随着再造烟叶欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司不断发展,企业对质量的要求已从原先的“达到标准要求”到 现在的“高质量要求”,企业为了提高自身竞争力,应将更多的将管理学知识应用其 中,在本文中强调,企业只有持续完善全面质量管理水平,满足顾客的需求,才能保 证企业自身持续性发展。所以企业要立足于市场,保证核心竞争力,就要时刻关注并 满足顾客需求,来开展管理活动。 全面质量管理(TQM)是一种组织以质量为中心,在充分参与的基础上,目标 是让顾客满意以及组织全体成员的社会效益达到最优的管理方法。其主要内容是:以 质量为中心、为顾客服务、全面管理、全员参与、全过程管理、全企业管理、以预防 为主、用数据说话。AH 公司引入全面质量管理理论方法,并在实践的过程中逐步提 升了公司的质量管理水平,但全面质量管理及质量管理体系建设仅存在于公司层面 上,公司员工的质量意识不高,体系建设只浮于表面,如何加强生产车间的全面质量 管理工作、完善质量管理体系建设是 AH 再造烟叶公司实行全面质量管理道路上急需 要解决的问题,只有解决了这个问题,才能确保企业长期稳定、持续、健康地发展。 本论文借助于 AH 再造烟叶公司的质量问题数据,分析其典型案例,并通过实地 考察剖析 AH 再造烟叶公司的质量管理的现状,通过研究总结并分析 AH 公司全面质 量管理实施的效果以及近年来实施全面质量管理存在的问题,通过数据分析及调研国 内外全面质量管理的文献研究成果得出形成问题的原因,提出相应的解决措施以及完 善 AH 公司全面质量管理的可行性方案,对公司全面质量管理体系进行优化,并实施 优化后的全面质量管理体系提出了进一步的展望计划。通过本次论文的研究使读者更 好地了解全面质量管理、质量管理体系的意义,并为像 AH 再造烟叶公司这样的烟草 企业的质量管理的改进和提升提供有益借鉴。 关键词:全面质量管理;质量管理体系;QC 小组;PDCA 循环ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With the continuous development of the reconstituted tobacco industry, the quality requirements of enterprises have changed from the original "standard requirements" to the current "high quality requirements". In order to improve their competitiveness, enterprises should apply more management knowledge to them. In this article, it is emphasized that only by continuously improving the overall quality management level and satisfying the needs of customers can companies ensure their own sustainable development. Therefore, if an enterprise wants to be based on the market and ensure its core competitiveness, it must always pay attention to and meet customer needs to carry out management activities. Total quality management (TQM) is a management method in which an organization takes quality as the center, and based on full participation, the goal is to satisfy customers and achieve the best social benefits for all members of the organization. Its main contents are: quality-centered, customer service, comprehensive management, full participation, full process management, full enterprise management, prevention-oriented, and data speaking. AH company introduced total quality management theory and methods, and gradually improved the company's quality management level in the course of practice, but total quality management and quality management system construction only exist at the company level, and the quality awareness of company employees is not high, and the system construction Just floating on the surface, how to strengthen the total quality management of the production workshop and improve the quality management system is an urgent problem that AH Reconstituted Tobacco Company needs to solve on the road to practice its total quality management. Only by solving this problem can the company ensure continuous and healthy development. The writing of this paper will analyze the quality problem data of AH Reconstituted Tobacco Company through graphs, tables and other tools, analyze typical cases, and analyze the status quo of AH Reconstituted Tobacco Company’s quality management through field inspections, summarize and analyze the overall quality of AH Company through research The effect and effect of management implementation and the problems in the implementation of total quality management in recent years. Through data analysis and research on domestic and foreign comprehensive quality management literature research results, the reasons for the problems are obtained, corresponding solutions are proposed, and the comprehensive quality management of AH is improved. The feasibility plan optimizes the company's total quality management system, and puts forward a furtherAH 中烟再造烟叶公司全面质量管理改进研究 III outlook plan for the implementation of the optimized total quality management system. Through the research of this paper, readers will better understand the meaning of total quality management and quality management system, and provide useful reference for the improvement and promotion of quality management of tobacco companies like AH Reconstituted Tobacco Company. KEYWORDS: Total Quality Management; Quality Management System; QC team; PDCA cycleAH 中烟再造烟叶公司全面质量管理改进研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论 ····1 第一节 选题背景·············1 第二节 研究目的与意义··1 第三节 国内外研究成果··2 一、国内研究成果 ··········1 二、国外研究成果 ··········3 第四节 研究内容与研究方法·············4 一、研究内容·················5 二、研究方法·················6 第二章 相关理论概述 ··········7 第一节 全面质量管理·········7 一、质量管理发展阶段 ····7 二、全面质量管理主要内容 ················7 三、全面质量管理实施的方法 ·············8 第二节 QC 小组活动··········9 一、QC 小组的概念·········9 二、QC 小组制度主要运作流程 ···········9 第三章 AH 中烟再造烟叶公司全面质量管理实施现状 ····11 第一节 公司基本情况 ···11 一、公司发展历程 ········11 二、公司主营业务及经营情况 ···········11 三、组织结构···············12 第二节 公司质量方针与质量管理体系 ··············13 一、质量体系发展演变 ··13 二、质量体系建设现状及分析 ···········13 第三节 公司全面质量管理实施过程与效果 ·······15 一、实施过程···············15 二、实施现状效果 ········16目录 2 第四节 公司全面质量管理实施中的问题···········17 一、质量管理没有覆盖全过程 ···········18 二、质量管理在全方面管理上不完善 ··21 三、管理层及员工质量意识薄弱 ········22 四、质量管理方法不科学 ·················23 第四章 AH 中烟再造烟叶公司全面质量管理改进策略 ···25 第一节 加强全过程质量监管············25 一、完善需求调研、采购过程管理 ·····26 二、强化产品质量的全过程管理 ········25 第二节 加强全方面面质量管理工作27 一、建立专项的质量管理部门 ···········27 二、建立完善的质量考核机制 ···········28 第三节 加强全员质量管理 ··············29 一、强化全员质量意识 ··29 二、QC 小组实践管理应用 ···············29 第四节 提升质量管理办法 ··············34 一、加强人员质量管理能力 ··············34 二、用 PDCA 循环做好质量持续改进··35 第五章 结论与展望 ···········37 第一节 研究结论·············37 第二节 研究不足与未来展望················37