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广州港股份有限公司(下简称GZP公司)是华南最大的综合性主枢纽港和集装箱 干线港,是全国四大汽车进出口中转业务枢纽港之一,是华南地区最大的能源枢纽港, 是华南地区重要的散粮和其他散杂货物的中转港。 自2004年交通部将港口企业下放地方政府管辖之后,又经历政企分家,现广东地 区的港口企业遍布于珠江两岸,相互之间的市场竞争十分激烈,而GZP公司只是珠江 两岸的一个较大型的港口企业之一。 GZP公司下属码头的散粮中转配套设施日渐老旧,随着竞争对手的能力提升,GZP 公司散粮中转业务在市场竞争中“心有余而力不足”的问题日益凸显。虽然GZP公司可以 找寻其他业务来替代散粮货类,但是从国家粮食安全角度考虑,公共港口理应保障散粮 货类的港口中转服务。另外散粮货源稳定且经济效益不俗,企业前期已经投入大量资源 来支持散粮中转业务发展,所以港口散粮中转业务拥有一定的不可替代性。近些年,GZP 公司散粮中转业务逐步陷入了珠江两岸港口同质化的竞争当中,这导致了市场份额十分 不稳定,究其原因,这与GZP公司散粮中转服务业务未能及时调整竞争战略有着很大 的关系。 本文基于GZP公司在提供散粮中转服务竞争中所面临的实际问题及挑战,在珠三 角地区港口欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展的宏观背景下,通过对内、外部环境分析并建立SWOT模型明确 了只有充分利用综合性港口的资源优势,通过差异化的竞争战略才能重新取得市场竞争 优势。结合GZP公司的发展战略,制定了GZP公司散粮业务差异化的竞争战略,并结 合金融与信息化能力支撑重新设计了价值链。从开拓粤西地区粮食市场、提升港口金融 服务能力、搭建综合数字化物流平台、推动铁路粮食“散改集”营销模式以及调整战略 实施保障机制这五个方面提出具体的竞争战略实施方案。 关键词:港口服务;散粮中转;竞争战略 II ABSTRACT Guangzhou Port Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as GZP) is the largest comprehensive main hub port and container trunk port in South China. It is one of the four major automobile import and export transit hubs in China and the largest energy hub in South China. An important transit port for bulk grain and other bulk goods in the region. Since the Ministry of Communications delegated port enterprises to the jurisdiction of local governments in 2004, it has experienced the separation of government and enterprises. Port enterprises in Guangdong are now located on both sides of the Pearl River, and the market competition between them is very fierce. GZP is only a relatively large one on both sides of the Pearl River. One of the large port enterprises. The bulk grain transfer facilities at GZP's terminals are getting older. With the improvement of the capabilities of competitors, the problem of GZP's bulk grain transfer business in the market competition is becoming more and more insufficient. Although GZP can find other businesses to replace bulk food cargoes, from the perspective of national food security, public ports should guarantee the port transit services of bulk food cargoes. In addition, the bulk grain supply is stable and the economic benefits are good. The enterprise has invested a lot of resources in the early stage to support the development of bulk grain transit business, so the port bulk grain transit business has certain irreplaceability. In recent years, GZP ’s bulk grain transfer business has gradually fallen into the competition of homogenization of ports on both sides of the Pearl River, which has led to a very unstable market share. The reason is that this has not been adjusted in time for GZP ’s bulk grain transfer service business. Strategy has a lot to do. This article is based on the actual problems and challenges faced by GZP in the competition of providing bulk grain transit services. Under the macro background of the development of the port industry in the Pearl River Delta region, through the analysis of internal and external environments and the establishment of SWOT models, it is clear that only full use of comprehensive The port's resource superiority can regain its competitive advantage in the market through differentiated competitive strategies. Combined with GZP's development strategy, it has formulated a differentiated competitive strategy for GZP's bulk food business, and redesigned the value chain in conjunction