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进入21世纪,我国汽车制造业迅猛崛起,轮胎模具制造业面临着前所未有的发 展机遇,但发展规模和水平与国外先进制造企业还有很大的差距。目前,世界经济步 入深度调整期,全球总需求不振,我国经济发展进入新常态,经济下行压力加大。2017 年,轮胎欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司面临的形势更加严峻,美国对华半钢子午线轮胎、全钢子午线轮胎相继 进行“双反”调查,国内经济下行压力加大,复合橡胶标准改变等让轮胎欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司两头受 苦。 豪迈科技股份有限公司,作为全球知名的轮胎模具生产企业,面对持续低迷的行 业现状,对内练内功、抓管理、保质量,对外密切关注市场动态,不断优化客户结构, 以积极的态度和行动应对市场变化。2017年豪迈公司实现营业收入29.95亿元,同比 增长14.9%。面对日趋激烈的竞争环境和持续低迷的国际市场,豪迈公司在成功开拓 欧洲、美国、泰国、印度等国际市场后,开始挖掘南美这个新兴市场的巨大发展潜力, 加大南美市场开拓工作。 本文以豪迈科技股份有限公司为研究对象,运用营销组合理论、SWOT分析等分析 方法,对南美轮胎模具市场及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争现状等情况进行分析,再结合豪迈公司面临的 内部环境和外部环境条件,找出豪迈公司开拓南美市场的优势及可能存在的不足,并 以此为基础,从产品策略、定价策略、渠道策略、促销策略等方面提出了豪迈公司如 何通过运用恰当的营销组合策略,在激烈的市场竞争中进一步扩大国际化经营,更好 地进军南美市场,占领更多市场份额,提供理论依据和策略建议。 关键字:轮胎模具;南美市场;市场营销;策略 II Abstract In the 21st century, China's automobile manufacturing industry is rapidly rising, and the tire mold manufacturing industry is facing unprecedented development opportunities, but the scale and level of development are still very different from foreign advanced manufacturing companies. At present, the world economy has entered a period of deep adjustment, global aggregate demand is sluggish, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and downward pressure on the economy has increased. In 2017, the tire industry faced a more serious situation. The United States conducted "double reverse" surveys on Chinese semi-steel radial tires and all-steel radial tires. The domestic economic downward pressure increased, and the composite rubber standard changed. The tire industry suffered at both ends. Himile Technology Co., Ltd., as a world-renowned tire mold production company, faces the current situation of the industry in a continuous downturn. It practices internal skills, captures management, and ensures quality, closely monitors market dynamics, and continuously optimizes customer structure. To respond to market changes with positive attitudes and actions. In 2017, Himile achieved operating income of 2.995 billion yuan, an increase of 14.9 % year-on-year. In the face of the increasingly fierce competitive environment and the continuous downturn in the international market, after successfully opening up the international markets of Europe, the United States, Thailand, India and other countries, Himile began to tap the huge development potential of this emerging market in South America and increase the development of the South American market. In this paper, Himile Technology Co., Ltd. is the research object, using the marketing combination theory, SWOT analysis and other analytical methods, to analyze the situation of South American tire mold market and industry competition, and then combine the internal environment and external environmental conditions that Himile Company faces. Find out the advantages and possible shortcomings of Himile's pioneering South American market, and based on this, put forward how Himile's company can use the appropriate marketing combination strategy from the aspects of product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy, and promotion strategy. In the fierce market competition, it will further expand its international operations, better enter the South American market, occupy more III market share, and provide theoretical basis and strategic suggestions. Key Words: Tire molds; South American market; Marketing management; Strategy IV 目 录 第一章 绪论........................................................- 1 - 1.1 研究背景....................................................- 2 - 1.2 研究的目的及意义............................................- 2 - 1.3 研究内容....................................................- 2 - 1.4 研究方法....................................................- 3 - 第二章 理论依据与文献综述..........................................- 4 - 2.1 相关理论....................................................- 4 - 2.1.1 大市场营销策略.........................................- 4 - 2.1.2 多国营销策略...........................................- 4 - 2.1.3 全球化营销策略.........................................- 5 - 2.1.4 营销组合策略...........................................- 5 - 2.1.5 分析工具...............................................- 6 - 2.2 相关文献综述................................................- 7 - 第三章 豪迈公司的南美营销现状及存在问题............................- 9 - 3.1豪迈公司简介.................................................- 9 - 3.1.1 豪迈公司基本情况.......................................- 9 - 3.1.2 豪迈公司组织结构.......................................- 9 - 3.1.3 豪迈公司发展历程......................................- 11 - 3.2 豪迈公司南美营销现状.......................................- 11 - 3.2.1 豪迈公司南美市场开拓情况..............................- 11 - 3.2.2 豪迈公司目前的营销策略................................- 14 - 3.3 豪迈公司营销存在的问题.....................................- 15 - 3.3.1 产品策略问题..........................................- 15 - 3.3.2 价格策略问题..........................................- 15 - 3.3.3 渠道策略问题..........................................- 15 - 3.3.4 促销策略问题..........................................- 16 - 第四章 豪迈公司营销环境分析.......................................- 17 - 4.1宏观环境分析................................................- 17 - 4.1.1 政治环境分析..........................................- 17 - 4.1.2 经济环境分析..........................................- 18 - V 4.1.3 社会环境分析..........................................- 19 - 4.1.4 技术环境分析..........................................- 20 - 4.2欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析................................................- 20 - 4.2.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状分析..........................................- 20 - 4.2.2 潜在竞争者分析........................................- 21 - 4.2.3 供应商议价能力分析....................................- 21 - 4.2.4 购买商议价能力分析....................................- 22 - 4.2.5 替代产品威胁分析......................................- 22 - 4.2.6 同业竞争分析..........................................- 23 - 4.3豪迈公司内部环境分析........................................- 24 - 4.3.1 豪迈公司核心业务分析..................................- 24 - 4.3.2 豪迈公司财务状况分析..................................- 25 - 4.3.3 豪迈公司人力资源分析..................................- 26 - 4.3.4 豪迈公司企业文化分析..................................- 26 - 4.4豪迈公司SWOT分析...........................................- 27 - 4.4.1 优势分析..............................................- 27 - 4.4.2 劣势分析..............................................- 30 - 4.4.3 机会分析..............................................- 30 - 4.4.4 威胁分析..............................................- 33 - 4.4.5 分析小结..............................................- 34 - 第五章 豪迈公司南美市场营销策略改进建议及保障措施.................- 35 - 5.1 产品策略改进建议..........................................- 35 - 5.1.1 提高产品质量..........................................- 35 - 5.1.2 加快产品更新速度......................................- 36 - 5.1.3 推进品牌建设..........................................- 36 - 5.1.4 缩短供货周期..........................................- 37 - 5.2 定价策略改进建议..........................................- 37 - 5.2.1 以创新改进工艺压缩成本................................- 37 - 5.2.2 实行差别定价..........................................- 38 - 5.3 渠道策略改进建议..........................................- 38 - 5.

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