I 摘要 员工是企业创造效益的主要来源,员工的稳定是企业可持续发展的基础。员工 的不可控流失,无形中会给企业带来各种显性和隐性损失。例如人员再次招聘及再 次培养的显性损失,团队士气涣散及企业声誉破坏的隐性损失,都将耗费企业巨大 的经营成本。随着我国经济的发展,同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司企业的社会竞争日益激烈,企业能否留 住员工成为企业人力资源管理中一个极其重要的问题。 为了使人员配置可以跟上 M 通信公司的发展,2019 年上半年,M 通信公司决定 扩大公司的员工规模。通过加大招聘力度,公司整体员工规模在短短的几个月内增 加了近一倍。但是人员的快速增长,势必会增加 M 通信公司人力资源管理的难度。 2019 年下半,M 通信公司开始经历大规模的员工流失,员工流失率过高,不仅给 M 通信公司造成了巨大的成本损失,也对 M 通信公司的企业形象以及声誉产生了非常 严重的影响。 本文以 M 通信公司为研究对象,通过对 M 通信公司大规模的员工流失问题进行 研究,从而提出降低 M 通信公司员工流失率的解决对策。基于员工流失的相关概念 和理论,本文采用离职员工访谈法和在职员工满意度调查问卷法,来总结员工流失 的主要原因。通过研究发现 M 通信公司员工流失的主要原因有:薪酬福利制度不够 公平、招聘过程对岗位需求把控不够清晰、晋升空间有限、绩效考核未落到实处、 企业文化建设不够全面、培训内容缺乏针对性。在此基础上,本文针对员工流失的 各种原因,结合公司实际情况,以员工流失相关的激励理论为指导,提出可行性的 解决对策,具体有:建立完善的薪酬福利体系、完善招聘制度、尝试使用非岗位晋 升、完善绩效考核制度、建立更人性化的企业文化、搭建完善的培训体系。期望本 文的研究在未来能够帮助降低 M 通信公司的员工流失率,提高公司的企业形象和行 业声誉,吸引和留住优秀员工,为公司的可持续发展做出贡献。 关键词 通信公司;员工流失;满意度;河北科技大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Employees are the main source of profits for an enterprise, and the stability of employees is the foundation for the sustainable development of an enterprise. Uncontrollable loss of employees will bring various explicit and implicit losses to the enterprise. For example, the explicit loss caused by the re-recruitment and re-training of personnel, and the implicit losse caused by the impaired team morale and the damage to the corporate reputation, all of these will cost the enterprise a huge operating costs. With the continuous development of the economy and increasingly fierce social competition, whether an enterprise can retain employees has become extremely important in enterprise human resource management. In the first half of 2019, M Communications Company decided to expand its workforce so that the staffing can keep pace with the company's growth. By ramping up recruitment, the company's overall workforce has nearly doubled in just a few months. But the rapid growth of personnel makes the human resource management of M Communications Company more difficult. In the second half of 2019, M Communications Company began to experience large-scale employee turnover. The excessively high employee turnover rate not only caused huge cost loss to the company, but also has a very serious impact on the company's corporate image and reputation. This reaserch takes M Communications Company as the research object, through the analysis and research on the large-scale employee turnover of M Communication Company, this paper puts forward the countermeasures to reduce the employee turnover rate of M Communication Company. Based on the related concepts and theories of employee turnover, this paper adopts the method of interviews with resigned employees and the questionnaire method of in-service employee satisfaction surveys to summarize the main reasons for employee turnover. Through the research, it is found that the main reasons for employee turnover in M Communications Company include: the salary and welfare system is not fair enough, the job requirements are not clearly controlled in the