等 部分内容。论文的公布(包括以电子信息形式刊登)授权东南大学研究生院办理。 研究生签名: 导师签名: 日期: 摘要 I 企业人力资源绩效管理研究 ──以动力公司绩效管理问题改进为例 研究生:任慧峰 导师:陈志斌 东南大学 摘要 企业21世纪已进入“以人为本”的经济管理时期,企业的核心竞争力历经资金、技 术、信息技术,最后发展成为“人力资本”这个核心因素。企业之间的竞争很多时候表现 为人力资源的开发以及绩效管理水平的竞争,那个企业可以吸引人才、留住人才、开发 人才并且充分的使用人才,发挥其绩效能力,那么它就会具有市场主动权和强大的核心 竞争力。要想在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场上占有一定的地位,就需要积极对企业人力资源绩效管理进行 研究,激发企员员工的工作积极性和工作能力,构建以“人力资本”企业绩效关键竞争力, 才能使企业走上可持续的良性健康发展轨道。 动力公司是由中石化扬子石化热电厂所属设备检维修部门和热电厂辅助装置除灰 生产装置及粉煤灰公司经重组,按国家减员分流政策进行改制后成立的检维修工程施工 企业,企业的改制对员工的思想和工作习惯产生了很大影响,员工队伍管理出现一些困 难和瓶颈。 绩效管理是人力资源管理的核心,为提高企业生产经营管理效率,动力公司通过对 人力资源绩效管理的研究,找出在绩效管理上存在的问题,根据公司检维修工程施工行 业生产特点和绩效管理理论,借鉴先进企业绩效管理经验,改进建立适合于公司自身要 求的人力资源绩效管理考核体系,动力公司人力资源绩效管理考核体系主要由项目绩效 管理考核、全员绩效管理考核、绩效管理考核制度三部分组成。 项目绩效管理考核:基层单位是公司各项目合同的承载单位和实施单位,是公司绩 效目标分解落实单位,对各项目绩效的成本目标、利润目标和过程管理控制要求目标的 安全、环保、质量、进度、文明目标负责,以其作为项目绩效核算中心,开展项目全成 本利润绩效管理考核,绩效直接单位和个人挂钩。日常员工绩效管理考核:对公司全体 员工岗位绩效实现情况进行日常过程管理控制和绩效目标实现结果进行考核兑现,公司 部门管理职能人员、营销人员、项目实施单位管理人员、技术人员的绩效管理考核在不 能具体量化的情况下,采用岗位责任目标定性考评考核与日常管理考核相结合的办法进 行管理考核,在项目组织实施单位,对项目作业班组和参与项目实施的施工作业人员采 东南大学高级工商管理硕士学位论文 II 用责任、工时、日常考核三结合双百分绩效量化考核分配机制,这是公司基层单位人力 资源绩效激励方式的新的做法。绩效管理考核制度:就是与项目绩效管理和日常员工岗 位绩效管理相衔接,保证项目任务按要求实施的控制管理制度,确保公司生产经营能有 效地组织,绩效目标实现的过程必须符合国家、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、业主方、公司相关方规范、制度 要求和公司战略目标、公司价值体系要求,促进公司绩效管理目标得以实现。 动力公司人力资源绩效管理考核体系很好地解决了员工承担责任、勤奋劳动和遵章 守纪的绩效评价考核,体现了员工为企业担当责任、规范工作、勤奋劳动多创造成果多 得的企业积极向上价值观和绩效管理文化,鼓励了员工刻苦学习本领,主动为企业分忧 解,为企业奉献,干好岗位本职工作的自觉性。实现了企业、组织、个人价值、业绩、 绩效的统一。 关键词:人力资源管理;项目绩效管理;分配机制;绩效管理考核;绩效管理考核 制度 Abstract III Study of Countermeasures to Human Resouces Performance Management ——Take making better in Performance Management of Dongli Co. LTD for example Postgraduate:REN Hui-feng Supervisor:CHEN Zhi-bin Southeast University Abstract In the 21st century, Enterprises have been leaded into the new era of "people-oriented". In this new era, the core competitiveness of enterprises goes through capital, technology and information technology, then finally transform into the core factor of "human capital". The competition between enterprises is often reflected in the development of human resourcesand competition of performance management level. In other words, the enterprise which attracts, retains, develops and makes full use of the talents and their performance ability, wins the market initiative and obtains the strong core competitiveness. In order to occupy a certain position in the engineering inspection, maintenance and construction industry market, actively study must be done on the current management of enterprise performance. Only by stimulating the work enthusiasm and the ability of employees to build the key competitiveness of enterprises with "human capital" can the enterprise step onto the sustainable track of healthy and benign development. Dongli Co.,LTD is an engineering, inspection, maintenance and construction enterprises which is restructured and established according to the state policy of downsize and redirection after recombination of an inspection and maintenance department, auxiliary production units and fly ash and slag production units of Thermal Power Plant of Yangzi Petrochemical Branch, Sinopec Asset Management Co., Ltd. The reform of the enterprise had a great impact on the working habits and mindsets of the staff, and some difficulties and bottlenecks appeared in the management of the staff. Performance management is the kernel of human resource management. To improve the efficiency of enterprise production and operation management, based on the study of the 东南大学高级工商管理硕士学位论文 IV Dongli Company's human resources performance management, research has been done in current situation of enterprise performance management so that problems in performance management can be discovered. Based on the production characteristic as a company in inspection and maintenance engineering construction industry and the theory of performance management,learned from advanced enterprise performance management experience, the human resource performance management and appraisal system suitable for the company's own requirements is improved and established. The human resource performance management appraisal system of DongliCompany is mainly composed of three parts: Project Performance Management Appraisal, Whole Staff Performance Management Appraisal and Performance Management Appraisal System. Project Performance Management Appraisal: The grass-roots unit is the bearing unit and implementation unit of the company's project contracts; and is the decomposition and implementation unit of the company's performance objectives. To be responsible for cost objective and profit target of each project, and the safety, environment friendly, quality, progress, civilization targets required by progress management control, the grass-roots unit is considered as the accounting center of project performance. Carry out the project full cost profit performance management appraisal, the performance is directly linked to the unit and individual. Daily Staff Performance Management Appraisal: Regarding the achievement of position performance of company staff, implement daily process management control and evaluate the performance target achievement results. In case of the performance management evaluation of company department management function personnel, marketing personnel,project implementation unit management personnel, technical personnel cannot be quantified, combine the qualitative assessment of post responsibility objective with daily management assessment to carry out the management assessment. In the implement unit of project organization, the project team and the construction personnel involved in the implementation of the project is adopt to the double percentage performance quantitative assessment and distribution mechanism of responsibility, working hours and daily assessment combination. This is the new way of human resource performance incentive in the grass-roots unit of the company. Performance Management Appraisal System: This system joins theProject Performance Management and Daily Staff Performance Management, so that it is Abstract V ensured that project tasks are controlled and managed as required, the production and operation of the company can be effectively organized. The process of achieving performance objectives must comply with related standards and institutional requirements of the nation, industry, owner and company,corporate strategic objectives and corporate value system requirements, to achieve the performance management objectives. The human resource performance management and appraisal system of DongliCompany well implemented the performance appraisal and appraisal of employees' r