人才是企业经营管理和发展壮大的基石,采取激励措施提升人才的工作主动 性,可以有效提升企业的创新力,保持企业市场竞争力,为企业创造更多的盈利, 加强绩效考核就显得非常重要。HS公司作为一家电气设备研发销售服务公司, 企业员工绩效管理引入的方法较为落后,没有构建系统和完整的绩效管理体系, 因此本文提出改进HS公司绩效管理水平,进而可以激发HS公司的创新力和持 续盈利能力。 本文采用问卷调查方法获取HS公司绩效管理现状,分析HS公司当前绩效 管理存在的问题,归纳产生问题的原因,以便能够结合先进的绩效管理理论、平 衡记分卡和关键绩效指标方法改进绩效考核对策,详细研究内容包括三个方面。 首先,本文分析HS公司绩效管理存在问题,绩效考核指标非常单一,过度重视 公司的经营收入指标,不利于企业和员工全面成长;绩效管理计划执行存在偏差, 无法满足HS公司创新和持续提升需求;绩效管理结果应用不充分,一些员工对 考核结果存在异议也无法申诉。其次,本文归纳了绩效管理产生问题的原因,企 业绩效管理没有引入先进的方法,绩效管理目标不明确,企业战略目标模糊,不 利于量身定制绩效考核目标,绩效管理结果没有充分应用,同时沟通申诉渠道也 不健全。最后,本文为HS公司绩效管理提出了改进对策,明确绩效考核目标, 加强HS公司战略目标的考核归一程度,切实结合企业发展战略进行绩效管理, 提升HS公司绩效管理客观度,保证绩效管理结果在升职加薪、培训进修、度假 疗养等方面进行应用,健全完善绩效管理沟通申诉渠道,确保员工对绩效管理结 果认可满意,从而提高企业的工作创新力和积极主动性。 HS公司绩效管理改进对策的实施需要制度、组织、培训等多个方面的保障, 本文提出HS公司管理层要高度重视绩效管理,完善绩效管理组织体系,加强绩 效管理培训和宣贯力度,提升绩效管理沟通水平,确保HS公司绩效管理政策贯 彻落实。 关键词:绩效管理;绩效计划;绩效反馈;绩效应用 II Abstract The cornerstone of enterprise development and growth is talents, stimulating the enthusiasm and initiative of talents, and continuously improving the innovation of enterprises can ensure market competitiveness and profitability. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the performance appraisal of talents. As an electrical equipment R&D and sales service company, HS company is relatively backward in the introduction of performance appraisal. There is no system and a complete performance appraisal system. Therefore, this paper proposes to improve the performance appraisal level of HS companies, which can stimulate the innovation of HS companies. Continuous profitability. This thesis analyzes the status quo of HS company performance appraisal in detail. Based on advanced performance appraisal methods and theories, it compares and analyzes the problems existing in HS company performance appraisal, and summarizes the reasons for the problems, including three aspects. Firstly, this thesis analyzes the problems in the performance appraisal of HS employees at the grassroots level. The performance appraisal indicators are very simple. Excessive attention to the company's operating income indicators is not conducive to the overall growth of employees; there are deviations in the implementation of performance appraisal plans, which cannot meet the needs of HS companies for innovation and continuous improvement; The results of performance appraisal of grassroots employees are not fully applied, and some employees have no objection to the appraisal results. Secondly, this thesis analyzes the causes of problems in detail. For example, HS company performance appraisal does not introduce more advanced methods and theories. The performance appraisal goals of grassroots employees are not clear, and the strategic goals of enterprises are vague. It is not conducive to tailoring performance appraisal targets, and the performance appraisal results are not sufficient. Application, while communication channels are not sound. Finally, this paper proposes improvement strategies for HS company performance appraisal, clarifies the performance appraisal goals of grassroots employees, strengthens the assessment of HS company's strategic goals, and effectively combines the enterprise development strategy for performance appraisal to improve the objective performance of HS company's grassroots employees. Ensure the performance appraisal results are applied in the aspects of promotion, salary increase, training and recreation, vacation and III recuperation, improve the performance appraisal and communication appeal channels, and ensure that grassroots employees are satisfied with the performance appraisal results, thus improving the work innovation and initiative of the employees. . The management practice results show that the improved performance appraisal method can meet the needs of enterprise human resource management after HS company’s performance appraisal method is improved, effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of employees, and maintain the consistency of the company’s strategic development goals and personal goals, improve the performance appraisal organization system, and strengthen performance appraisal training and promotion. Continuous efforts to continuously improve and improve employee performance appraisal and communication, so as to ensure that HS company performance appraisal improvement measures are implemented in place. Keywords: grassroots employees; performance appraisal; balanced scorecard; key performance indicators IV 目 录 摘要.............................................................. I Abstract........................................................... II 1 导论............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .............................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义............................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究综述 .............................................. 2 1.2.1 国外研究综述........................................... 2 1.2.2 国内研究综述........................................... 3 1.2.3 文献述评............................................... 5 1.3 研究内容与方法 .............................................. 5 1.3.1 研究内容............................................... 5 1.3.2 研究方法............................................... 6 1.4 创新点 ...................................................... 6 2 相关概念及理论基础............................................... 7 2.1 相关概念 .................................................... 7 2.1.1 绩效................................................... 7 2.1.2 绩效管理............................................... 7 2.2 基础理论 .................................................... 8 2.2.1 目标管理理论........................................... 8 2.2.2 激励理论............................................... 9 2.2.3 关键绩效指标法........................................ 10 3 HS公司绩效管理问题和原因分析 ................................... 11 3.1 HS公司简介................................................. 11 3.1.1 HS公司组织结构 ....................................... 11 3.1.2 HS公司分布及特征 ..................................... 11 3.2 HS公司绩效管理现状......................................... 12 3.2.1 绩效计划制定.......................................... 12 3.2.2 绩效考核方式.......................................... 13 V 3.2.3 绩效实施流程.......................................... 13 3.2.4 绩效结果应用.......................................... 14 3.2.5 绩效申诉与反馈........................................ 15 3.3 HS公司绩效管理现状调查分析................................. 15 3.3.1 调查问卷设计背景...................................... 15 3.3.2 调查问卷分析结果...................................... 15 3.4 HS公司绩效管理存在的问题分析............................... 19 3.4.1 绩效计划过度重视营业指标.............................. 19 3.4.2 绩效考核不公平透明.................................... 19 3.4.3 绩效实施过程存在严重偏差.............................. 19 3.4.4 绩效结果应用不充分.................................... 19 3.4.5 绩效申诉流程不通畅.................................... 20 3.5 HS公司绩效管理存在问题的原因分析........................... 20 3.5.1 绩效计划覆盖不全面...................