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随着经济快速发展和家庭财富日益增加,中国家长对子女教育的重视程度越 来越高。特别是在中小学阶段,除了必要的学校课程以外,更多的家长选择让孩 子参加课外辅导。这使得课外辅导在教育欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中所占的比重保持着较快的增长态 势。从2013年到2018年,我国中小学课外辅导欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的市场规模从2933亿元增 至5205亿元,每年同比增速都在10%以上。巨大的市场需求带动了课外辅导市 场的迅速发展,各种教育培训机构名目繁多,市场竞争也日趋激烈。江苏S教育 培训机构作为当地一家老牌辅导培训机构,拥有较高的市场认可度。但随着外部 竞争压力的不断增大、政策的不确定性增强、新冠病毒肺炎疫情等“黑天鹅”的 出现,该机构现有的市场营销策略可能无法适应新的内外部营销环境,制约了企 业的长远发展。因此,面对快速变化的市场环境和日益激烈的竞争压力,江苏S 教育培训必须采取行之有效的市场营销策略,才能实现长期健康发展。 基于以上背景,本文在对国内外已有文献进行梳理的基础上,以江苏S教育 培训中心为研究对象,结合服务营销理论、STP营销理论、4C营销理论、4P营 销理论等,运用PEST分析模型对S教育机构的外部宏观环境和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境进 行分析,从中甄别出该机构外部环境面临的机遇与威胁。在此基础上,运用SWOT 分析理论来研究S机构市场营销策略的改进方向,并提出具体的对策建议。 研究发现,在自身条件方面,江苏S教育培训中心具有先进的运营理念、在 本地有较高的品牌知名度和实力雄厚的师资队伍等优势,但同时也存在服务体系 缺乏特色、品牌形象不突出和营销手段缺乏差异化等问题;在外部环境方面,当 前,家长对孩子的教育十分重视、居民可支配收入不断增加和网络直播技术日趋 成熟等,这构成了S教育机构市场营销的有利条件,但同时也面临着欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争较 为激烈、政策不确定性增强和出现以新冠病毒肺炎疫情为代表的“黑天鹅”等外 部威胁。因此,江苏S教育培训中心应该优化现有市场营销策略,适应不断变化 的内外部环境。首先,对市场进行细分,根据客户和产品的不同特征制定个性化、 差异化的营销服务策略;其次,不断健全内部组织架构,完善团队管理制度和员 工培训体系,为营销策略的成功实施提供有力支撑;最后,积极创新,改良网络 营销模式,做好相关信息的采集与维护,并在对数据进行分析的基础上为客户提 II 供有针对性的服务,增强客户的认同感和忠诚度,以实现机构的长远和健康发展。 关键词:教育培训;S教育培训中心;SWOT分析;差异化策略 III Abstract With the rapid economic development and increasing family wealth, Chinese parents pay more and more attention to their children's education. Especially in primary and secondary schools, in addition to the necessary school courses, more parents choose to let their children participate in extracurricular counseling. This makes the proportion of extracurricular counseling in the education industry maintain a rapid growth trend. From 2012 to 2018, the market scale of extracurricular guidance industry in primary and secondary schools in China increased from 293.3 billion yuan to 520.5 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of more than 10%. The huge market demand has led to the rapid development of the extra-curricular counseling market. There are many kinds of education and training institutions, and the market competition is increasingly fierce. Jiangsu s education and training institution, as an old local training institution, has a high market recognition. However, with the increasing pressure of external competition, the increasing uncertainty of policy, the emergence of "black swan" such as coronavirus, the existing marketing strategy of the agency may not be able to adapt to the new internal and external marketing environment, which restricts the long-term development of the enterprise. Therefore, in the face of fast changing market environment and increasingly fierce competition pressure, Jiangsu s education and training center must adopt effective marketing strategies to achieve long-term and healthy development. Based on the above background, on the basis of combing the existing literature at home and abroad, taking Jiangsu s education and training center as the research object, combined with service marketing theory, STP marketing theory, 4C marketing theory, 4P marketing theory, etc., this paper uses pest and Porter's five forces analysis model to analyze the external macro environment and industry competition environment of s education institution, from which we can identify the external environment of the institution Opportunities and threats to the environment. On this basis, SWOT analysis theory is used to