RM公司采购管理改进研究 在现代企业管理体系中,采购管理在整个供应链管理中起着越来越重要的作用, 通过建立了科学合理的采购系统,可以大大降低企业的生产运营成本,从根本上保证 采购产品的服务和质量,保证按时交货,从而给企业带来更有利的市场竞争力。 本文的研究对象是RM公司,RM公司近几年的高速发展,存在物料成本高、交货延 迟,紧急采购多,产品质量不稳定,供应商关系不和谐等很多问题,本文通过综合运 用管理学理论,在分析RM存在的采购管理问题的基础上,通过研究RM公司的采购管 理的问题,主要包含采购计划、采购流程、采购订单、供应商选择和评估等采购过程 各个环节的存在问题,分析问题成因,并根据分析结果,对采购管理各个环节提出优 化改进方案。 首先,从RM公司整体构架开始,对采购部门的组织构架进行了优化改进。并对采 购人员设置采购培训计划,设立了采购分析人员对采购成本、采购交期、采购效率等 进行了分析汇总工作,同时制定了采购人员的绩效考核制度。 其次,运用了Kraljic矩阵分类法对RM公司现有的物料进行了分类管理,并根据 分类结果制定不同物料的采购策略。同时也对供应商进行分类并根据分类结果制定出 不同供应商的管理策略。 再次,对整个采购流程进行优化改进,例如采购计划流程优化改进,采购订单管 理流程优化改进等。同时也对供应商管理进行了详细的阐述,对供应商的选择和评价 细化到可操作执行的层面。 最后,对库存管理也进行了详细的阐述,针对不同天数的库存数量进行管控,并 针对这些库存提出针对的解决方案。 本文通过对RM公司采购管理改进项目的实施,在采购管理提升方面取得了显著的 成效,提高了供应商的管理水平,不仅使RM公司的采购成本得到降低,同时缩短了采 购的时间,采购商品的质量也大大提升,RM公司的库存数量也得到了改善,提高了RM 公司的综合市场竞争力,实现了RM公司可持续发展的最终目标。RM公司采购管理改进 项目的顺利实施,为同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展中的企业采购管理改进优化研究具有一定的借鉴意义。 II 关键词: 采购管理,采购流程,采购计划,供应商管理,物料分类管理 III Abstract RM Company Procurement Management Improving Research In the modern enterprise management system, purchasing management plays a more and more important role in supply chain management, through the establishment of a scientific and rational procurement system, it can greatly reduce the production of the enterprise operating costs, ensure the procurement services, good quality of products, on time delivery, so as to give a better market competitiveness for company. The research object of this paper is the RM company, RM company develops rapid in recent years, but the high material cost, delay in delivery, emergency procurement, product quality is not stable, supplier relationship is not harmonious and so on many problems appeared. So through the integrated use of management theory, based on the analysis of the RM purchasing management problems, on the basis of RM purchasing management problems of company through research, mainly includes purchasing plan, purchasing process, purchase order, supplier selection and evaluation of procurement process each link of the existing problems, thought analyze this problems, and according to the analysis results, the purchasing management each link optimization improvement scheme is put forward. First, the organizational structure of the purchasing department was optimized and improved from the overall structure of RM company. In addition, a procurement training plan has been set up for procurement personnel, and procurement analysts have been set up to analyze and summarize procurement costs, procurement delivery time and procurement efficiency. Meanwhile, a performance appraisal system has been formulated for procurement personnel. Secondly, the Kraljic matrix classification was used to classify and manage the existing materials of RM company ,and the procurement strategies of different materials were formulated according to the classification results. At the same time, suppliers also carry out and develop different supplier management strategies according to the classification results. Thirdly, optimize and improve the whole procurement process, such as optimization and improvement of procurement planning process, optimization and improvement of purchase order management process, etc. At the same time, the supplier management is also elaborated in detail, and the selection and evaluation of