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在L省整体经济环境下行的趋势下,各大企业均面临不同程度的经营难题, 经营能力也都收到了不同程度的波及。企业利润受到影响的同时,企业归还贷款 也出现了一定程度的难题,所以银行同时也面临着利润缩减的困境。随着对公板 块收入的下降,银行的利润也出现了缺口,所以这部分缺口也必然由银行的零售 业务来填补,金融同业之间零售版块业务的竞争也将日趋激烈。在日趋激烈的竞 争环境中,也为银行零售业务的发展提供了新的难题与新的机会。中国加入世界 贸易组织后,大量外资银行的涌入,外资银行的理念对国内银行造成了一定程度 的冲击,这些挑战使国内银行对零售业务的未来发展和规划有了新的认知。然而, 总的来说,中国的零售企业营销理念尚未转化为符合当地条件的零售业务发展理 论,科技的各个方面的技术支撑也远落后于业务扩张的需要,因此,营销理念和措施 需要进一步改善和提升。 本文通过梳理相关的4C营销理论、服务营销等概念与理论综述,调查分析 了JT银行辽宁省分行的概况和其零售业务的现状以及零售业务现有的营销策略, 结合了该银行零售业务发展的发展现状,同时对当前的宏观环境和微观环境以及 整个欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司目前零售业务发展的现状进行深入剖析。研究该银行零售业务在目前市 场环境中存在哪些问题有待改善,是否还具备持续增长的可能。 基于上述对JT银行辽宁省分行银行零售业务的深入探讨和研究后,笔者发现 该银行零售业务存在以下几点问题:存量客户管理缺少有效手段,致使日常服务难 以覆盖整体零售业务;产品缺少吸引力,客户经理维护手段单一,金融服务产品 类型单一,客户结构老龄化等问题。 本文认为,该银行要想扩大在同业市场的占有率,应该从以下几个方面完善: 第一,运用数据挖掘技术,对客户进行有效细分,增强数据治理能力;第二,针 对不同细分业务制定有针对性的营销方案,在产品上,要针对原有的储蓄存款、 财富管理、零售信贷、信用卡、手机银行等产品,在进行大数据分析的基础上进 一步升级换代;第三,增强产品创新能力,做大场景化经营;第四,强化线上经 营,构建营销闭环,完善营销体系,增强队伍线上作战能力。 关键词:商业银行 零售业务 营销策略 II ABSTRACT Under the overall downward trend of the economic environment in liaoning province, large and medium-sized enterprises are facing different problems in operation, and their profitability has been affected to varying degrees.While corporate profits are affected, the repayment of loans by enterprises also presents difficulties to a certain extent, so Banks are also facing the dilemma of profit reduction.With the decline of the revenue of the public sector, Banks also have a gap in their profits, so this gap is bound to be filled by Banks' retail business, and the inter-bank retail sector competition will become increasingly fierce.In the fierce competition environment, it also provides opportunities for the development of Banks, which is also conducive to the improvement of the competitiveness of Banks.After China's accession to the wto, the management system and philosophy of domestic Banks have undergone a subversive change.The influx of many foreign Banks has given domestic Banks a deeper understanding and approval of retail business management.However, in general, the marketing concept of China's retail business has not really been implemented, and technology in all aspects lags far behind the needs of business expansion, so the marketing concept and means need to be further improved and strengthened.Effective marketing strategy plays an important role in improving the overall competitiveness of Banks. In this article, through combing the relevant theory of 4 c marketing, service marketing, the concept and theory review, investigation and analysis the general situation of JT bank branch in liaoning province and the status quo of its retail business and retail business of existing marketing strategy, combined with the current situation of the development of the bank's retail business development, at the same time to the current macro environment and micro environment and the industry researches in current status of development of the retail business.To investigate what problems exist in the current market environment of the bank's retail business that need to be improved and whether it has the possibility of sustained growth. Based on the above in-depth discussion and research on the bank retail business III of JT liaoning branch, the author found that the bank's retail business lacked effective means of customer management, which made it difficult for daily services to cover the whole retail business.Products lack of attraction, single maintenance means of account managers, single types of financial services products, aging customer structure and other problems.Therefore, if the bank wants to expand its share in the inter-bank market, it should improve from the following aspects: first, it should use data mining technology to segment customers effectively and enhance its data governance ability;Second, specific marketing plans should be developed for different business segments. In terms of products, they should be further upgraded on the basis of big data analysis for existing products such as savings, wealth management, retail credit, credit CARDS and mobile banking.Third, enhance the ability of product innovation and expand the scene management;Fourth, strengthen online operation, build a closed loop of marketing, improve the marketing system, and enhance the team's online combat capability.We hope to further optimize the development of the bank's retail business, and at the same time provide experience reference for the future development of all kinds of commercial Banks in the financial market, especially small and medium-sized commercial Banks. KeyWords:Commercial bank Retailing business Marketing strategy IV 目 录 摘要 ..................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ II 绪论 ..................................................................................................................... 1 0.1 研究背景与意义 .................................................................................. 1 0.2 研究综述 ............................................................................................. 1 0.3 研究内容与方法 .................................................................................. 2 1 相关理论 ........................................................................................................ 4 1.1 相关概念 ............................................................................................. 4 1.1.1 营销策略概念 ............................................................................ 4 1.1.2 营销策略内容 ............................................................................ 4 1.2 理论基础 ............................................................................................. 5 1.2.1 4Cs营销理论 ............................................................................ 5 1.2.2 STP理论 ................................................................................... 6 1.2.3 SWOT分析模型 ........................................................................ 7 1.2.4 长尾理论 ................................................................................... 7 2 JT银行零售业务营销现状............................................................................. 8 2.1 银行概况 ............................................................................................. 8 2.2 银行零售业务及其营销现状 ............................................................... 8 2.2.1 银行零售业务的开设 ................................................................ 8 2.2.2 营销现状 ................................................................................... 9 2.3 现有零售业务营销策略 ..................................................................... 11 2.3.1 营销策略 ................................................................................. 11 2.3.2 定价策略 ................................................................................. 11 V 3 JT银行零售业务营销策略存在的问题及原因分析 ..................................... 14 3.1 零售业务营

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