随着国际资本在不同国家的大幅流动,外资所带来的技术溢出效应固然成为 东道国本土企业学习成长的重要方面。然而现实中,不仅我国创新产出效果不尽 人意,而且我国本土企业目前整体的技术水平偏低。这说明我国利用外资的效率 偏低,如何提高我国利用外资的效率成为我国当前进一步对外开放的工作重点。 特别是当前,跨国公司的全球战略定位发生了改变,他们将东道国作为一个创新 节点,并利用东道国本土资源和优势进行在华创新进而为其研发国际化提供战略 支撑。在跨国公司研发国际化的驱动下,东道国接收到的知识溢出以及利用这种 知识溢出的途径发生了改变。因此,在跨国公司以东道国为创新节点进行在华创 新的现实背景下,其在华创新活动如何推动内资企业技术进步?推动效果如何? 理清这些问题具有重要的现实和理论意义。 有鉴于此,本文从本土企业技术进步的角度着手,结合国际直接投资相关理 论和技术进步相关理论,利用国泰安数据库和万德数据库,收集 2010 年至 2017 年中国上市公司 A 股数据,并通过面板门槛回归模型和 stata 分析软件,探讨跨 国公司在华技术创新溢出对于内资企业技术进步的影响作用。本文研究发现:第 一,跨国公司在华技术创新溢出与内资企业技术进步之间呈现出先上升后下降的 “倒 U”型关系;第二,分欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司和分企业所有权性质研究表明,跨国公司在华技 术创新溢出与内资企业技术进步之间的非线性关系具有异质性,且均存在最优的 促进区间;第三,特别分离出注重基础研究的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司研究结果表明,在注重基础研 究的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中跨国公司在华技术创新溢出始终对本土企业技术进步具有促进作用, 且呈边际递增;第四,进一步的机制分析研究表明,外资竞争、内资模仿同构对 跨国公司在华技术创新溢出与内资企业技术进步之间的“倒 U”型关系具有显著 的正向调节作用,而在区域知识产权保护的调节作用下,跨国公司在华技术创新 溢出与内资企业技术进步之间由原来的“倒 U”型关系转变为“U“型的非线性 关系。 总而言之,本文提出全球化背景下跨国公司在华技术创新溢出存在阈值效应, 这种阈值效应对于我国利用外资和本土企业技术学习方面具有重要的现实和理 论意义。并且,本文可能的贡献在于以下几方面。第一,从研究方法来看,不同 于以往大多文献采用加入二次项的多元回归,仅有少数文献多从宏观层面采用门 槛回归,而本文则从微观层面着手利用门槛回归探讨了跨国公司在华技术创新溢 出水平与中国本土企业技术进步的非线性关系,对现有文献做了有益的补充。第 二,从研究对象看,现有关于外资技术溢出如何影响内资企业技术进步的文献多II 以外商直接投资的规模为研究对象,而本文则以外商直接投资的质量——外资在 华技术创新为研究对象,从企业技术进步的视角揭示了跨国公司在华技术创新溢 出对于我国企业技术进步的独特意义。第三,从研究结论来看,本文首次实证证 实了,外资竞争和内资模仿同构以及区域知识产权保护对跨国公司在华技术创新 溢出与内资企业技术进步之间的门槛效应具有显著的调节作用。 关键词:跨国公司;在华技术创新溢出;技术进步III Abstract With the rapid flow of international capital in different countries, the technology spillover effect brought by foreign capital has become an important aspect of the learning and growth of local enterprises in host countries. However, in reality, not only the effect of innovation output in China is unsatisfactory, but also the overall technical level of domestic enterprises is low. This shows that the efficiency of China's utilization of foreign capital is low. How to improve the efficiency of China's utilization of foreign capital has become the focus of China's further opening up. Especially at present, the global strategic positioning of MNCs has changed. They regard the host country as an innovation node, and use the local resources and advantages of the host country to innovate in China to provide strategic support for the nationalization of R&D. Driven by the internationalization of R&D of multinational corporations, the knowledge spillovers received by host countries and the ways to use them have changed. Therefore, under the background that MNCs innovate in China with the host country as the innovation node, how can their innovation activities promote the technological progress of domestic enterprises? What is the promotion effect? It is of great practical and theoretical significance to clarify these problems. In view of this, this paper starts from the perspective of technological progress of local enterprises, combined with the relevant theories of international direct investment and technological progress, uses CSMAR database and Wind database to collect the A-share data of Chinese listed companies from 2010 to 2017, and through the panel threshold regression model and Stata analysis software, this paper discusses the impact of multinational companies' technological innovation spillovers on domestic enterprises The impact of technological progress. This paper finds that: first, there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the technological innovation spillovers of MNCs in China and the technological progress of domestic enterprises; second, the research on the ownership nature of sub industries and sub enterprises shows that the non-linear relationship between technological innovation spillovers of MNCs in China and technological progress of domestic enterprises is heterogeneous, and there are optimal promotion intervals; thirdly, we separate the industries that pay attention to basic research. The results show that in the industries that pay attention toIV basic research, the technological innovation spillovers of MNCs in China have always promoted the technological progress of local enterprises, and are increasing marginally; fourthly, further mechanism analysis shows that foreign competition and domestic imitation are isomorphic to the technological innovation spillovers and domestic capital of MNCs in China The inverted U-shaped relationship between technological progress of enterprises has a significant positive regulatory effect. Under the regulatory effect of regional intellectual property protection, the relationship between technological innovation spillovers of multinational companies in China and technological progress of domestic enterprises has changed from the original "inverted U" type to the "U" type nonlinear relationship. In a word, this paper puts forward the threshold effect of technology innovation spillover of multinational companies in China under the background of globalization. This threshold effect has important practical and theoretical significance for China's foreign capital utilization and technology learning of local enterprises. Moreover, the possible contributions of this paper lie in the following aspects. From the perspective of literature review, this paper studies the relationship between technology spillovers of multinational companies from the perspective of multi-level literature 。 Second, from the perspective of research objects, the existing literature on how foreign technology spillovers affect the technological progress of domestic enterprises mostly focuses on the scale of foreign direct investment, while this paper takes the quality of foreign direct investment - Foreign R&D innovation investment as the research object, and reveals the impact of technological innovation spillovers of multinational companies in China on the technology of Chinese enterprises from the perspective of enterprise technological progress The unique significance of progress. Thirdly, from the research conclusion, this paper proves for the first time that foreign competition and domestic imitation isomorphism as well as regional intellectual property protection have significant moderating effects on the threshold effect between MNCs' technological innovation spillovers and domestic enterprises' technological progress. Keywords : Multinational Enterprises ( MNC ); Technological innovation Technological innovation spillover in China; Technical progressV 目录 第 1 章 绪论.....................1 1.1 研究背景及研究意义............................1 1.1.1 研究背景..........1 1.1.2 研究意义..........3 1.2 国内外文献回顾.....4 1.2.1 现代中国技术进步的演进脉络.....4 1.2.2 技术进步的相关研究.....................7 1.2.3 国际技术溢出存在性的相关研究.8 1.2.4 国际技术溢出渠道的相关研究...10 1.2.5 小结................13 1.3 研究方法与研究内容..........................14 1.3.1 研究方法........14 1.3.2 研究内容........15 1.4 研究创