保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司作为金融业的重要组成部分,在最近 20 年无论从市场规模上还是 从市场的成熟度上都获得了长足发展。财产保险作为保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司一个重要分支,其 市场整体规模也在不断扩大。伴随市场的增长和财险经营主体的不断增加,财险 市场竞争也日趋惨烈。各个财险经营主体为了抢夺市场份额,普遍采用高比例的 费用补贴政策来抢占市场,都有意或者无意的忽视了经营效率问题。尤其是基层 公司为了实现 KPI 考核目标,普遍呈现盲目追求规模,不重视经营效率的情况, 但这是违背企业经营发展规律的。经营效率反映了一个经营机构在投入与产出方 面的关系,也比较反应了一个公司的可持续发展能力,既是公司经营的重要指标, 也是经济学和管理学研究的重要内容之一。 本文选取人保财险 T 分公司作为研究对象,选取了其下属的 27 个基层经营 单位的经营数据,对其经营效率情况展开研究。本次研究分为四个步骤,首先通 过对以往研究成果的总结,阐述了对 T 分公司开展经营效率研究的重要性、说明 此次研究的目的和研究方法。其次是针对本次研究构建一个理论框架,对所涉及 的数据包络分析法和 Malmquist 指数分析法的相关概念加以说明。再次以 T 分公 司下辖的 27 个基层经营单位在 2016 年至 2019 年连续 4 年的销售人力、手续费、 已决赔款、签单保费和利润等指标数据作为样本,带入到已经构建好的理论框架 中,对其经营效率情况进行分析。最后是根据上述分的结果结合实际工作中 T 分公司的现实情况提出改进的意见。 关键词:财险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 经营效率 数据包络分析法 Malmquist 指数6 Abstract As an important part of the financial industry, the insurance industry has made great headway in both market size and market maturity in the past 20 years. Property insurance, as an essential segment of the insurance industry, has also been expanding in its overall market size. With the growth of the market and the continuous increase of property insurance operators, the competition in the property insurance market is increasingly fierce. In order to grab market shares, property insurance operators generally adopt a strategy of providing high-proportion cost compensations, intentionally or unintentionally ignoring the problem of operating efficiency. In particular, in order to achieve the KPI assessment targets, grassroots companies are generally in blind pursuit of scale and pay little attention to operating efficiency. However, this is contrary to the law of business operation and development. Operating efficiency reflects the relationship between the input and output of an operating institution, and also reflects the comparative sustainability of a company. It is not only an important indicator of business operation, but also an essential part of economics and management studies. In this paper, PICC T Branch is selected as the research object, and the operation data of 27 grass-roots business units under T Branch are selected to study their operating efficiency. This research is divided into four steps. First, based on a summary of previous research results, the importance of conducting research on the operating efficiency of T Branch, as well as the purpose and methods adopted in the research, is expounded. Second, a theoretical framework is constructed to illustrate the concepts involved in data envelopment analysis and Malmquist index analysis. Third, the index data of sales force, service charge, settled claim, written premium and profit of 27 grass-roots business units under the supervision of T Branch for 4 consecutive years from 2016 to 2019 are taken as samples to be placed into the established theoretical framework for an analysis of those units’operating efficiency. Finally, suggestions for improvement are put forward based on the above results and the actual situation of T branch in practice. Keywords: Property Insurance Industry; Operating Efficiency; Data Envelopment Analysis; Malmquist Index1 目录 第一章 绪论············3 1.1 研究的目的和意义···········3 1.1.1 研究的目的··········3 1.1.2 研究的意义··········4 1.2 国内研究现状················ 5 1.2.1 针对国内保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司经营效率的研究·················6 1.2.2 针对国内寿险公司经营效率的研究·················7 1.2.3 针对国内财险公司经营效率的研究·················8 1.2.4 互联网保险的效率研究··············9 1.2.5 不同维度的对比研究················10 1.3 国外研究现状···············11 1.3.1 针对国外保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司经营效率的研究··············· 12 1.3.2 针对国外寿险公司经营效率的研究··············· 12 1.3.3 针对国外非寿险公司经营效率的研究············ 12 1.3.4 针对国外保险公司不同维度的对比研究········· 12 1.4 文献概述···13 1.5 主要研究内容···············14 1.6 研究方法··· 14 1.7 研究创新点15 第二章 理论概述····16 2.1 效率的定义16 2.2 主要效率理论···············16 2.2.1 古典学派的效率理论················16 2.2.2 新古典学派的效率理论·············17 2.2.3 有效需求理论·······17 2.3 财险公司效率概述·········18 2.3.1 财险公司效率的定义················18 2.3.2 影响效率的因素····18 2.3.3 效率的分类··········19 2.4 效率测评方法概述·········19 2.4.1 效率的测评方法····19 2.4.2 参数法介绍··········20 2.4.3 DEA 分析方法简介················· 20 第三章 T 分公司经营现状···········26 3.1 T 分公司经营现状···········26 3.2 T 分公司效率现状···········27 3.3 影响经营效率的主要因素28 3.2.1 业绩压力造成的失衡················28 3.2.2 过于依赖渠道业务·28 3.2.3 销售人力问题突出·29 第四章 实证研究设计················30 4.1 指标选择方法···············302 4.2 指标的选择30 4.3 研究样本的选择············31 4.4 数据提取时间段的选择···31 第五章 实证研究分析················33 5.1 技术效率测算···············33 5.2 纯技术效率测算············38 5.3 规模效率测算···············42 5.4 全要素生产效率测算······43 5.5 研究结论··· 45 第六章 建议··········47 6.1 合理的控制保费任务规模47 6.2 合理使用人才···············47 6.3 控制费用降低成本·········48 6.4 转渠道降成本···············48 6.5 创新带动效率提升·········48 6.6 控制赔付成本提升经营效率··············49