改革开放以来,伴随着我国经济的快速发展,成品油的消费量和需求量也快 速增加,石油企业乘势发展。随着对外开放的深入和扩大,成品油市场的准入也 越来越宽松。国外的大型石油公司和国内的民营企业纷纷抢占市场,获取利益, 成品油市场主体开始多元化,传统的国有石油销售企业面临更大的竞争。近年来, 成品油准入门槛再次放低,也就意味着石油企业并购加剧,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司洗牌速度加快, 市场的活跃程度得到激发,使得依托加油站经营的国有石油销售企业面临巨大的 竞争压力。 党的十八大以来,以大数据、5G 技术等为代表的全新的信息技术颠覆了很 多欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的经营模式,传统加油站的经营模式也在经历这样的根本性变革。为积极 应对以上外部变化,国有石油销售企业急需在内部进行改革以确保自身的稳健发 展,而改革的根本是人的问题。因此,急需改变现有人力资源状况,亟待提升员 工素质,尤其是人数占比过半又站在变革前沿的加油站一线员工的胜任素质,以 此推动改革,改进管理,提升企业竞争力。 本文的研究对象为中国石油 C 销售分公司,基于胜任力模型理论、人职匹 配理论,在调研该公司加油站基层员工状况的基础上,提炼出人力资源管理方面 存在的问题。通过分析加油站基层员工胜任素质的相关要求,剖析加油站基层员 工的角色定位和企业的内外部因素,阐释构建通用胜任力模型的原因和必要性。 本文采用了行为事件访谈法、岗位分析法和文献研究法作为基本研究方法,利用 这三种方法分别提取加油站基层员工胜任力要素因子,分别建立胜任力要素库。 然后梳理汇总以上三个要素库形成最终的要素库,该要素库包含 19 个胜任力因 子。在此基础上,编写制定了包含 19 项胜任力要素的调查问卷,面向 C 公司加 油站全体员工发放调查问卷,再通过回收问卷,利用统计分析软件对问卷数据进 行分析等流程构建加油站基层员工胜任力模型。最终确定了包括 4 个维度、19 个因子的加油站基层员工胜任力模型。 构建完的胜任力模型只有应用到实践中才能发挥作用。因此,本文详细阐述 了加油站基层员工胜任力模型在招聘、培训、绩效管理和职业生涯管理等人力资 源管理实践中的应用,针对现实存在的问题,提出了新的解决办法。可以说,基 于胜任力模型的管理实践是将以往注重对工作的关注转移到对人的特质的关注 上来,从而实现选人用人育人与服务企业发展有机结合的目的。期望通过该模型 的构建和应用能为加油站基层员工胜任素质的提升发挥一定的积极作用,进而提 高加油站整体业绩,为积极应对加油站转型发展和成品油市场开放的格局提供人 才储备,最终实现提高企业经济效益的目的。摘要 2 关键词:胜任力模型;C 公司;加油站基层员工C 公司加油站基层员工胜任力模型构建研究 I ABSTRACT Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of China's economy, the consumption and demand of refined oil have also increased rapidly, that provides a development opportunity to oil enterprises. With the continuous opening of China's market, it is easier for famous foreign oil enterprises and domestic private enterprises to grab profits from Chinese market, which makes the refined oil market players diversify and impacts on state-owned enterprises. In recent years, the entry threshold of refined oil is lowered again, which means that the merger and acquisition of oil enterprises is intensified, the speed of industry reshuffle is accelerated, and the market activity is stimulated, which makes the state-owned oil sales enterprises relying on gas stations to operate face huge competitive pressure. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the business model of many industries have been overturned by a series of new information technologies, such as big data and 5G technology. The business model of traditional gas stations is also undergoing such fundamental changes. Thus, the state-owned oil sales enterprises urgently need to carry out internal reform to adapt to the above changes and to ensure their steady development. Since the fundamental problem of reform is the human problem, it is urgent to improve the quality of employees, especially the competency of grass-roots staff of gas station who account for more than 50 percent of all the staff. These measurements will promote the reform, and increase the enterprise competitiveness. In this paper the problems existing in human resource management of PetroChina C marketing company (PCCMC) are revealed by the investigation of the company's gas station grass-roots staff status based on the competency model theory and personality-job fit theory. The requirements for the competency of gas station grass-roots staff are analyzed, and then the necessity and reason of constructing a general competency model are explained by analyzing the role orientation of gas station grass-roots staff and the internal and external factors of PCCMC. After the extraction of the competency factors of grass-roots staff in gas station, three competency element databases are established by behavioral event interview, job analysis and literature research methods respectively. Then, the final factor library is formed by combing and summarizing the above three element databases, which contains 19 competency factors. On this basis, aAbstract II questionnaire containing 19 competency elements was compiled and distributed to all staff of C company gas station. After collecting the questionnaire, the competency model for grass-roots staff of gas station was constructed by analyzing these data with statistical analysis software. The model includes 4 dimensions and 19 factors. This model can play a role if it is applied in practice. Therefore, this paper elaborates on the application of competency model of gas station grass-roots staff in human resource management practices such as recruitment, training, performance management and career management, and proposes new solutions to the existing problems in reality. It can be said that the management practice based on competency model is to transfer the previous focus on work to the attention on human characteristics, so as to achieve the purpose of the organic combination of talent selection and education with the development of service enterprises. It is expected that the construction and application of the model could play a positive role in improving the competency of grass-roots staff in gas station, improve the overall performance of gas stations, provide talents storage to actively response to the patterns of transformation development of gas stations and opening up the refined oil market, and finally improve economic efficiency of enterprises. KEYWORDS: Competency Model; C Company; Grass-roots staff of gas stationC 公司加油站基层员工胜任力模型构建研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论.1 第一节 研究背景及研究意义. 1 一、研究背景........................1 二、研究意义........................2 第二节 国内外研究综述......... 2 一、国外研究综述................2 二、国内研究综述................3 第三节 研究内容和方法......... 4 一、研究内容........................4 二、研究方法........................5 第二章 理论基础....................... 6 第一节 胜任力模型理论......... 6 一、胜任力的概念和分类....6 二、胜任力模型的概念和类型...........................7 第二节 人职匹配理论........... 10 第三章 C 公司加油站基层员工人力资源现状分析...........................12 第一节 公司基本情况........... 12 一、C 公司简介..................12 二、C 公司加油站人职匹配情况.....................12 第二节 加油站岗位设置情况.............................. 13 一、加油站岗位设置......... 13 二、加油站岗位设置说明. 14 三、加油站员工岗位职责. 14 第三节 加油站基层员工人力资源现状分析...... 16 一、加油站基层员工构成情况........................ 16 二、加油站基层员工人力资源现状分析........ 17 第四章 C 公司加油站基层员工胜任力模型构建20目录 2 第一节 构建胜任力模型的必要性...................... 20 一、加油站基层员工的角色定位.................... 20 二、内外部原因分析......... 20 三、构建通用模型的原因分析........................ 22 第二节 胜任力要素获取的原则和思路.............. 23 一、胜任力要素获取的原则............................ 23 二、胜任力要素获取的思路............................ 23 第三节 胜任力要素库的构建.............................. 25 一、文献研究法建立要素库............................ 25 二、岗位分析法建立要素库............................ 26 三、BEI 法建立要素库......27 第四节 胜任力要素的最终确定.......................... 29 一、调查问卷的编制与发放............................ 29 二、调查问卷的统计与分析............