suppliers are refined to the level of operational execution. Finally, the inventory management is also described in detail. The inventory quantity of IV different days is controlled, and specific solutions are proposed for these inventories. This article through to the implementation of the RM purchasing management improvement projects, in purchasing and supply management has made significant results, improve the management level of the supplier, not only reduce the purchasing cost get RM company, at the same time, short the time of purchase, purchase the quality of the goods also greatly promoted, the RM inventory quantity also improved too, improve the comprehensive market competitiveness of the RM company, has realized the RM company is the ultimate goal of sustainable development. The smooth implementation of the procurement management improvement project of RM company has certain reference significance for the research on procurement management improvement and optimization for the development of small workshop factories to large enterprises in the same industry. Keywords: Procurement management, Procurement SOP, Procurement plan, Supplier management, Material classification management V 目 录 第1章 绪论 ......... 1 1.1 选题的背景及意义 .................... 1 1.2 研究的目的与主要内容 ............ 2 1.2.1 研究的目的 .......................... 2 1.2.2 研究的主要内容 .................. 3 1.3 研究的主要方法 ........................ 3 1.4 论文总体结构 ............................ 4 第2章 相关理论综述 ........................ 7 2.1 供应链管理的概念及采购策略 .............................. 7 2.1.1 供应链管理的概念 .............. 7 2.1.2 供应链管理下的采购策略 .. 7 2.2 采购和采购管理的概念、作用和主要方法 .......... 9 2.2.1 采购和采购管理概述 .......... 9 2.2.2 采购管理的作用 ................ 11 2.2.3 采购物料分类管理方法 .... 12 2.3 采购流程管理和主要方法 ...... 14 2.3.1 采购流程管理原理概述 .... 14 2.3.2 采购流程管理的主要方法 15 2.4 采购订单管理 .......................... 17 2.4.1 采购订单管理的主要过程 17 2.4.2 采购合同管理 .................... 19 2.5 供应商管理 .............................. 19 2.5.1 供应商管理综述 ................ 19 VI 2.5.2 供应商分类管理 ................ 20 2.5.3 供应商选择评估方法 ....... 21 第3章 RM公司采购管理现状及问题分析 ................. 22 3.1 RM公司概况 .......................... 22 3.1.1 RM公司简介 .................... 22 3.1.2 RM采购部门介绍 ............ 23 3.1.3 采购人员管理现状............ 25 3.2 RM公司采购管理业务现状 .. 26 3.2.1 RM公司采购计划管理现状 ........................... 26 3.2.2 RM公司采购运作流程现状 ........................... 27 3.2.3 RM公司采购订单管理现状 ........................... 31 3.2.4 RM公司供应商选择与评价现状 ................... 32 3.2.5 RM公司库存管理现状 .... 34 3.3 RM公司采购管理存在的问题分析 ..................... 34 3.3.1 RM公司采购组织及人员管理存在的问题 ... 35 3.3.2 RM公司采购计划管理存在的问题 ............... 35 3.3.3 RM公司采购运作流程存在的问题 ............... 36 3.3.4 RM公司订单管理存在的问题 ....................... 36 3.3.5 RM公司供应商选择与评价存在的问题 ....... 37 3.3.6 RM公司库存控制存在的问题 ....................... 38 3.4 采购管理问题原因分析 ......... 38 3.4.1 组织构建跟不上公司的发展 .......................... 38 3.4.2 采购人员综合素质不高 ... 38 3.4.3 没有制定合适的采购策略 .............................. 39 3.4.4 采购运作流程不规范 ....... 39 VII 3.4.5 供应商管理体系不完善 .... 39 3.4.6 信息化程度不高 ................ 40 第4章 RM公司采购管理改进方案设计 ..................... 41 4.1 RM公司采购组织构架及人员综合素质管理优化 ............................ 41 4.1.1 采购部门组织构架优化 .... 41 4.1.2 采购人员素质提升优化 .... 44 4.2 采购计划管理优化设计 .......... 46 4.3 RM公司采购流程改进优化方案 ......................... 49 4.3.1 设置采购物料分类 ............ 49 4.3.2 不同物料制定不同的采购流程....................... 50 4.4 采购订单管理改进方案设计.. 53 4.4.1 采购