经济发展带来居民收入的提高及政府政策条件的放宽为教育产业迎来新的 发展机遇,但同时欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争也日益激烈。CY教育培训公司是泉州地区一家小有名 气的营利性教育培训公司,在日趋激烈的市场竞争中,其现有的服务营销策略 已无法使CY教育培训公司获得更长远的发展。 本文以顾客满意度为出发点,将CY教育培训公司作为研究对象,运用理论 分析与问卷调查等多种方法对该公司的服务营销进行深入分析。首先将收集到 的关于CY公司顾客满意度及影响因素的数据进行逐步回归分析,发现只有环境 及师资与顾客满意度有显著的相关关系。其次,针对CY公司的服务营销策略现 状进行分析发现其策略存在对有形展示认识不足、人员与教学管理过程有待强 化、教学质量有待提高、定价策略不灵活、有效营销渠道少、促销意识弱及服 务管理过程需优化等问题。再者,根据这些问题提出了CY公司应定期对员工进 行培训,提升员工服务能力并建立科学合理的绩效考核制度,以优渥的薪资吸 引人才,并通过以人为本的组织文化建设增强员工对企业的认同感留住优秀的 人才。同时,重视有形展示,通过营造舒适、安全的环境传达企业理念及特色 优势,增加顾客的认同感,信任感。并且,加强过程管理,注重事前、事中、 事后三个环节的把控,积极主动与顾客进行沟通关怀,强化同顾客的关系,增 加顾客的归属感,形成口碑传播。最终形成以人员保质量,以质量促口碑,以 口碑树品牌,以品牌赢市场的良性循环机制,进而使CY教育培训公司在激烈的 市场竞争中获得长足稳定的发展。 本文对CY教育培训公司营销策略的研究不仅能帮助企业制定合理的服务营 销策略,也为其它类似的企业提供一定的参考与借鉴。 关键词: 教育培训 服务营销 顾客满意度 II Abstract Economic development brings the increase of residents' income and the relaxation of government policy conditions for the education industry to usher in new opportunities for development, but at the same time the industry competition is increasingly fierce. CY education and training company is a well-known for-profit education and training company in quanzhou. In the increasingly fierce market competition, its existing service marketing strategy has failed to make CY education and training company achieve a more long-term development. This paper takes customer satisfaction as the starting point, takes CY education and training company as the research object, and USES theoretical analysis, questionnaire survey and other methods to make an in-depth analysis of the company's service marketing. Firstly, a stepwise regression analysis of the collected data on customer satisfaction and influencing factors of CY company was conducted, and it was found that only environment and teachers had a significant correlation with customer satisfaction. Secondly, the current situation of the company's service marketing strategy is analyzed, it is found that the strategy has problems such as insufficient understanding of tangible display, personnel and teaching management process to be strengthened, teaching quality to be improved, inflexible pricing strategy, few effective marketing channels, weak promotion awareness and optimization of service management process. Furthermore, according to these problems, CY company should conduct regular training for employees, improve their service ability, establish a scientific and reasonable performance appraisal system, attract talents with high salary, and enhance employees' sense of identity to the enterprise and retain excellent talents through people-oriented organizational culture construction. At the same time, pay attention to tangible display, through creating a comfortable and safe environment to convey the corporate philosophy and characteristics of advantages, to increase the customer's sense of identity, sense of trust. In addition, strengthen process management, pay attention to the control of the three links before, during and after the event, actively communicate and care with III customers, strengthen the relationship with customers, increase customers' sense of belonging, and form word of mouth. Finally, a virtuous circle mechanism of guaranteeing quality by personnel, promoting public praise by quality, building brand by public praise and winning market by brand will be formed, so that CY education and training company can achieve long-term and stable development in the fierce market competition. The study on marketing strategies of CY education and training company in this paper can not only help enterprises to develop reasonable service marketing strategies, but also provide some references for other similar enterprises. Key Words: Education training Service marketing Marketing strategy IV 目 录 第1章 绪论 ........................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景 ..................................................... 1 1.2 研究意义和目的 ............................................... 1 1.2.1研究意义 .................................................. 1 1.2.2研究目的 .................................................. 2 1.3 国内外研究现状 ............................................... 2 1.3.1服务营销策略研究 .......................................... 2 1.3.2教育培训欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司服务营销策略研究 .............................. 3 1.4研究思路方法 .................................................. 5 1.4.1研究思路 .................................................. 5 1.4.2研究方法 .................................................. 6 1.5论文的创新点 .................................................. 7 第2章 相关概念与理论 .............................................. 8 2.1 服务的含义及特点 ............................................. 8 2.1.1服务的含义 ................................................ 8 2.1.2服务的特点 ................................................ 8 2.2 服务营销含义 ................................................. 8 2.3 服务营销策略的含义 ........................................... 9 2.4 服务营销理念 ................................................. 9 2.4.1顾客满意和顾客忠诚理念 .................................... 9 2.4.2关系营销理念 ............................................. 10 2.4.3服务利润链 ............................................... 10 第3章 CY教育培训公司的服务营销现状调查分析 ....................... 11 3.1 CY公司及服务产品简介 ........................................ 11 3.1.1 公司简介 ................................................. 11 3.1.2 服务产品简介 ............................................. 14 3.2 CY教育培训公司服务营销策略现状的调查分析 .................... 17 V 3.2.1 问卷调查说明 ............................................ 17 3.2.2 扫描性统计分析 .......................................... 18 3.2.3 样本信度分析 ............................................ 20 3.2.4 样本效度分析 ............................................ 21 3.2.5回归分析 ................................................. 23 3.2.6 CY教育培训公司服务营销策略现状 .......................... 25 第4章 CY教育培训公司服务营销策略存在问题及成因分析 ............... 30 4.1对有形展示认识不足 ........................................... 30 4.2人员管理需加强 ............................................... 32 4.3教学质量有待提高 ............................................. 35 4.4定价策略不灵活 ............................................... 37 4.5有效的营销渠道少 ............................................. 39 4.6促销意识弱 ................................................... 40 4.7服务管理过程需优化 ........................................... 41 第5章 CY教育培训公司服务营销策略的改进 ........................... 43 5.1有形展示策略 ................................................. 43 5.2人员策略 ..................................................... 44 5.3产品策略 ..................................................... 46 5.4定价策略 ..................................................... 47 5.5渠道策略 ..................................................... 47 5.6促销策略 ..................................................... 48 5.7过程策略 ..................................................... 49 第6章 CY教育培训公司服务营销策略的实施保障措施 ................... 52 6.1 CY教育培训公司服务营销策略的实施控制 ........................ 52 6.2 加强组织文化建设培养员工认同感 .............................. 53 6.3 优化对营销策略实施者