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随着我国经济的快速发展,居民的生活水平得到了显著提高,完成了由生存型到温饱型再到小 康型的三级跳跃,手中的富余资金也经历了从无到有、从少到多的变化。个人投资多样化、个性化 需求日益强烈。各商业银行陆续开设了理财业务,推出了多种理财产品以满足居民投资理财需求。 根据2018年度《中国银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司理财市场报告》,截至2018年12月底,我国共有403家银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司金融机 构有存续的理财产品,非保本理财产品数4.8万只;存续余额22.04万亿元,与2017年底基本持平。 个人理财业务近几年虽然发展迅速,可为银行获得丰厚利润,但是发展的同时也暴露出很多风险隐 患,各类金融纠纷案件层出不穷,风险管理问题日益凸显。如何在发展理财业务的同时,妥善地处 理好理财业务中所出现的挑战和问题,不断完善商业银行理财业务的风险管理体系,加强对理财产 品研发和销售的监管力度,这已经成为各级银行监管机构,各银行和社会相关部门在一定时期内面 临的重大课题。 本文在现有风险管理相关概念和理论基础上,以中国建设银行石河子分行为研究对象,运用文 献分析法、实地调研法、比较分析法等方法,并结合本人在建行石河子分行6年的实际工作经验, 首先简要分析了中国建设银行石河子分行个人理财业务发展情况。在此基础上,从个人理财业务的 生命周期出发,从销售前、销售中、销售后和销售人员的风险管理现状四个方面入手,其中销售前 主要分析风险制度的执行、风险管理架构、操作风险的防范等,销售中主要是风险评估、双录和代 销业务执行现状,销售后主要是售后管理和售后跟踪的分析,同时分析销售人员的风险管理现状; 再从以上四个方面剖析了建行石河子分行个人理财风险管理存在的主要问题,其中销售前主要是风 险意识淡雹风险管理体系不健全,销售中主要是风险评估不到位、购买规避双录、风险揭示不充 分,销售后主要是忽视后期跟踪服务、投诉不断增加,销售人员主要是持证大龄化、培训体系不健 全等;最后在明确个人理财业务风险管理目标和原则的基础上,提出建行石河子分行个人理财业务 风险管理的对策建议,其中,销售前主要是加强风险管理制度执行、健全全面风险管理体系、明确 岗位职责,销售中主要是规范客户风险评估、落实双录政策、规范风险揭示,销售后主要是完善客 户回访机制、提升声誉风险水平,销售人员素质与能力方面主要是健全销售人员风险培训、完善科 学考核体系、强化队伍建设等,推进完善建行石河子分行个人理财业务的风险管理措施,提高风险 管理意识,促进个人理财业务的健康发展。 关键字:个人理财;风险管理;建行石河子分行 II III Abstract With the rapid development of China's economy, the living standards of residents have been significantly improved, and the three-level leap from survival type to food and clothing type to well-off type has been completed. Personal investment is diversified and personalized. Commercial banks have successively opened financial services and launched a variety of financial products to meet the investment and financial needs of residents. According to the 2018 financial market report of China's banking industry, as of the end of December 2018, there were 403 financial products in existence in China's banking financial institutions, including 48000 non breakeven financial products; the remaining balance was RMB 22.04 trillion, basically the same as that at the end of 2017. In recent years, although the personal finance business has developed rapidly, which can make a lot of profits for the bank, it also exposes a lot of potential risks. Various kinds of financial dispute cases emerge in endlessly, and the risk management problems are increasingly prominent. How to properly deal with the challenges and problems in the financial management business while developing the financial management business, constantly improve the risk management system of the financial management business of commercial banks, and strengthen the supervision of the research and development and sales of financial products has become a major issue faced by banking regulators at all levels, banks and relevant social departments in a certain period of time. Based on the existing concepts and theories of risk management, this paper takes Shihezi branch of China Construction Bank as the research object, uses literature analysis, field research and other methods, and combines my six years of practical work experience in Shihezi branch of China Construction Bank, first briefly analyzes the development of personal financial services in Shihezi branch of China Construction Bank. On this basis, starting from the life cycle of personal financial services, starting from the four aspects of the current situation of risk management before, during and after sales and sales personnel, including the implementation of risk system, risk management framework, and prevention of operational risk before sales, the implementation of risk assessment, double recording and consignment business in sales, and the implementation of after-sales business after sales The analysis of management and after-sales tracking, as well as the current situation of risk management of the sales staff; then from the above four aspects, the main problems of personal financial risk management of Shihezi branch of China Construction Bank are analyzed, including weak risk awareness, imperfect risk management system before sales, inadequate risk assessment, purchase avoidance, insufficient risk disclosure, and sales After sales mainly ignores the follow-up service in the later period, and the number of complaints keeps increasing. The sales personnel mainly hold certificates and are old, and the training system is not perfect. Finally, on the basis of clarifying the objectives and principles of personal financial business risk management, the paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for personal financial business risk management of Shihezi branch of China Construction Bank, in which, before sales, it is mainly to strengthen the implementation of risk management system and improve the whole system In terms of risk management system and clear job responsibilities, in the process of sales, it is mainly to standardize customer risk assessment, implement double recording policy and standardize risk IV disclosure. After sales, it is mainly to improve the customer return visit mechanism, enhance the reputation risk level. In terms of the quality and ability of sales personnel, it is mainly to improve the risk training of sales personnel, improve the scientific assessment system, strengthen the team building, etc., promote the improvement of risk management measures for personal financial business of Shihezi branch of China Construction Bank, improve the awareness of risk management, and promote the healthy development of personal financial business. Key words: personal finance; risk management; Shihezi branch of China Construction Bank I 目 录 摘要 ... I Abstract ............................. III 第一章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1研究背景 ................... 1 1.2研究意义 ................... 2 1.2.1理论意义............ 2 1.2.2现实意义............ 2 1.3国内外研究现状 ....... 3 1.3.1国外研究现状 .... 3 1.3.2国内研究现状 .... 5 1.3.3文献述评............ 6 1.4研究内容和研究方法 .............................. 7 1.4.1研究内容............ 7 1.4.2研究方法............ 8 1.5研究技术路线 ........... 8 第二章 相关概念及理论基础 ........................ 10 2.1概念界定 ................. 10 2.1.1商业银行个人理财业务 ................. 10 2.1.2理财产品分类 .. 10 2.1.3个人理财业务主要风险类型 ......... 11 2.2个人理财业务风险管理相关理论 ........ 13 2.2.1生命周期理论 .. 13 2.2.2资产组合理论 .. 13 2.2.3资本资产定价模型理论 ................. 14 2.2.4全面风险管理理论 ......................... 15 2.3本章小结 ................. 15 第三章 中国建设银行石河子分行个人理财业务风险管理现状分析 ...................... 16 3.1 我国商业银行个人理财业务现状分析 .............................. 16 3.2中国建设银行石河子分行个人理财业务发展概况 ........... 18 3.2.1 中国建设银行石河子分行个人理财业务发展概况 ... 18 II 3.2.2中国建设银行石河子分行个人理财产品构成 ............ 21 3.2.3中国建设银行石河子分行理财客户构成 .................... 22 3.2.4中国建设银行石河子分行个人理财销售流程 ............ 23 3.3中国建设银行石河子分行个人理财业务风险管理现状 ... 25 3.3.1石河子分行个人理财业务销售前风险管理现状 ........ 25 3.2.4石河子分行个人理财业务销售中风险管理现状 ........ 27 3.3.3石河子分行个人理财业

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