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现代化信息时代,互联网信息技术正在与物流业深度融合。随着政策支持和互 联网信息技术的成熟,自动化和智能化成为物流业发展的重要趋势。如何借助互联 网信息技术实现从传统物流业向现代化物流企业转型,成为各大物流企业竞争的焦 点,也是物流企业可持续发展的关键。上市物流企业作为物流业的典型代表,其运 营情况代表了整个物流业的运营状况。因此,研究“互联网+”环境下上市物流企 业的运营效率,掌握上市物流企业的运营状况,探索“互联网+”环境下上市物流 企业运营效率的优化路径,具有非常重要的现实意义。 采用DEA模型测度“互联网+”环境下我国上市物流企业的静态运营效率, 2010-2018年,我国上市物流企业的运营效率整体偏低,其中,道路运输类企业的 运营效率最高,仓储类企业次之,水上运输类企业的运营效率最低。通过运用 DEA-Malmquist指数模型,进一步分析“互联网+”环境下我国上市物流企业运营效 率的动态变化,从测算结果我们可以发现:2010-2018年,我国上市物流企业的全 要素生产率呈略微下降趋势。采用Tobit回归模型分析“互联网+”环境下上市物 流企业运营效率的影响因素,“互联网+”行动计划实施以来,上市物流企业的运营 效率并没有显著提高。提出“互联网+”环境下上市物流企业运营效率的优化路径, 结合实证分析结果,从企业和政府两个层面入手,提出具体的优化路径。 关键词:上市物流企业;运营效率;“互联网+” “互联网+”环境下上市物流企业运营效率评价、影响因素及优化路径研究 I Abstract In the modern information era, the Internet information technology is the depth of the logistics industry.With the mature of policy support and the Internet information technology,automation and intelligence become the important trend of the logistics industry development.How to use the Internet information technology to realize transformation from traditional logistics to modern logistics enterprises,becomes the focus of major logistics enterprise competition,also is the key to the sustainable development of logistics enterprises.The listed logistics enterprises as a typical represent of the logistics industry,its operation is on behalf of the entire logistics industry's operating conditions.Therefore,to research the listed logistics enterprise's operating efficiency in the " Internet +" environment,controlling the listed logistics enterprise operating conditions,exploring ways to improve enterprise's operational efficiency has very important practical significance. Using DEA model to measure the static operating efficiency of the listed logistics enterprises in the " Internet +" environment.2010-2018, the operating efficiency of the listed logistics enterprises is low.The highest operating efficiency of our country is road transport companies,warehousing companies take second place,the water transport enterprises of the operational efficiency is the lowest.Using DEA-Malmquist index model estimates the dynamic change of the operational efficiency of the logistics enterprise under the environment of "Internet +" . From the calculated result we can see: 2010-2018,the total factor productivity is slightly downward trend.Using Tobit regression model analyze the factors affecting the operating efficiency of the listed logistics enterprises under the environment of "Internet +".Since "Internet +" plan is on action,the operation efficiency of the listed logistics enterprise was not significantly increase.Putting forward the optimization path of logistics enterprise under the "Internet +" environmentbined with empirical analysis,putting forward specific path optimization from two levels of government and the enterprises.

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