伴随着社会财富不断积累,居民理财需求升级,资产投资管理欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司迅速发展,商业银行资 产托管业务迎来了巨大的发展空间。经过20多年的发展,商业银行资产托管业务取得了巨大的 进步,资产托管业务不断提高服务标准,升级技术系统,严控合规体系,在投资者和管理人之 间搭建起互相信任的桥梁。随着托管业务规模的不断扩大,托管欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内部竞争加剧,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展 环境也发生了重要变化,托管业务逐渐暴露出产品同质化、服务系统更新缓慢等问题。尤其是 2017年以来,在强监管的背景下,资产托管欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司进入加速降杠杆、回归本源的阶段,托管欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 将由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,各家商业银行资产托管业务都面临着较大的挑战。 J银行自2014年正式开展资产托管业务以来,已经取得了显著的成果。截止2018年末,J 银行资产托管业务规模达到16096亿元,累计实现托管费收入33547.45万元,托管的各类产品 数量达到了2000多只,已经在新晋持牌机构中走在前列。而在激烈的市场竞争和不断变化的金 融市场环境下,J银行在产品创新、运营风险控制、内部组织架构和服务系统等方面的问题逐 步显现,近两年业务增速明显放缓,托管业务发展进入瓶颈期。 鉴于此,本文在资产托管相关理论的基础上,通过PEST分析法阐述J银行资产托管业务发 展所面临的市场环境,从业务规模和收入、产品结构、业务流程、系统建设等几个方面分析J 银行资产托管业务目前发展的现状,发现J银行资产托管业务存在产品集中度较高、同质化明 显、创新度不够、组织架构过于传统、业务流程缺乏部门联动、系统建设和更新过缓等问题。 为促进资产托管业务进一步发展,文章从业务创新、组织架构、系统提升、运营流程管理、考 核激励体系、产品线这六个方面为J银行资产托管业务发展方案进行优化设计,并进一步提出 业务发展的对策建议,希望可以帮助J银行突破发展瓶颈,提升核心竞争力,促进资产托管业 务的稳定健康发展。 关键词:资产托管,J银行,PEST分析,方案优化设计 J银行资产托管业务发展研究 II ABSTRACT With the continuous accumulation of social wealth, the upgrading of financial needs of residents and the rapid development of asset investment management industry, commercial banks have created a huge space for the development of asset custody business. After more than 20 years of development, the asset custody business of commercial banks has made tremendous progress. The asset custody business has continuously improved service standards, upgraded technical systems, strictly controlled compliance system, and built a bridge of mutual trust between investors and managers. With the continuous expansion of the trusteeship business scale, the competition within the trusteeship industry has intensified, and the development environment of the industry has also undergone important changes. The trusteeship business gradually exposes the problems of product homogeneity and service system aging. Especially since 2017, under the impact of strict supervision,the asset trusteeship industry has entered the stage of accelerating leverage reduction and returning to its source. The trusteeship industry will change from the stage of high-speed growth to the stage of high-quality development. The asset trusteeship business of commercial banks is facing greater challenges. J Bank has achieved remarkable results since it formally launched its asset custody business in 2014. By the end of 2018, the assets custody business of J Bank had reached 16.96 billion Yuan, with a cumulative revenue of 335.4745 million Yuan and 2000 kinds of custody products, which has been in the forefront of newly-established licensed institutions. In the fierce market competition and constantly updated financial market environment, J Bank's problems in product line design, operational risk control, product innovation, personalized value-added services, internal organizational structure and service system are highlighted. In recent two years, the growth rate of business has slowed down significantly, and the development of trusteeship business has entered a bottleneck period. In view of this, on the basis of the theory of asset custody, this paper expounds the market environment faced by the development of J bank's asset custody business through PEST analysis method. It analyses the current development situation of J bank's asset custody