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在国内人寿保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司不断加速发展的今天,个险代理人发挥的作用至关重要。 他们除了推销人寿保险产品以外,也承担着诸如保险宣传、售后等各项保险服务, 为保险公司个人保险业务的持续发展提供了巨大的人力支持。随着国家经济高速 发展以及保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境的变化,保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的增员难已经成为了各家保险公司在个 险业务发展上的主要问题。个险代理人尤其是其团队的负责人,即个险代理人团 队长的人才竞争日趋激烈,如何在新时代的保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争中,用优秀的薪酬体系 来吸引人才,为公司业务持续发展服务,已经成为了保险公司在个险业务发展中 必须研究的课题。 本论文从个险代理人团队长的薪酬方案出发,将富德生命人寿保险股份有限 公司个险代理人团队长作为研究对象,通过问卷调查法和访谈法两种研究方法, 对公司现行薪酬方案进行分析,并提出薪酬方案的优化方向,希望通过薪酬方案 的优化,实现公司个险业务持续发展、稳定和提高个险代理人团队长队伍收入水 平、促使个险代理人队伍往监管要求和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展趋势的方向稳步发展等目的。 本论文在薪酬方案优化的过程中,对个险代理人团队长薪酬方案提出了以下 几项优化方向:一是导向优化,引入管理类考核指标;二是平衡薪酬结构,引入 固定薪酬和非现金性福利;三是完善绩效薪酬激励机制,调整佣金和育成奖金计 算方式;四是提供个险代理人团队长职业发展及加薪渠道转换;五是建立和完善 内在薪酬体系等手段。通过上述五项优化,并结合构建薪酬方案优化的制度保障、 落地和推广的宣导、培训机制的优化、全面开展等工作,确保新薪酬方案能够获 得最广泛的拥护、获得最有效的推广、获得最强力的执行,最终使个险代理人团 队长的薪酬方案能够紧跟欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司潮流,希望通过薪酬方案的吸引力,使公司在个险 业务竞争中始终保持人才优势。 关键词:保险,个险代理人,团队长,薪酬方案优化 MBA学位论文??作者:张志威????????????????富德生命人寿个险代理人团队长薪酬方案优化研究? IV Research on the Optimization of the Leader's Compensation Plan of the Personal Insurance Agents of Funde Sino Life Insurance Co.,Ltd. Abstract Individual insurance agents play a vital role in the rapid development of China’s life insurance industry. They not only market life insurance products, but also publicize insurance and offer after-sales services, providing significant human support for the sustainable development of individual insurance business of insurance companies. With the rapid development of the national economy and the change in the environment of the insurance industry, various insurance companies are facing a major challenge in the development of individual insurance business, namely hiring excellent employees. The talent competition of individual insurance agents, especially the leader of the team, namely the team leader of individual insurance agents, is becoming increasingly fierce. In order to secure development of individual insurance business, insurance companies need to consider how to attract talents with excellent salary system amid the competition of insurance industry in the new era so as to promote the sustainable development of companies’ business. Guided by theories including Robert S. Kaplan/David P.Norton’s Balanced Scorecard Theory, Peter M.Senge’s learning organization theory, Edgar.H.Schein’s career anchor theory, and Abraham Harold Maslow’s demand level theory, this paper starts from the salary package of the team leader of individual insurance agents, and takes the team leader of Funde Sino Life Insurance Co.,Ltd as the research object. It analyzes the current salary package of the company through two research methods of questionnaire survey and interview and puts forward the optimization direction of the salary package. The author hopes that through the optimization of the salary package, the company’s individual insurance business will continue to develop, and the income of the team leader of individual insurance agents can be stabilized and improved. In addition, the team of individual insurance agents can meet regulatory requirements and keep pace with the development trend of the industry. In the process of salary package optimization, this paper, regarding the salary MBA学位论文??作者:张志威????????????????富德生命人寿个险代理人团队长薪酬方案优化研究? V package of the team leader of individual insurance agents, puts forward the following optimization methods: 1.Guidance optimization, introduce management assessment indicators; 2.Balance the salary structure, introduce fixed salary and non-cash benefits; 3.Improve the performance-based salary incentive mechanism, adjust the calculation method of commission and training bonus; 4.Provide channel transformation of career development and income increase of the team leader of individual insurance agents; 5.Establish and improve the internal salary system. Through the above five optimizations, combined with the system guarantee of salary package optimization, the publicity of landing and promotion, the optimization of the training mechanism, and comprehensive development, the new salary package can obtain the broadest support, the most effective promotion, and the most powerful implementation. In this way, the salary package of the team leader of individual insurance agents can keep up with the industry trend. The author hopes that the company can keep its talent advantage in the competition of individual insurance business through favorable salary packages.

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