study the improvement direction of s organization's IV marketing strategy, and specific countermeasures and suggestions are put forward. It is found that in terms of its own conditions, Jiangsu s education and training center has advanced operation concept, high brand awareness and strong teaching staff in the local area, but at the same time, there are also some problems such as imperfect service system, single marketing means and the quality of some employees to be improved. In terms of external environment, it is very important for s institutions to have parents to educate their children The increasing disposable income of residents and the maturing technology of live network are favorable conditions, but at the same time, they are also faced with fierce competition in the industry, increased policy uncertainty and external threats such as "black swan" represented by coronavirus. Therefore, Jiangsu s education and training center should optimize the existing marketing strategy to adapt to the changing internal and external environment. First of all, the market is subdivided, and personalized and differentiated marketing service strategies are formulated according to the different characteristics of customers and products; secondly, the internal organizational structure is continuously improved, the team management system and staff training system are improved, so as to provide strong support for the successful implementation of marketing strategies; finally, the network marketing model is actively innovated, improved, and relevant information collection and maintenance are well done And on the basis of data analysis, provide targeted services for customers, enhance customer identity and loyalty, in order to achieve the long-term and healthy development of the organization. Keywords:Education and training; S education training center; SWOT analysis; differentiation strategy V 目录 摘要 ... I Abstract ......................... III 第1章绪论 ...................... 1 1.1研究背景及意义. 1 1.1.1研究背景.. 1 1.1.2研究意义.. 3 1.2研究内容与方法. 4 1.2.1研究内容.. 4 1.2.2研究方法.. 5 1.2.3技术路线图............................. 6 1.3可能的创新之处. 7 第2章文献综述及理论概述 ......................... 8 2.1国内外文献综述. 8 2.1.1国外相关的研究文献............. 8 2.1.2国内相关的研究文献........... 10 2.1.3对现有研究的简要评价....... 13 2.2市场营销理论概述.......................... 13 2.2.1STP营销理论 ........................ 13 2.2.2营销策略组合理论............... 14 2.3本章小结........... 15 第3章S教育培训中心市场营销的现状及问题 ...................... 16 3.1 S教育培训中心的基本概况 .......... 16 3.1.1创建与发展........................... 16 3.1.2培训机构概况....................... 16 3.1.3组织架构 17 3.1.4企业价值 19 3.2S教育培训中心市场营销的现状分析 .......................... 19 VI 3.2.1课程种类和价格................... 20 3.2.2销售情况 21 3.2.3营销策略状况....................... 23 3.3S教育培训中心市场营销存在的问题分析 .................. 24 3.3.1产品体系缺乏特色,网络在线课程开发不足.. 24 3.3.2市场空间范围小,品牌形象不突出.................. 25 3.3.3营销渠道单一,缺乏差异化的宣传方式.......... 26 3.4本章小结........... 26 第4章S教育培训中心市场营销的内外部环境分析 .............. 27 4.1 S教育培训中心市场营销的内部环境分析 ................. 27 4.1.1内部资源 27 4.1.2内部能力 27 4.2S教育培训中心市场营销的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境分析 .......... 28 4.2.1潜在进入者威胁................... 28 4.2.2现有竞争对手....................... 29 4.2.3替代品威胁........................... 29 4.2.4消费者议价能力................... 30 4.2.5供应商议价能力................... 30 4.3S教育培训中心市场营销的宏观环境分析 .................. 30 4.1.1政治法律环境....................... 30 4.1.2经济环境 31 4.1.3社会文化环境....................... 31 4.1.4技术环

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