显示屏幕作为参与人们日常生活最多的电子产品之一,也是最重要的电脑画 面输出设备,直接影响到用户体验;另外随着信息化的迅猛发展,显示屏幕技术 也在不断更新和提高,当前主流的屏幕是液晶屏 TFT 显示技术,高端屏幕是通常 应用于手机旗舰机型的 OLED 技术。各个厂商也为了追求更轻薄,能耗更低,反 应速度更快等方面在不断努力改进。显示屏特别是手机和穿戴手表的显示屏都是 属于快速消费电子类产品,生命周期非常短, 因而对产品的制造和生产工艺提出 了更高的要求。目前市面上的生产液晶显示屏幕的有很多家,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争非常激烈, 不断有企业退出市场,有不断有新的企业进入市场。在这样的环境下,显示屏公 司需要运用适当策略来改进品质降低成本从而赢得市场并且生存下来。 本文首先阐述了全面质量管理理论的由来以及发展历程,之后本文以一家专 业生产手机和手表显示屏幕的日资企业的质量管理状况作为背景来开展研究。在 案例中首先罗列了 JP 公司在实施全面质量管理前所存在的问题点,其次针对所 存在的问题进行了原因的分析,之后再针对发生的问题总结了 JP 公司在实施全 面质量管理时的改善方针和具体对策,最终确认了实施全面质量管理各项活动后 取得的效果。全面质量管理强调改善的持续性,本文也特别希望所有在实施全面 质量管理的公司不是一时的行为而是要脚踏实地不停改善循环下去。本文大量使 用了全面质量管理的思想,重点引入了科学化的管理以及公司的成功经验。 本文共分为六个章节,第 1 章绪论中主要是本次研究的目的和意义。第 2 章 对全面质量管理相关理论的阐述。第 3 章分析了公司本身以及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的状况,并总 结了 JP 液晶显示屏公司的质量管理问题点。第 4 章分析了公司的改善对策过程 以及取得的成果。第 5 章叙述概括了全面质量管理的保障措施。第 6 章总结了论 文的研究成果并且对今后进一步研究的展望。 关键词:全面质量管理,六西格玛,液晶显示屏Ⅱ Research on total quality management and optimization of JP LCD company ABSTRACT As one of the most popular electronic products in people's daily life, the display screen is also the most important computer screen output device, which directly affects the user experience. In addition, with the rapid development of information technology, the display screen technology is also constantly updated and improved. The current mainstream screen is LCD TFT display technology, and the high-end screen is the OLED technology commonly used in flagship mobile phones. In order to pursue lighter, lower energy consumption, faster reaction speed and other aspects, manufacturers are constantly striving to improve. The display screen, especially the display screen of mobile phone and wristwatch, belongs to the fast consumer electronic products, and its life cycle is very short, so it puts forward higher requirements for the manufacturing and production process of the products. At present, there are many manufacturers of LCD screen in the market. The industry competition is very fierce. There are constantly enterprises exiting the market and new enterprises entering the market. In such an environment, display companies need to use appropriate strategies to improve quality and reduce costs to win the market and survive. This paper first describes the origin and development of TQM theory, and then studies the quality management of a Japanese enterprise specializing in the production of mobile phones and watch display screens. In the case, it first lists the problems of JP company before the implementation of TQM, then analyzes the causes of the problems, and then summarizes the improvement policies and specific countermeasures of JP company in the implementation of TQM, and finally confirms the effect after the implementation of various activities of TQM. TQM emphasizes the continuity of improvement. This paper also hopes that all the companies implementing TQM should not act for a while, but keep improving the cycle. In this paper, the idea of total quality management is widely used, focusing on the introduction of scientific management and the successful experience of the company. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the purpose and significance of this study. The second chapter is about the theory of TQM. Chapter 3 analyzes the situation of the company and the industry, and summarizes the quality management problems of JP LCD company. Chapter 4 analyzes the process of the company's improvement countermeasures and the achievements. Chapter 5 describes the guarantee measures of total quality management. Chapter 6 summarizes the research results of the paper and prospects for further research in the future.