it is found that Shihezi Branch of Agricultural Bank is currently facing problems such as single structure of financial products, weak marketing and publicity of financial products, hidden risks in financial services, and lack of professional talents in financial services. The reason is further found that the reason is the lack of innovation in the structure of financial products, the lack of attention to customer needs in product marketing, the imperfect risk control system, and the lack of professional financial personnel team building. Finally, the paper puts forward the development strategy of personal financial management business of Shihezi Branch of Agricultural Bank of China through four aspects, including increasing the innovation of financial management products, establishing and perfecting the marketing system of personal financial management business, strengthening the risk management of financial management business, and increasing the construction of financial management team. It is hoped that the research in this paper can promote the comprehensive, sustained and healthy development of personal financial management business of Shihezi Branch ofAgricultural Bank of China. This paper studied the development strategy of personal finance services in Shihezi branch of agricultural bank, proposed and solved the problems related to personal finance service development in Shihezi branch of agricultural bank, formulated future development strategy. Meanwhile, It will also provide reference for other commercial Banks research on he development strategy of personal financeIV services, hope China's financial market develop comprehensively, sustainedly and healthily. Key words:Personal Finance Business,Financial Products,Risk Management,Product MarketingV 目 录 摘要......I Abstract.III 第一章 绪论..........................1 1.1 研究背景及意义......1 1.1.1 研究背景..... 1 1.1.2 研究意义..... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状......2 1.2.1 国内个人理财研究现状............2 1.2.2 国外个人理财研究现状............4 1.3 研究内容、框架和方法........................ 4 1.3.1 研究内容..... 4 1.3.2 研究方法..... 5 第二章 相关理论基础..........7 2.1 核心概念..................7 2.1.1 个人业务界定............................ 7 2.1.2 个人理财业务界定....................9 2.2 理论基础..................9 2.2.1 投资组合理论.......................... 10 2.2.2 生命周期理论.......................... 10 2.2.3 风险管理理论.......................... 11 第三章 农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务发展现状分析.........12 3.1 农业银行石河子分行概况.................. 12 3.1.1 农业银行石河子分行成立背景.............................12 3.1.2 农业银行石河子分行总体经营情况.....................12 3.2 农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务现状.........................14 3.2.1 农业银行石河子分行整体业务现状.....................14 3.2.2 农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务发展现状.....15 第四章 农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务存在的问题及原因分析........................19 4.1 农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务存在问题调查.........19 4.1.1 样本调查区域设定..................19 4.1.2 调查问卷设计及发放..............19 4.1.3 调查问卷结果分析..................19 4.2 农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务存在问题.................23 4.2.1 理财产品结构单一..................23 4.2.2 理财产品营销及宣传方面薄弱.............................24VI 4.2.3 理财业务存在隐形风险..........24 4.2.4 理财业务专业人才匮乏..........25 4.3 农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务产生问题原因分析.25 4.3.1 理财产品结构缺乏创新度......25 4.3.2 产品营销不注重客户需求......25 4.3.3 风险控制体系不健全..............26 4.3.4 缺少专业化理财人员团队建设.............................26 第五章 农业银行石河子分行个人理财业务发展策略.................28 5.1 加大理财产品的创新力度.................. 28 5.1.1 建立健全理财产品研发系统..28 5.1.2 运用金融科技进行技术创新..28 5.1.3 结合理财产品期限进行创新..29 5.2 建立健全个人理财业务的营销体系..30 5.2.1 组建理财人员专业团队..........30 5.2.2 拓宽理财产品销售渠道..........30 5.2.3 完善客户差异化定位..............31 5.2.4 加大理财产品广告宣传力度..31 5.3 强化理财业务风险管理...................... 32 5.3.1 加强动态风险管理..................32 5.3.2 巩固市场风险管理.............

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