I 摘要 当前,我国已开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程,高校肩负着为党和 国家事业发展培养造就大批德才兼备的高层次人才的历史重任。高校教师工作绩 效是完成这一历史任务的重要基础。如何进一步激发和提升高校教师的工作绩效, 成为高校管理者面临的一个现实而紧迫的问题。以往不少高校在教师绩效管理上 取得了不俗成绩,但是也存在重结果轻过程,指标设计和激励机制不合理等问题。 研究符合高校实际情况的绩效管理方案,建立更合理的高校教师绩效评价指标,对 激发教师教学和科研积极性、主动性和创造性存在重要意义。 本文首先对研究背景、选题意义等内容进行了阐述;其次介绍了激励和绩效管 理相关理论,以及我国高校绩效管理的研究现状和发展趋势;接着以 K 大学 M 学 院教师绩效管理为研究对象,采取问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法,了解和掌握 M 学院教师绩效管理情况;同时通过收集、汇总、整理相关数据和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司揭示现行绩效 管理存在的问题。结合绩效管理相关理论研究分析发现,M 学院教师绩效管理主 要存在如下问题:(1)学院、团队和教师目标未有效融合,未形成发展合力;(2) 绩效考核指标不全面,考核周期设置欠合理;(3)教师高质量工作绩效形成困难, 缺少有效指导;(4)团队内部管理薄弱,绩效形成过程监督不够;(5)考核结果沟 通和反馈不到位,绩效管理未形成良性循环。针对上述问题,本文采取以内驱力为 理论基础的 OKR 绩效管理方法,结合 M 学院实际情况,采取自下而上的方式制 定和完善学院、团队、教师的绩效目标和指标,提升教师工作积极性;以定期开展 工作自评和沟通汇报的绩效督导方式,搭建信息共享平台和交流机制,促使团队科 研成果共享和学术交流;秉承透明公开原则,以价值贡献为评价依据开展绩效考核 评价和结果运用,以此建立符合 M 学院现阶段实际情况和教师需求的较为科学、 合理、系统的教师绩效管理方案。同时,提出了建立组织保障结构,搭建信息平台, 完善专业培训,开展试点工作的配套保障措施来辅助方案的顺利开展。 本研究创新性地将OKR方法运用于高校教师绩效管理,提出系统的解决方案, 对完善高校教师绩效管理有一定的促进作用,为进一步激励高校教师工作绩效提 供了新的视角和方法。 关键词:高校教师,绩效管理,OKRABSTRACT II ABSTRACT At present, China has started a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. Colleges and universities shoulder the historical responsibility of cultivating a large number of high-level talents with both political integrityand abilityfor the development of the party and the country. The work performance of university teachers is an important foundation to complete this historical task. How to further stimulate and improve the work performance of universityteachers has become a realistic and urgent problem faced by university administrators. In the past, many colleges and universitieshavemade great achievements in teacherperformancemanagement, but there are also some problems, such as the emphasis on results rather than process, unreasonable indexdesignandincentivemechanism.Itisofgreatsignificancetostudytheperformance management scheme in line with the actual situation of colleges and universities and establish more reasonable performance evaluation index for university teachers, which is ofgreat significanceto stimulateteachers'enthusiasm, initiativeandcreativityin teaching and scientific research. Firstly,thispaperexpoundstheresearchbackgroundandthesignificanceofthetopic selection; secondly, it introduces the relevant theories of incentive and performance management, as well as the research status and development trend of performance management in Colleges and universities in China; secondly, taking the performance management of teachers in M School of K University as the research object, this paper adopts the method of questionnaire survey and interview to understand and master the situation of teacher performance management in M School; through the collection, summary and collation of relevant data and information, this paper reveals the problems existing in the current performance management. Combined with the theoretical research and analysis of performance management, it is found that the main problems of M School Teachers' performance management are as follows: (1) The objectives of school, team and teachers are not effectively integrated, and no development force is formed; (2) the performance evaluation indicators are not comprehensive and the assessment cycle is not reasonable; (3)it is difficult forteachersto form high-qualityworkperformance andlacks effective guidance; (4) the team internal management is weak, and the performance formation process supervision is not enough; (5) the communication and feedback ofABSTRACT III assessment results are not in place, and the performance management is not formed It's a virtuous circle. In view of the above problems, this paper adopts the OKR performance management method based on the internal drive theory, combined with the actual situation of M School, adopts a bottom-up approach to formulate and improve the performance objectives and indicators of the school, team and teachers, and enhance the enthusiasm of teachers; with the performance supervision mode of regularly carrying out self-evaluation and communication report, the information sharing platform and communication mechanism are built to promote the work of the school In order to establish a more scientific, reasonable and systematic teacher performance management scheme which is in line with the actual situation and teachers' needs of M School at the present stage, we should adhere to the principle of transparency and openness, and carry out performance evaluation and result application based on value contribution. At the same time, the paper puts forward the supporting measures of establishing organization guarantee structure, building information platform, improving professional training and carrying out pilot work to assist the smooth development of the scheme. In view of the above problems, this thesis adopts the OKR performance management method based on the internal drive theory, combined with the actual situation of M School, adopts a bottom-up approach to formulate and improve the performance objectives and indicators of the school, team and teachers, so as to enhance the enthusiasm of teachers' work; to regularly carry out self-evaluation and performance supervision, build information exchange platform and communication mechanism to promote the league Based on the principleoftransparencyandopenness, performanceevaluation and applicationofresults are carried out based on value contribution, so as to establish a more scientific, reasonable and systematic teacher performance management scheme which is in line with the actual situation and teachers' needs of M School at this stage. At the same time, the paper puts forward the supporting measures of establishing organization guarantee structure, building information platform, improving professional training and carrying out pilot work to assist the smooth development of the scheme. This study innovatively applies OKR method to the performance management of university teachers, and puts forward systematic solutions, which can promote the improvement of University Teachers' performance management, and provide a new perspective and method for further incentive of University Teachers' work performance. Keywords: University Teachers, performance management, OKR目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论....................... 1 1.1 研究背景 .............................. 1 1.2 研究目标和内容 ................ 1 1.3 研究意义 .............................. 2 1.4 研究方法和流程 ................ 3 1.4.1 研究方法 ..... 3 1.4.2 研究思路 ..... 3 第二章 绩效管理相关理论综述...................... 4 2.1 绩效的相关理论和运用... 4 2.1.1 绩效的含义 . 4 2.1.2 绩效考核的含义 ........................ 4 2.1.3 绩效管理的含义 ........................ 5 2.1.4 激励理论在绩效管理中的运用 6 2.2 绩效管理的发展和主要方法......................... 7 2.2.1 绩效管理的发展阶段 ................ 7 2.2.2 绩效管理的主要方法 ................ 8 2.3 高校绩效管理相关研究综述.......................13 2.3.1 高校教师的工作内涵和工作绩效 ......................... 13 2.3.2 高校绩效管理相关研究 .......... 13 第三章 K 大学 M 学院教师绩效管理现状及问题分析..........