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I 摘要 小微企业作为我国国民经济的重要组成部分,在国民经济中具有重大的战略 意义。在信贷市场中,小微企业是资金需求的长尾群体,在传统的金融体系中往 往被忽视,从而受到了―超常态‖的信贷配给,小微企业融资难问题突出。伴随着―互 联网+‖相关技术的高速发展,国内外学者对于―互联网+‖与实体经济相关性方面的 研究越来越多。其中―互联网+金融‖作为一种新业态金融创新得到了广大金融机构 的积极研究和实践。互联网及大数据等技术是破解信息不对称难题和降低交易成 本的重要技术,从而―互联网+金融‖已逐渐应用于小微企业信贷业务的创新之中。 商业银行尤其是国有大行,在服务实体经济、促进产业转型升级、破解社会 痛点问题等方面责无旁贷。A 银行作为国有大行,多年以来一直加大金融创新投 入,研发和推广了各类小微企业融资的信贷产品,全方位支持小微企业融资。A 银行创新普惠金融模式,借助―互联网+‖相关技术减少信息不对称性和降低交易成 本,推出―互联网+‖小微信贷创新产品,做到普惠金融―精准滴灌‖和穿透落地。 相对于各大银行―互联网+金融‖的实践,本文需要研究的问题是:―互联网+‖ 小微信贷创新怎样减少信息不对称性、降低交易成本和降低业务风险,对小微企 业融资究竟有无帮助?因此,本文将―互联网+‖背景下银行小微信贷创新及效果作 为研究主题,以 A 银行作为研究对象,依托于国内外关于小微企业融资理论、普 惠金融相关理论、―互联网+‖与金融创新等理论研究成果,立足―互联网+‖、商业银 行及小微信贷业务等发展现状,对传统银行运用―互联网+‖相关技术进行小微企业 信贷业务创新的动因、方向、机理及效果进行专题研究。其次,对 A 银行的小微 企业信贷发展总体情况、信贷创新的总体效果进行了统计分析,并以 A 银行四川 省分行 2014 年至 2019 年的小微企业贷款数据、宏观经济指标和货币政策指标作 为样本数据,构建多元线性回归模型进行实证分析,通过计量模型回归结果,得 出―互联网+‖信贷创新有助于提高商业银行小微企业贷款总量和降低小微企业贷 款不良率的结论。最后,基于前述研究和思考,进一步提出一些关于小微企业信 贷业务创新的建议,对于 A 银行创新优化及其他金融机构的信贷创新有一定的借 鉴意义。 关键词: 互联网+,传统银行,小微信贷,金融创新ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT As an important part of China's national economy, small and micro enterprises play a strategic significant role in the national economy development. In the credit market, small and micro enterprises are the long tail group of capital demand, which is often ignored in the traditional financial system and thus subject to the "supernormal" credit rationing, Small and micro enterprises have a prominent financing problem. With the rapid development of "Internet +" related technologies, domestic and foreign scholars have conducted more and more researches on the correlation between "Internet +" and real economy. Among them, "Internet + finance" as a new form of financial innovation has been actively studied and practiced by the majority of financial institutions. Internet, big data and other technologies are key technologies to solve those problems such as information asymmetry and reducing transaction costs. Therefore, "Internet + finance" has been gradually applied to the innovation of credit business of small and micro enterprises. Commercial Banks, especially state-owned Banks, are duty-bound to serve the real economy, promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, and solving the difficult issue of corporate financing. As A large state-owned bank, bank A has been increasing financial innovation throughout the years, researching, developing and promoting various credit products for financing small and micro enterprises, providing all-round support for financing small and micro enterprises. Bank A innovated the Financial Inclusion model, reduced information asymmetry and transaction costs with the help of "Internet +" related technologies, launched "Internet +" small and micro credit innovation products, and achieved penetration and extensive implementation of Financial Inclusion. Compared with the practice of "Internet + finance" of major Banks, the question to be studied in this paper is: how does "Internet +" small and micro credit innovation could work on to reduce information asymmetry, decrease transaction costs and lower business risks? Is it helpful or efficient for financing small and micro enterprises? Therefore, this article takes the innovation and effect of micro-credit of banks in the context of "Internet +" as the research theme, regarding bank A as the research object. Based on the domestic and foreign scholars about the small micro enterprise financingABSTRACT III theory, Financial Inclusion related theory, relaying on "Internet +" and financial innovation theory research results, taking development status of "Internet +", commercial banks and micro-credit business into research, this thesis makes an in-depth study on the innovation motivation, direction, mechanism and effect of small and micro enterprises' credit business using ―Internet +‖ related technologies of traditional banks. Secondly, the overall situation of credit development of small and micro enterprises of bank A and the overall effect of credit innovation are statistically analyzed. And the loan data of small and micro enterprises of sichuan branch of bank A from 2014 to 2019, macroeconomic indicators and monetary policy indicators are used as sample data to build A multiple linear regression model for empirical analysis. The regression results of econometric model shows ―Internet +‖ credit innovation can help to increase total amount of loans to small and micro enterprises in commercial banks, reducing NPL ratio of small and micro enterprises. Finally, according to the foregoing research and reflections, some further suggestions on the credit business innovation of small and micro enterprises are proposed, which will have certain reference significance for Bank A's innovation optimization and other financial institutions' financing innovation. Keywords: Internet +; Traditional Banks; Small and micro credit businesses; Credit innovation目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论.................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义................................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 研究的现实背景和理论背景 ................................................................ 1 1.1.2 文献综述 ................................................................................................ 2 1.1.3 研究目的及意义 .................................................................................... 6 1.2 研究内容及方法................................................................................................ 7 1.2.1 研究的内容 ............................................................................................ 7 1.2.2 研究的方法 ............................................................................................ 7 1.3 研究思路及论文框架........................................................................................ 8 1.3.1 研究思路 ................................................................................................ 8 1.3.2 论文框架 ................................................................................................ 8 1.4 研究创新之处.................................................................................................... 9 第二章 基本理论概述...................................................................................................11 2.1 金融创新理论...................................................................................................11 2.1.1 金融创新的定义及分类 .......................................................................11 2.1.2 金融创新的动力及作用 .......................................................................11 2.2 小微企业融资理论.......................................................................................... 12 2.2.1 信贷配给理论 ...................................................................................... 12 2.2.2 金融抑制、金融约束和优

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