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复杂产品是指一类研发成本高昂、自身结构复杂、工程技术含量高、零部件 集成度高、单件或小批量定制化的大型产品或系统,例如航空系统、大型船舶等。 在复杂产品的供应链质量合作过程中,由于产品的复杂性,其研制一般由多主体 合作完成。根据角色的不同,我们往往将相关的合作主体分为主制造商和供应商 两种。合作前期各供应商负责提供外协产品,后期主制造商负责零部件的总装与 交付,一般受产品制造的先后顺序影响,主制造商在合作中往往看似处于被动地 位。而实际的质量合作过程中,主制造商的心理效用不仅受到当次交货质量水平 的影响,还会受到过往质量水平数据的影响,如欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司平均质量水平、前期交货最 高质量水平等。本文定义这些影响主制造商心理效用的点为质量参照点。在这种 情况下,主制造商可以通过结合供应商的支付报酬与自身被参照点影响的心理效 用部分,有效控制供应商的行为,使其交付符合质量水平标准的外协产品,减少 合作中由产品制造顺序带来的负面影响。综上,本文提出了一种可用于质量合作 中的新合作收益测算方法及其推行保障措施,相关研究工作可归纳如下。 讨论了单批次交货时参照点视角下的复杂产品供应链质量激励问题。根据过 往经验和有关数据得知,在不考虑参照点时,供应商仅会提供满足机会收益的质 量水平的外协产品。考虑参照点时,单批次交货情形下,主制造商会将供应商本 次交货的质量水平与欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司平均质量水平进行横向比较。供应商会考虑参照点给主 制造商带来的心理影响,从而提升生产的外协产品质量水平以维持良好的质量声 誉。本文通过构建目标规划模型用于求解合作双方最大期望效用处的质量均衡点, 通过调整收益函数中的风险损失态度系数、风险收益态度系数、生产成本函数和 质量增值收益函数使得双方最大期望效用值在质量均衡点处取到,并在案例中带 入具体数据,计算出最大收益值进行验证。此章节分为无参照点和有参照点两种 情形进行结论对比。 研究了多批次交货时参照点视角下的复杂产品供应链质量激励问题。当存在 II 多批次交货时,主制造商的心理效用除了会横向受到欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司平均质量水平参照点的 影响,同时还会纵向的受到该供应商以往交付的外协产品最高质量水平(后文统 称前期交货最高质量水平)影响。此时单批次情形下的质量均衡点不足以达到主 制造商的期望,无法保障双方继续合作,此时合作中的质量均衡点会进一步提升。 同时在多次质量合作后,主制造商为了继续保持供应商的合作积极性,会设置质 量奖励来激励供应商在原有基础上进一步提升交付的外协产品质量水平值。因此, 本文在多批次交货的质量均衡点研究中,结合经济收益和受参照点影响的心理效 用部分提出了前景价值函数,构建了目标规划模型用于计算合作双方最大前景值 处的质量均衡点,并辅以案例验证数据是否与设想一致。此章节分为固定支付和 质量奖励两种情形进行结论对比。 提出了四种为有效推行上述新的合作收益测算方法的保障措施。一是打造动 静态信息数据库,为质量参照点的确定及往后质量合作提供可靠的数据参考。二 是搭建主制造商信息共享平台,便于打破欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司信息壁垒,避免质量合作过程中的 由于信息不对称带来的损失,同时可以获取最新欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司平均质量水平值作为欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内 公认参照点。三是构建欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内供应商信用体系,参考多个指标对合作中各供应商 的表现打分进行供应商信用评级,强调合作中质量声誉的重要性,使主制造商在 复杂产品供应链质量合作中处于强势地位,拥有更多话语权。四是建立协同质量 绩效评估体系,多维度评估合作双方的绩效表现得出综合绩效指数,并将该指数 与合作双方的经济收益相结合,据此支付经济报酬,以保障双方的合作满意度。 关键词:复杂产品;供应链质量管理;参照点;心理效用;质量激励 III QUALITY INCENTIVE METHOD FOR THE COMPLEX PRODUCT SUPPLY CHAIN BASED ON THE DYNAMIC AND STATIC REFERENCE POINTS ABSTRACT Complex products refer to a group of large products or systems, such as aviation systems and ships, that have high R&D costs (research and development costs), complex structures, high engineering technology content, high integration level of components, and are customized in small batches. Due to the complexity of products, the products’ quality cooperation is usually completed by multiple agents. The agents can divide into two types, main manufacturer and supplier. The supplier provides raw materials for the outsourcing product. And the main manufacturer is responsible for the process of components assembling and the product delivering. Affected by the sequence of product manufacturing, the main manufacturer probably stays in a passive position in the cooperation. Nevertheless, the main manufacturer’s psychological utility is not only affected by the quality of this delivery but also affected by the previous product’s quality, such as the industry average quality, the highest quality of previous deliveries, etc. Those factors that influence the main manufacturer’s psychological utility are defined as the quality reference points. The main manufacturer can effectively control the supplier’s behavior by combining the supplier’s payment with its psychological utility, which will result in the delivery of outsourcing components in standard quality level and the negative impacts of the project manufacturing sequence being avoided. Consequently, from the perspective of reference points, this thesis proposes a new income settlement method for the quality cooperation of the complex products, which concludes domains as follows. The quality incentive method based on the static reference point with a single batch delivery design for the supply chain quality management of the complex products. Based on the previous experience and data, without reference points, the suppliers will provide outsourcing products that meet the qualifications for opportunity benefit. With IV reference points, the main manufacturer tends to compare the supplier's delivery quality with the industry average quality. Considering the psychological impact of the reference point on the main manufacturer, the suppliers will ensure the outsourcing product quality to maintain a good quality reputation. The quality equilibrium in the cooperation is calculated by constructing the goal programming model, the contract risk attitude coefficient, risk and return loss coefficient, the economic value function is adjusted to reach the maximum expected profit. This part is divided into two cases for conclusion comparison, without reference points, and with reference points. The quality incentive method based on the dynamic and static reference points in multi-batch delivery proposes for the supply chain quality management of the complex products. In the multi-batch delivery, the main manufacturer’s psychological utility is not only influenced horizontally by the industry average quality but also vertically by the highest quality in the previous delivery. Besides, after several cooperation, the main manufacturer will encourage suppliers to continually enhance the quality level with quality reward. The quality equilibrium point will be further improved. A cooperation goal programming model is proposed to calculate the maximum prospect about the quality of the equilibrium. The prospect value function concludes the economic profit and the main manufacturer’s psychological utility value. This part contains two cases, with and without quality reward. Four measures put forward to implement the new income settlement method. More specifically, first, the information database is built to provide data references for the determination of quality reference points and future cooperation. Second, an information-sharing platform between the main manufacturers is built to break the information asymmetry of the industry. The most updated industry average quality can be defined as the reference point. Thirdly, the supplier credit system in the industry is established to score each supplier in cooperation with several indicators. The main manufacturer can stay in a strong position in cooperation where the importance of quality reputation is emphasized. Fourth, quality evaluation system is established to realize collaborative quality management, which obtained a comprehensive performance index by evaluating the performance of both parties multi-dimensionally and ensures the satisfaction of both parties by combining it with the economic benefits. KEY WORDS:Complex Products;Quality Management of Supply Chain; Reference Points;Psychological Utility;Quality Incentive V 目 录 摘要 .......................... I ABSTRACT ................ III 目 录 ......................... V 一、绪论 ......................1 (一)研究背景和意义 ..........

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