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:当今国家的经济发展不再是国家自身的单独发展,而是全球 的各个国家的共同发展。在今天,国家之间的贸易往来越来越频繁, 各种成本的上升使国家制造业的利润空间缩小,为了公司发展的需要, 就要充分地考虑在发展过程中降低成本,成本的降低就会使生产商品 的利润空间有所扩大,生产商品的公司也会获取更大的利润。因此, 为了提升利润空间,关注原材料的采购是企业生产商品必须重视的一 个环节。选取性价比高的原材料一方面可以降低采购原材料的资金投 入,另一方面生产的商品质量有保证就会提升企业的自身竞争力。为 了稳定供求关系,企业应该将以往的与原材料供应商之间单纯的买卖 关系变成企业之间的战略合作关系。这样的观点和角度实际上是从供 应链的角度出发的,实现与供应商之间的合作共赢的关系,就会使企 业在激烈的市场竞争中处于优势地位。 众所周知,随着近年来改革开放的发展,国内涌现了越来越多的 企业。这些企业的规模不尽相同,有中型的企业也有小型的企业。无 论企业的规模大小,企业主都非常注重企业内部的管理和企业外部之 间的合作。企业的合作模式包括对于原材料的采购模式,对于商品的 加工模式,商品的保管模式,商品的质量监督模式以及商品的分销模 式。在众多的企业发展模式中,从供应链的角度着眼企业的发展是最 有效的,它能从整体的供应链角度,关注企业在原材料采收,商品的 生产,商品的管理,商品的分销的运营情况。 II 本文主要研究的是企业在以往的原材料采购过程中出现的问题 以及企业在现代化的经济环境中需要改进的地方。结合企业在采购过 程中的问题和现代化经济发展过程中需要提升的地方,有针对性地分 析比较,给出有效的解决和提升的方案。本文以A文具生产公司的发 展为研究对象,针对A文具生产公司在发展过程中的采购原材料,采 购方案的设计以及采购的方式等采购方面的流程进行分析,针对采购 过程中出现的问题,给出解决的建议。 经济环境和企业的环境都是变化的,因此要有根据地及时给出适 合当今企业发展和经济环境的优化的方案。一方面要完善企业在采购 过程中的问题,另一方面要关注企业在采购过程中可以提升的环节。 在综合上述问题的基础上,给出科学合理的解决方法。由于企业对于 不同类型原材料的采购所应用的方法有所不同,所以在分析企业在采 购过程中出现的问题时,需要有针对性地研究不同采购材料的不同方 法。 关键词:A文具生产公司;原材料采购;供应链管理 III STUDYON SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OPTIMIZATION OF RAW MATERIAL PURCHASING IN A STATIONERY PRODUCTION COMPANY Lin Tao (MBA) Directed by Xiaodong Zhou Abstract:With the liberalization of trade under the economic globalization, the full competition of the market and the extensive use of information technology, manufacturing enterprises are no longer the profitable industries in the past. The more prominent the position of purchasing management in the process of enterprise production and operation, the more it has become an important way for enterprises to enhance their strength. From the point of view of supply chain, procurement management is the link between many enterprises in the supply chain. In order to establish a long-term win-win partnership in the supply chain, purchasing management is not only operational management, but also the development strategy management of the enterprise. With the general improvement of enterprise management, to enhance supply chain strength through purchasing management, it is necessary to constantly improve the purchasing mode, purchasing organization, purchasing operation flow, purchasing information management, purchasing quality, purchasing cost, purchasing information IV management, purchasing quality, purchasing cost, purchasing organization, purchasing operation flow, purchasing information management, purchasing quality,purchasing cost, etc. Therefore, the research on procurement management in the supply chain environment is a rapid adaptation of Chinese enterprises to the international market. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to enhance the international competitiveness. Through the analysis of the purchasing management in the supply chain environment, the actual situation of the company is combined with the knowledge of modern purchasing management to the purchasing process and purchasing plan of the company. Procurement management of raw materials and Some problems existing in supplier management are described and analyzed and the corresponding scheme is put forward in order to provide guidance for the company to improve the efficiency of purchasing by improving the original purchasing management level. Firstly, this paper analyzes, compares and studies the traditional purchasing and modern advanced purchasing concepts. Then, taking the purchasing management of the company as the research object, it investigates and analyzes the current purchasing process, purchasing plan, raw material purchasing method of the company. The problems existing in the supplier management. The optimization scheme to improve the purchasing management of the company is put forward: not only to V perfect the business process of the enterprise, but also to coordinate the coordination between the relevant departments, and to formulate the scientific and efficient purchase plan; Adopt different purchasing methodsfor different characteristics of raw materials in order to reduce purchasing cost; improve supplier management system and enhance information exchange with suppliers Finally, the implementation effect of the optimization scheme is summarized, and the purchasing management level of the company is greatly improved. Keywords:W A Stationery production Company; Raw material purchase; supply chain Management 目 录 摘要 .................................................... Ⅰ Abstract ................................................ Ⅲ 第1章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 .......................................... 1 1.2 研究意义 .......................................... 1 1.2.1 理论意义 ..................................... 1 1.2.2 实际意义 ..................................... 1 1.3 国内外研究现状 .................................... 2 1.3.1 供应链管理理论及相关研究 ..................... 4 1.3.2 供应链采购管理理论及相关研究 ................. 4 1.4 研究内容 .......................................... 5 1.5 研究思路及方法 .................................... 7 1.5.1 研究框架 ..................................... 7 1.5.2 研究方法 ..................................... 8 1.6 研究创新点 ........................................ 8 第2章 相关概念及理论依据 ................................ 9 2.1 采购管理 .......................................... 9 2.1.1 釆购及采购管理的定义 ......................... 9 2.1.2 采购作业的流程 ............................... 9 2.2 供应链管理概述 ................................... 12 2.2.1 供应链的概念 ................................ 12 2.2.2 供应链管理的内容 ............................ 13 2.3 供应链环境下采购管理理论 ......................... 14 2.3.1 传统的物料釆购管理存在的问题 ................ 14 2.3.2 供应链环境下釆购方式的转变 .................. 15 第3章 A文具生产公司采购供应链管理现状 ................. 17 3.1 A文具生产公司简介 ............................... 17 3.2 采购流程现状及分析 ............................... 20 3.3 采购计划管理现状及分析 .......................... 19 3.4 原材料釆购现状及分析 ............................ 20 第4章 A文具生产公司采购供应链管理优化研究 ............. 23 4.1 采购流程优化 ..................................... 23 4.2 采购计划管理优化 ................................. 29 4.3 采购与库存管理的优化 ............................. 32 4.3.1 采购与仓库库存改善 .......................... 33 4.3.2 采购与供应商库存数据共享的改善 .............. 33 4.4 供应商管理评价优化 ............................... 35 第5章 A文具生产公司原材料采购供应链优化建设保障措施 ... 39 5.1 组织保障 ......................................... 39 5.1.1 建立供应链统一管理机构 ...................... 39 5.1.2 建立质量管理协调机构 ........................ 39 5.2 企业文化保障 ..................................... 40 5.2.1 调整精神层企业文化 .......................... 40 5.2.2 提升行为层文化 .............................. 40 5.3 重视考核机制建设 ................................. 40 5.4 持续改进机制 ..................................... 41 第6章 总结 ............................................. 43

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