recruitment process, the promotion space is limited, the performance appraisal is not implemented, the corporate culture is not comprehensive enough, and the training content is not targeted. On this basis, this paper, in view of the various reasons for employee turnover, combined with the actual situation of the company, and guided by the incentive theory related to employee turnover, feasible solutions are proposed. Feasible solutions forAbstract III employee turnover include: establishing a complete salary and welfare system, improving the recruitment system, trying to use non-post promotion, improving the performance evaluation system, establishing a more humane corporate culture, and building a complete training system. It is hoped that the above solutions can reduce the employee turnover rate of M Communications Company in the future, improve the company's corporate image and industry reputation, attract and retain outstanding employees, and contribute to the company's sustainable development. Key words Communications company;Employee turnover;Satisfaction;目 录 V 目 录 摘要···I Abstract ················II 目 录·V 第 1 章 绪 论····1 1.1 研究背景 ···1 1.2 研究意义 ···1 1.3 研究内容、方法及思路················2 1.3.1 研究内容 ··············2 1.3.2 研究方法 ··············2 1.3.3 研究思路 ··············3 1.4 国内外研究现状分析··4 1.4.1 国外研究现状 ······4 1.4.2 国内研究现状 ······5 第 2 章 相关概念及理论基础·················7 2.1 相关概念 ···7 2.1.1 员工流动 ··············7 2.1.2 员工流动的类型···7 2.1.3 员工流失 ··············7 2.1.4 员工流失率 ··········7 2.2 员工流失理论 ·············8 2.2.1 人力资本投资论···8 2.2.2 勒温的场论 ··········8 2.2.3 目标一致理论 ······9 2.3 员工激励理论 ·············9 2.3.1 需求层次理论 ······9 2.3.2 双因素理论 ········10 2.3.3 期望理论 ············11 2.3.4 公平理论 ············12 2.4 本章小结 ·12 第 3 章 M 通信公司员工流失现状及影响 ············13 3.1 M 通信公司概况·······13河北科技大学硕士学位论文 VI 3.1.1 M 通信公司简介 13 3.1.2 M 通信公司组织架构 ··········13 3.1.3 M 通信公司人力资源现状 ··14 3.2 M 通信公司员工流失现状 ·········16 3.2.1 M 通信公司员工流失数据统计 ············16 3.2.2 M 通信公司员工流失特征 ··19 3.3 M 通信公司员工流失造成的影响 ···············20 3.3.1 增加企业经营成本···············20 3.3.2 导致企业人心不稳···············22 3.3.3 有损企业形象 ····22 3.3.4 降低客户满意度·23 3.4 本章小结 ·23 第 4 章 M 通信公司员工流失原因调查及分析·····25 4.1 M 通信公司员工流失原因访谈调查 ···········25 4.1.1 访谈对象 ············25 4.1.2 访谈方式 ············25 4.1.3 访谈表的设计 ····25 4.1.4 访谈结果统计 ····26 4.2 M 通信公司在职员工工作满意度问卷调查28 4.2.1 调查问卷的设计·28 4.2.2 调查问卷的发放和回收·······29 4.2.2 调查问卷结果分析···············29 4.3 M 通信公司员工流失原因分析 ·33 4.3.1 薪酬福利制度不够公平·······33 4.3.2 招聘过程对人才需求不够精准 ·············34 4.3.3 晋升空间有限 ····34 4.3.4 绩效考核未落到实处···········34 4.3.5 企业文化建设不够全面·······35 4.3.6 培训内容宽泛缺乏针对性···35 4.4 本章小结 ·35 第 5 章 M 通信公司员工流失解决对策 ················37 5.1 建立完善的薪酬福利体系··········37 5.1.1 建立合理的薪酬福利制度···37 5.1.2 建立公平的薪酬福利制度···38目 录 VII 5.1.3 增加奖励性薪酬·38 5.2 完善招聘制度 ···········38 5.2.1 制定科学完善的招聘计划···39 5.2.2 确保招聘过程公开公正·······39 5.2.3 加强人才选拔工作···············40 5.3 尝试使用非岗位晋升激励法······40 5.3.1 建立统一的考核制度···········41 5.3.2 提升其相应的薪酬水平·······41 5.3.3 完善与制度相关的培训·······41 5.4 完善绩效考核制度 ···41 5.4.1 确立明确的考核指标···········42 5.4.2 增加多个考评人·42 5.4.3 建立绩效反馈及面谈机制···43 5.4.4 有效应用绩效考核结果·······43 5.5 建立更人性化的企业文化···