随着科技的不断发展,全球已然进入信息化时代,科技无处不在影响着我们 的日常生活,随着5G时代的到来,越来越迅速的信息传输与交换,势必对未来 的金融业产生更加深远的影响。 在2015年支付宝、微信率先拉开了移动支付的大幕,在短短的三年时间, 人们已经习惯于出行不再携带现金、卡包,而是选择使用手机进行消费,手机在 人们生活中占据了不可取代的地位,同时移动支付也在推动无现金消费贡献了扛 鼎之力。 随着支付宝、微信的成功后,我国金融业机构也开启了新一轮的竞争,电子 银行市场占有率、日均活跃用户成为了各家金融机构新一轮发展的战略目标。支 付宝轻松的依靠余额宝产品赚得盆满钵满的时候,各家银行开始坐不住了,纷纷 推出了灵活取用的小额理财产品,并限制客户使用手机客户端进行签约购买。移 动金融高速发展的短短几年间,各家银行也纷纷遇到了许多摆在眼前的问题,盗 刷、活跃客户不断下降已成为各家银行摆在眼前的问题。在这种情况下,找准手 机银行自身定位,以科学合理的营销策略对手机银行进行全方位包装,打造有特 色的手机银行,是手机银行战略制定部门、研发部门和营销部门的共同责任。 首先,根据中国银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司手机银行产品发展趋势及未来5G新技术即将上市的 情况,结合手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务的主体优势与业务特点,阐述手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务的发展的必 要性,充分考虑手机银行市场的激烈竞争的现状,交通银行手机银行产品应如何 根据市场需求在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。其次,根据PEST工具分析国内手机银 行所处的政治环境、经济环境、社会环境以及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司技术环境的宏观分析环境,再 结合交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行产品的SWOT分析,重新修正市场定位。再 次,根据交通银行手机银行产品目前的面临的一系列营销问题,通过问题成因分 析,找出问题所在原因,针对目前所面临的问题,提出相应解决方案。再次,针 对营销策略的重新制定,根据STP理论,将交通银行手机银行市场重新进行划 分、目标客户群体选择以及产品的市场定位,同时结合市场营销组合策略,找准 市场定位,使用最有利的资源去获得更多的市场份额。最后,交通银行甘肃省分 行手机银行产品营销策略需要交通银行甘肃省分行制定、施行相关保障措施,才 能发挥其最大作用。 本文旨在通过营销策略的研究与实施,能够对交行甘肃省分行的手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 MBA 学位论文 作者:刘子仪 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行营销策略研究 II 务营销起到一定的参考意义,力求交通银行甘肃省分行在省内同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司占据领跑地 位,并希望通过对交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行的营销分析为其他同业相关人员 起到一定参考作用。 关键词:手机银行;营销策略;交通银行甘肃省分行 MBA 学位论文 作者:刘子仪 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行营销策略研究 III RESERCH ON MOBILE BANKING MARKETING STRATEGY OF BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS GANSU BRANCH Abstract The whole world has entered the information age with the development of science and technology, science and technology affects our daily life everywhere and everyday. With the coming of the 5g Era, more and more rapid information transmission and exchange is bound to have a more profound impact on the future financial industry In 2015, Alipay and WeChat first launched mobile payment. People are used to traveling without cash or credit cards in three years, they choose to use mobile phones for consumption. In addition to mobile phones in people's lives occupies an irreplaceable position, and mobile payment also contributes to the promotion of cashless consumption. Financial institutions have also opened a new round of competition in China after the success of Alipay and WeChat. The market share and daily active users of e-banking have become the new development indicators of financial institutions. With Alipay relies on the balance of treasure products to make money, all the banks have launched flexible access to small financial products, which was limited to the mobile phone clients. But banks have also encountered many problems in recent years, such as stealing payment and active clients are declining. Under these circumstances, the responsibilities of mobile banking strategy development department, R & D department and marketing department are finding out the positioning of mobile banking, carrying out all-round packaging of mobile banking with scientific and reasonable marketing strategy, building a characteristic mobile banking. First of all, according to the development trend of mobile banking products in China's banking industry and the coming 5g new technology, combining the main advantages and business characteristics of mobile banking, expounding the necessity of the development of mobile banking. How should mobile banking products of Bank of communications stand out in the fierce competition according to market demand MBA 学位论文 作者:刘子仪 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行营销策略研究 IV according to the current situation of fierce competition in the market. Secondly, according to the PEST analysis, the political environment, economic environment, social environment and industrial technology environment in China, Combined with the SWOT analysis of mobile banking products of Gansu Branch of Bank of Communications, repositioning the market is very important. Thirdly, facing a eries of marketing problems of mobile banking products of Bank of Communications, it is necessary to fnd out the problems, point at the current problems by analyzing the cause of the problems. Fourthly, it is aimed at redevelopment of marketing strategy and STP theories, redivision of mobile banking market of Bank of Communications, target customer group selection, market positioning of products. At the same time, combined with marketing mix strategy, use the most powerful resources to gain more market share. Lastly, mobile banking product marketing strategy of Gansu Branch of Bank of communications needs to be formulated by Gansu Branch of Bank of Communications and applies safeguard measures. This paper aims to study and implement the marketing strategy, it can play a reference role in the mobile banking business marketing of Gansu Branch of BOCOM and take the leading position in the same industry in Gansu province. At the same time, it can be used as a reference for relevant personnel of other industries. Key Words: Mobile banking;Marketing strategy;Bank of communications gansu branch MBA 学位论文 作者:刘子仪 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行营销策略研究 V 目 录 中文摘要 ........ I Abstract ........III 第1章 绪 论 .............................. 1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 ....................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..... 1 1.2 国内外手机银行营销研究现状 ....... 2 1.2.1 国内研究现状 ............................ 3 1.2.2 国外研究现状 ............................ 4 1.3 研究思路与方法 6 1.3.1 研究思路 ..... 6 1.3.2 研究方法 ..... 7 第2章 手机银行界定及相关理论 ........................... 9 2.1 手机银行界定 .... 9 2.2 相关理论 ............ 9 2.2.1 7Ps营销理论 .............................. 9 2.2.2 STP理论 .... 10 2.2.3 SWOT分析 .............................. 10 2.2.4 一元线性回归分析预测法模型分析 ..................... 11 第3章 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行营销问题分析 ........................12 3.1 交通银行甘肃省手机银行营销现状分析 .................... 12 3.1.1 交通银行手机银行基本情况 .. 12 3.1.2 交通银行手机银行用户人数分析及预测 ............. 16 3.1.3 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行营销现状 ............. 20 3.2 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行营销问题 .................... 21 3.2.1 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行区域性客户需求挖掘不足 ................ 21 3.2.2 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行片面注重用户数量增加 .................... 22 3.2.3 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务开发缺少创新意识 .................... 22 MBA 学位论文 作者:刘子仪 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行营销策略研究 VI 3.2.4 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务服务问题 ..... 23 3.3 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务营销存在的原因分析 ....................... 24 3.3.1 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行客户需求不明确 . 24 3.3.2 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行开发能力低于社会网络发展 ............ 24 3.3.3 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务推进方式较为单一 .................... 25 3.3.4 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务人员不足 ..... 25 第4章 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行营销环境分析 ........................27 4.1 交通银行甘肃省分行手机银行宏观市场分析(PEST分析) ................ 27 4.1.1 政治环境分析 .......................... 27 4.1.2 经济环境分析 .......................... 28 4.1.3 社会环境分析 .......................... 29 4.1.4 技术环境分析 .......................... 29 4.2 交通银行甘