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A 财产保险公司招聘管理研究 随着社会的不断发展与进步,国家的经济有了快速的增长,人们的生活质量也有 了很大的提升,人们除了满足自身的物质生活之外,还更加关注自身的精神生活,为 了能够让自己的财产获得收益和保障,人们开始关注投资和保险,我国的财产保险公 司也因而得以快速发展。当今社会是一个知识和科技快速发展的社会,知识和科技在 各行各业发展中有着至关重要的作用,财产保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司同样也不例外,在知识和科技不 断发展的过程当中,凸显出了人力资源招聘工作的重要性,再加上我国的保险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞 争十分激烈,特别是在人才这一块,各大财产保险公司都清楚的意识到,人才对于保 险业的价值和作用,核心人才的短缺和招聘的滞后会导致公司发展迟缓,因此,各保 险公司在日常管理工作中,为了吸引更多的人才,不断对招聘工作进行优化和创新, 都下了一番功夫,采用了多种招聘方法,也都取得了一定的效果,但仍然满足不了公 司的快速发展的需要。从目前财产保险公司人才招聘的现状来看,还存在一些问题, 这些问题将在一定程度上制约公司的招聘工作,进而影响公司未来的发展,因此,财 产保险公司必须在招聘工作上要不断的加以改革和创新,才能提高公司人才招聘质量 及效率。 本文主要围绕 A 财产保险公司招聘问题进行分析,一共分成六个部分分别叙述。 第一部分为绪论,主要介绍本文的研究背景、研究意义、国内外研究现状,以及研究 方法与内容;第二部分为相关基础理论方法,具体介绍了企业在招聘时候的 6R 目标、 原则及政策;第三部分为 A 财产保险公司招聘的现状和问题,如制定计划环节需要完 善、招聘渠道单一、招聘过程的控制无规划和目标感不强、招聘后使用效果无评估过 程等,还分析了 A 财产保险公司的人才结构和人力资源状况;第四部分为 A 财产保险 公司招聘管理方案优化研究,具体包括明确招聘原则、健全招聘制度、制定招聘和录 用的程序、确定招聘规模、范围、时间、预算、工作职责分工、渠道等;第五部分为 A 财产保险公司招聘管理优化方案的实施与保障,主要从健全招聘管理政策、加强招聘 团队假设、完善人才激励机制与绩效评估体系、及企业文化建设四个方面进行实施和 保障,通过招聘管理的优化分析得知 A 财产保险公司有着优秀的企业文化、较强的执II 行力等招聘保障;第六部分为总结,对全文的研究加以总结。 关键词: 财产保险公司,招聘,问题,对策III Abstract Research on the Recruitment Management of A Property Insurance Company With the continuous development and progress of society, the country's economy has grown rapidly, and people's quality of life has also improved greatly. People pay more attention to their spiritual life besides satisfying their material life, in order to get the income and security of their own property, people begin to pay attention to investment and insurance. Today's society is a society with rapid development of knowledge and technology. Knowledge and technology play a vital role in the development of all walks of life. The property insurance industry is no exception, this highlights the importance of human resources recruitment, coupled with the fierce competition in China's insurance industry, especially in the area of talent, major property insurance companies are clearly aware of the value and role of talent for the insurance industry, the shortage of core talents and the lag of recruitment will lead to the slow development of the company. Therefore, the insurance companies have made great efforts to optimize and innovate the recruitment work in order to attract more talents in their daily management work, a variety of recruitment methods, but also achieved some results, but still can not meet the needs of the rapid development of the company. Judging from the current situation of personnel recruitment in property insurance companies, there are still many problems. These problems will restrict the recruitment work of the companies to a certain extent, and then affect the future development of the companies. Therefore, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of personnel recruitment, property insurance companies must constantly reform and innovate in recruitment. This article mainly around A property insurance company recruitment analysis, a total of six parts are described separately. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, research significance, research status at home and abroad, as well as research methods and contents. The second part is related to the basic theory and methods, specifically introduces the 6R objectives, principles and policies of enterprises in recruitment. The third part is about the current situation and problems of the recruitment of A property insurance company, such as the need to improve the planning process, the single recruitment channel, the lack of planning and a strong sense of purpose in the recruitment process, and the absence of an evaluation process for the use effect after recruitment and so on, this part also analyzes the talent structure and human resources of A property insurance company.IV The fourth part is A property insurance company recruitment management plan optimization research, specifically including clear recruitment principles, sound recruitment system, the establishment of recruitment and hiring procedures, determine the size of recruitment, scope, time, budget, division of work responsibilities, channels and so on. The fifth part is the implementation and guarantee of A property insurance company's recruitment management optimization program, mainly from the sound recruitment management policy, strengthen the recruitment team hypothesis, improve the talent incentive mechanism and performance evaluation system, and corporate culture construction four aspects to implement and guarantee, through the optimization analysis of recruitment management, we know that A property insurance company has excellent corporate culture, strong executive power and other recruitment security. The sixth part is the summary, the full text of the study is summarized. Keywords: Property insurance company, Recruitment, Problem, ReformV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论..................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 ...........................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景.........................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义.........................................................................................1 1.2 国内外相关研究综述 ...........................................................................2 1.2.1 国内财产险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司招聘研究综述......................................................2 1.2.2 国外财产险欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司招聘研究综述......................................................4 1.3 主要研究方法、思路和主要内容........................................................5 1.3.1 研究方法.........................................................................................5 1.3.2 主要研究内容.................................................................................5 1.3.3 研究思路.........................................................................................6 第 2 章 招聘管理的相关基础理论 ...............................................................7 2.1 招聘管理的范畴...................................................................................7 2.2 招聘管理的一般流程 ...........................................................................8 2.3 招聘渠道选择的原则与常见方法......................................................10 2.4 招聘有效性的评价方法 ..................................................................... 11 第 3 章 A 财产保险公司招聘的现状及问题分析......................................12 3.1 A 财产保险公司概况及人力资源管理现状 ......................................12 3.1.1 公司概况.......................................................................................12 3.1.2 公司人力资源管理现状 ...............................................................12 3.2 A 财产保险公司招聘管理现状..........................................................15 3.2.1 招聘概况.......................................................................................15 3.2.2 招聘管理流程...............................................................................15VI 3.2.3 招聘渠道管理.........

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