with financial and information capabilities. From the five aspects of developing the grain market in western Guangdong, improving port financial service capabilities, building an integrated digital logistics platform, promoting the “decentralization and reorganization” of the railway grain marketing model, III and adjusting strategic implementation guarantee mechanisms, specific implementation plans for competitive strategies are proposed. Keywords: Port service/Bulk grain transshipment/Competitive strategy IV 目 录 摘要 ............... I ABSTRACT .. II 图表清单 ..... VII 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ................ 1 1.1.1 研究的背景和研究问题 ............................ 1 1.1.2 研究的意义 ................. 2 1.2 理论与文献综述 ................ 2 1.2.1 企业战略的相关理论 . 2 1.2.2 港口散粮中转服务相关概念 .................... 3 1.2.3 港口竞争战略相关研究 ............................ 4 1.3 研究的内容和方法 ............ 5 1.3.1 研究的内容 ................. 5 1.3.2 研究的方法 ................. 6 1.4 论文的主要框架与结构 .... 6 第二章 外部环境分析 ................. 7 2.1 粮食市场的发展现状与趋势 ........................... 7 2.1.1 国内粮食市场发展现状及趋势 ................ 7 2.1.2珠三角地区粮食市场发展现状及趋势 ..... 8 2.2 粮食市场与港口物流 ........ 9 2.2.1 粮食市场中的港口物流 ............................ 9 2.2.2 珠三角地区散粮港口发展概述 ................ 9 2.3 港口散粮业务宏观环境分析 ......................... 10 2.3.1 政治环境因素 ........... 10 2.3.2 经济环境因素 ........... 11 2.3.3 社会环境因素 ........... 11 2.3.4 科技环境因素 ........... 12 2.4 港口散粮业务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争结构分析 ................. 12 V 2.4.1 潜在进入者威胁 ....... 12 2.4.2 替代品的威胁 ........... 13 2.4.3 供应商的议价能力 ... 13 2.4.4 购买者的议价能力 ... 13 2.4.5 同行竞争程度 ........... 14 2.5 主要竞争对手分析 .......... 16 2.6 港口散粮业务关键成功因素 ......................... 17 2.7 机会与威胁分析 .............. 18 2.7.1 机会分析 ................... 18 2.7.2 威胁分析 ................... 19 2.8 本章小结 .......................... 20 第三章 内部环境分析 ............... 21 3.1 GZP公司发展概况 .......... 21 3.2 GZP公司散粮码头基本情况 ......................... 22 3.3 散粮货源结构资源分析 .. 24 3.3.1 散粮接卸量分析 ....... 24 3.3.2 散粮货源结构分析 ... 24 3.4 内部资源能力分析 .......... 26 3.4.1 港口地理位置 ........... 26 3.4.2 码头泊位能力 ........... 26 3.4.3 库场堆存能力 ........... 27 3.4.4 装卸效率 ................... 27 3.4.5 铁路资源能力 ........... 27 3.4.6 金融服务能力 ........... 28 3.4.7 信息化及综合配套服务能力 .................. 29 3.5 价值链与核心专长分析 .. 30 3.5.1 GZP公司港口散粮业务价值链分析 ...... 30 3.5.2 核心专长分析 ........... 32 3.6 优势与劣势分析 .............. 33 3.6.1 优势分析 ................... 33 VI 3.6.2 劣势分析 ................... 33 3.7 本章小结 .......................... 34 第四章 竞争战略制定 ............... 35 4.1 SWOT 分析 ...................... 35 4.2 散粮中转业务的战略目标 ............................. 36 4.3 散粮中转业务目标市场选择 ......................... 36 4.3.1 目标市场客户分类 ... 36 4.3.2 目标市场客户筛选 ... 38 4.4 散粮中转服务竞争战略定位与价值活动组合 ............................ 38 4.4.1 差异化战略定位 ....... 38 4.4.2 差异化的价值活动组合 .......................... 39 4.5 本章小结 .......................... 42 第五章 竞争战略实施的主要措施 .......................... 43 5.1 战略实施的阶段性目标 .. 43 5.2 开拓粤西茂名地区粮食市场 ......................... 43 5.2.1 茂名地区散粮市场分析 .......................... 44 5.2.2 开拓粤西地区粮食市场措施 .................. 45 5.3 提高金融服务能力措施 .. 47 5.4 建立综合物流数字化平台 ............................. 49 5.5 建立粮食散改集营销模式 ............................. 50 5.6 战略实施的保障机制 ...... 51 5.6.1 建立统一营销团队 ... 51 5.6.2 增强企业文化建设 ... 53 5.6.3 提高人力资源管理水平 .......................... 54 5.7 本章小结 .......................... 55 结 论 ............ 56

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