汇编 出版。保密的学位论文在解密后适用本规定。 研究生签名: 时间: 年 月 日 导师签名: 时间: 年 月 日I 摘要 现代物流业是国民经济的动脉和基础产业,是推动未来经济发展新的增长点和重要力量。当前 “互联网+”的发展趋势不可逆转,未来物流企业的发展必然与互联网相融相通。“互联网+”的发展 潜力无限,为物流企业的发展提供了多种可能,特别是“互联网+”技术的不断推陈出新,有利于物 流企业技术管理体系的更新换代,促进产业的优化升级;也可能出现物流企业难以适应新技术的迅 速变化,最终被新兴的物流模式所取代。当前,物流企业只有紧紧抓住“互联网+”带来的发展机遇, 准确把握“互联网+”的技术特点,将其融入到企业的运营模式中,才能实现“互联网+”与物流企 业互利共赢。因此,在“互联网+”背景下如何选择相适应的运营模式,加快转型升级,增强核心竞 争力,成为现代物流企业需要面临的重要选题。 本文以现代物流发展前沿为导向,以物流相关基础理论研究为支撑,以金象物流公司运营模式 为研究对象,通过研究当前“互联网+”背景下现代物流企业与互联网技术融合发展趋势及特点,结 合金象物流公司运营状况,分析得出该公司运营模式存在的突出问题有:运营生产范围受限、服务 质量明显偏低、电商平台发展缓慢、管理模式不够科学。分析存在问题的主要原因是:市场定位不 尽合理、客户需求认识不到位、信息平台建设重视不足、专业运营管理人才缺乏。针对存在的问题 并分析原因,提出了有关对策建议即:利用互联网现代化技术,建立物流信息共享平台,打造共享 物流;完善电子商务平台,打造电商物流;转变观念创新服务,打造定制物流;依托自贸区优势, 打造跨境物流等运营模式提升公司运营水平;同时要加快建立完善的物流服务体系、物流决策支持 系统、优质的电商发展环境、全方位的公司监管制度等保障措施确保运营模式落地见效。 关键字:互联网+;物流企业;运营模式II Abstract Modern logistics industry is the artery and basic industry of the national economy, and it is a new growth point and an important force to promote the future economic development. At present, the trend of "Internet +" development is irreversible. The development of logistics enterprises in the future will inevitably interconnect with the Internet. The development potential of "Internet +" is unlimited, which provides many possibilities for the development of logistics enterprises, especially the "Internet +" technology, which is conducive to upgrading the technological management system of logistics enterprises and promoting the upgrading and upgrading of industries. It may also be difficult for logistics enterprises to adapt to the rapid changes of new technologies, and eventually be replaced by the new logistics mode. At present, logistics enterprises can only grasp the development opportunities brought by "Internet +", grasp the technical characteristics of "Internet +" and integrate them into the operation mode of enterprises, so as to achieve "Internet +" and logistics enterprises mutual benefit. Therefore, how to choose a suitable operation mode and accelerate transformation and upgrading under the background of "Internet +" becomes an important topic for modern logistics enterprises. This paper takes the forefront of modern logistics development as the guidance, takes the logistics related basic theory research as the support, takes Jinxiang logistics company's operation mode as the research object, and studies the current development trend and characteristics of the integration of modern logistics enterprises and Internet technology under the background of "Internet plus". Limited operation and production scope, obviously low service quality, slow development of e-commerce platform and unscientific management mode. The main reasons for the problems are: unreasonable market positioning, inadequate understanding of customer needs, insufficient attention to information platform construction, lack of professional operation management personnel. In view of the existing problems and reasons, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions: using the modern technology of the Internet to establish a logistics information sharing platform and create a shared logistics; improving the e-commerce platform and create e-commerce logistics; changing the concept of innovative services and creating customized logistics; relying on the advantages of the free trade zone, building cross-border logistics and other operation modes to improve the company's operation level; at the same time, we should speed up Establish perfect logistics service system, logistics decision support system, high-quality e-commerce development environment, comprehensive company supervision system and other safeguard measures to ensure that the operation mode is effective. Key Words: Internet+, logistics enterprise, operation modelIII 目 录 摘要...I Abstract .............................. II 第一章 绪论.......................1 1.1 研究背景与意义... 1 1.1.1 研究背景.... 1 1.1.2 研究意义.... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状... 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状........................... 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状........................... 5 1.2.3 文献综述.... 9 1.3 研究对象与方法. 10 1.3.1 研究对象.. 10 1.3.2 研究方法.. 10 1.4 研究思路与内容. 11 1.4.1 研究思路.. 11 1.4.2 研究内容.. 11 第二章 概念界定和理论基础........................12 2.1 概念界定............. 12 2.1.1“互联网+”.............................. 12 2.1.2 现代物流.. 13 2.1.3 物流企业运营模式................. 14 2.2 理论基础............. 14 2.2.1 第三方物流理论..................... 14 2.2.2 供应链管理理论..................... 15 第三章 金象物流公司运营模式现状............17 3.1 公司运营情况..... 17 3.1.1 发展历程.. 17 3.1.2 业务范围.. 17 3.1.3 服务网点.. 18 3.1.4 人员情况.. 18 3.1.5 设施配备.. 19 3.1.6 信息化应用............................. 19 3.1.7 经营业绩.. 19 3.2“互联网+”对公司运营模式的影响.............................. 20 3.2.1 经营业务逐步扩大................. 20 3.2.2 市场效益逐年提升................. 20 3.3 金象物流公司运营模式的主要特点 21 3.3.1 运营模式的主要特点 ............. 21 3.3.2 形成的特色模式..................... 22 第四章 金象物流公司运营模式存在问题及原因分析...............23 4.1 存在问题............. 23IV 4.1.1 运营生产范围受限................. 23 4.1.2 服务质量明显偏低................. 23 4.1.3 电商平台发展缓慢................. 24 4.1.4 管理模式不够科学................. 24 4.2 原因分析............. 25 4.2.1 市场定位不尽合理................. 25 4.2.2 客户需求认识不到位 ............. 26 4.2.3 信息平台建设重视不足 ......... 26 4.2.4 专业运营管理人才缺乏 ......... 27 4.3 本章小结............. 27 第五章 金象物流公司运营模式优化及保障措施.......................29 5.1 模式优化............. 29 5.1.1 建立信息共享平台,打造共享物流 .................... 29 5.1.2 完善电子商务平台,打造电商物流 .................... 29 5.1.3 转变观念创新服务,打造定制物流 .................... 30 5.1.4 依托自贸区优势,打造跨境物流 ....................... 31 5.2 保障措施............. 32 5.2.1 建立完善的物流服务体系 ..... 32 5.2.2 建立现代化的物流决策支持系统 ........................ 33 5.2.3 建立优质的电商发展环境 ..... 33 5.2.4 建立全方位的公司监管制度 . 34 第六章 结论与展望.........36 6.1 研究结论............. 36 6.2 未来展望............. 36