business from the aspects of business scale and income, product structure, business process and system construction, and finds out the problems of J bank. There are many problems in custody business, such as high product concentration, homogeneous service, lack of innovation, traditional organizational structure, lack of departmental linkage in business process and slow system construction and renewal. In order to promote the further development of asset custody business, this paper optimizes the development plan of J Bank's asset custody business from six aspects: product innovation, organizational structure, 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 III service system, operational management, assessment system, product line, and further put forward the countermeasures and suggestions of business development of asset custody. Hoping to help J bank break through the bottleneck of development, enhance its core competitiveness and promote the stable and healthy development of asset custody business. Key words: Asset trusteeship, J Bank, PEST Analysis, optimal design of scheme 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 V 目 录 第一章 绪论 .............. 1 1.1研究背景及意义 ............................. 1 1.1.1研究背景........................... 1 1.1.2研究意义........................... 2 1.2 国内外研究现状 ............................. 3 1.2.1国外研究现状 ................... 3 1.2.2国内研究现状 ................... 5 1.2.3国内外研究述评 ............... 6 1.3 研究内容 .......... 6 1.4 研究方法 .......... 7 1.5技术路线图 ...... 7 第二章 相关概念与理论基础 .................. 9 2.1商业银行资产托管业务的概念 ...... 9 2.2商业银行资产托管业务的分类 .... 10 2.3商业银行资产托管业务的作用 .... 11 2.4商业银行资产托管业务的相关理论 ........................... 12 2.4.1信息不对称理论 ............. 12 2.4.2委托代理理论 ................. 13 2.4.3契约理论......................... 14 2.4.4金融创新理论 ................. 14 2.4.5信息不对称下的资本结构理论 .................... 15 第三章 国内外商业银行资产托管业务发展现状分析 ....... 16 3.1商业银行资产托管业务的发展历程 ........................... 16 3.1.1国外商业银行资产托管业务的发展 ............ 16 3.1.2国内商业银行资产托管业务的发展 ............ 17 3.2商业银行资产托管业务的情况分析 ........................... 19 3.2.1业务种类分析 ................. 19 3.2.2业务规模分析 ................. 20 3.2.3产品结构分析 ................. 21 3.2.4业务收入分析 ................. 22 J银行资产托管业务发展研究 VI 第四章 J银行资产托管业务现状及存在问题分析 ............ 25 4.1 J银行发展概况 ............................. 25 4.1.1发展历程......................... 25 4.1.2组织架构......................... 25 4.1.3经营情况......................... 27 4.2 J银行资产托管业务的发展背景分析 ........................ 30 4.3 J银行资产托管业务的发展环境分析 ........................ 30 4.3.1政治环境分析 ................. 31 4.3.2经济环境分析 ................. 33 4.3.3社会环境分析 ................. 33 4.3.4技术环境分析 ................. 34 4.4 J银行资产托管业务发展现状分析 ............................ 35 4.4.1 规模与收入分析 ............ 35 4.4.2 产品结构分析 ................ 38 4.4.3 运营流程分析 ................ 40 4.3.4 系统建设分析 ................ 40 4.5 J银行资产托管业务存在的问题分析 ........................ 41 4.5.1 业务缺乏创新 ................ 42 4.5.2 组织架构落后 ................ 42 4.5.3 部门联动不足 ................ 42 4.5.4 系统更新缓慢 ................ 43 4.5.5 运营流程管理薄弱 ........ 43 4.5.6考核激励体系薄弱 ......... 44 第五章 J银行资产托管业务发展方案优化设计 ................ 45 5.1 发展方案优化设计的原则和目标 .............................. 45 5.1.1发展方案设计原则 ......... 45 5.1.2发展方案设计目标 ......... 45 5.2创新业务模式的优化设计 ............ 45 5.3部门组织架构的优化设计 ........ 51 5.4系统提升与技术应用的优化设计 53 5.5 运营流程风险管理的优化设计 ... 55 5.6 考核激励体系的优化设计 ........... 60 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 VII 5.7托管产品线的优化设计 ................ 62 第六章 J银行资产托管业务发展方案实施策略与对策建议 ..........................