人力资源是企业非货币能够量化的重要资本,引领企业的发展离不开人,在 发电欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司尤为突出。随着我国电网建设速度的加快,电力建设项目也不断增多, 与此同时带来的人才竞争也日益突出,尤其是对传统的火电一线员工争夺更加激 烈,加剧了火电企业一线员工的流失。员工流失不仅会给企业人力资本投资带来 损失,还会对在职员工的心理产生强烈的冲击。如何采取有效的措施降低员工流 失已成为各火电企业管理者关注的焦点。 本文以T发电厂一线检修员工为研究对象,以Price-Mueller(2000)模型为 参考模型,以公平理论、期望理论为辅助分析工具,采用描述性统计法对员工流 失原因进行分析并结合人力资源相关理论给出了应对员工流失的措施。首先,对6 年来已流失员工的信息进行统计,对已流失员工电话访谈,分析已流失员工流失 原因;其次,对在职员工进行流失倾向调查,分析在职员工产生流失倾向的原因; 再次,从企业外部、企业内部、员工个人三个方面归纳了员工流失的原因;最后, 针对员工流失原因,本文从绩效考核与薪酬管理,人才培养与岗位晋升,企业文 化建设三个方面给出了应对措施。 关键词:员工流失,Price-Mueller(2000),发电厂 II Abstract Human resources are important non-monetary capital that can be quantified by enterprises. Leading the development of enterprises is inseparable from people, especially in the power generation industry. With the acceleration of China's power grid construction, power construction projects are also increasing, and at the same time, the competition for talents has become increasingly prominent, especially the fierce competition for the traditional front-line employees of thermal power, which has exacerbated the loss of front-line employees of thermal power companies. Employee turnover will not only bring losses to the company's human capital investment, but also have a strong impact on the psychology of employees. How to take effective measures to reduce employee turnover has become the focus of attention of the managers of thermal power enterprises. This paper takes the first-line maintenance employees of T Power Plant as the research object, uses the Price-Mueller (2000) model as the reference model, uses the equity theory and expectancy theory as the auxiliary analysis tools, uses descriptive statistical methods to analyze the causes of employee turnover and combines human resources related theories provide measures to deal with employee turnover. First, collect statistics on employees who have been lost in the past 6 years, conduct telephone interviews on the employees who have been lost, and analyze the reasons for the loss of employees; secondly, conduct a survey on the turnover tendency of employees, and analyze the reasons for the tendency of employees to lose; again, from the enterprise The reasons for employee turnover are summarized in three aspects: external, internal, and individual employees. Finally, for the reasons for employee turnover, this article provides countermeasures from three aspects: performance evaluation and salary administration, talent training and job promotion, and enterprise culture construction.