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随着我国经济发展水平的不断提升以及互联网信息技术的发展,传统金融产 业不断受到冲击,银行信用卡欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司也面临诸多困难。信用卡在我国经历了三十多 年的发展,随着业务范围的不断扩大,已经逐渐形成日趋完善的发展模式,但是, 如何在互联网金融的冲击和新兴支付手段的竞争中抢占一席之地仍是每个银行都 面临的难题。在经济全球化的影响之下,我国的银行信用卡欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司面临着前所未有 的挑战和机遇,只有不断完善当前的信用卡营销模式,积极调整营销策略,才能 在市场竞争中立足,实现更好的发展。 本文第一部分对文章的写作背景、目的及意义、写作思路等进行了简要的介 绍;第二部分对相关理论和国内外相关研究进行了整理和介绍;第三部分主要对 国内信用卡产业的现状进行分析,首先介绍了国内的信用卡产业发展现状和当前 信用卡产业所面临的主要挑战;第四部分对 GS 银行当前的营销现状进行分析,首 先对 GS 银行进行了简要介绍,其次对其当前的客户满意度进行分析,然后将 GS 银行的营销策略与其他银行的营销策略进行比较,最后对 GS 银行信用卡营销存在 的问题进行分析,主要有产品功能同质化严重、差异化营销手段单一、品牌建设 不鲜明和客户服务缺乏个性化等问题;第五部分对 GS 银行的信用卡营销环境进行 分析,运用 SWOT 分析法对当前 GS 银行信用卡产业所面临的优势、劣势以及机 遇、挑战等分别进行分析。第六部分针对当前 GS 银行的内外环境以存在的不足进 行 STP 分析,首先进行市场细分,在市场细分的基础上进行目标市场选择,最后 进行准确的客户市场定位,为后期差异化营销策略的制定奠定基础。第七章针对 GS 银行的营销环境及市场定位制定具有 GS 银行发展特色的差异化化营销战略, 综合产品功能、促销手段、价格体系、品牌形象和客户服务等多各方面,制定全 方位的差异化营销战略,希望本研究能为 GS 银行信用卡业务的进一步发展提供一 定的参考借鉴。 关键词:银行;信用卡;差异化;营销策略湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II Abstract With the continuous improvement of the level of economic development and the development of Internet information technology in China, the traditional industry is constantly impacted, and the banking and credit card industry is also facing many difficulties. Credit cards have experienced more than 30 years of development in China. With the continuous expansion of business scope, it has gradually formed an increasingly perfect development model. However, how to seize a place in the fierce market competition is still a problem faced by every company. At the same time, under the influence of economic globalization, China's banking credit card industry is also facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Only by constantly improving the current credit card marketing model and actively adjusting marketing strategies, can we catch up with the international pace as soon as possible and achieve better development. The first part of this paper introduces the writing background, purpose and significance, writing ideas and so on. The second part collates and introduces the related theories and domestic and foreign related research. The third part mainly analyses the current situation of domestic credit card industry. The fourth part is to analyze the credit card marketing environment of GS Bank. The fifth part analyses the current marketing situation of GS Bank. The sixth part carries out STP analysis on the shortcomings of GS bank's internal and external environment. Firstly, it carries out market segmentation, carries out target market selection on the basis of market segmentation, and finally carries out accurate customer market positioning, which lays a foundation for the formulation of differential marketing strategy in the later stage. Chapter VII formulates a differentiated marketing strategy with GS Bank's development characteristics in view of GS Bank's marketing environment and market positioning. It integrates product functions, promotional means, price system, brand image and customer service, and formulates a comprehensive differentiated marketing strategy. It is hoped that this study can be further developed for GS Bank. The exhibition provides some reference.

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