随着市场经济快速发展,国内与全球经济快速融为一体,我国商业银行也步 入飞速发展时期,各大商业银行都采取通过建立网点来拓展服务辐射范围的方式 占领市场。依据银保监会金融许可证查询,截至2019年2月11日,登记在册的 全国银行物理网点达22.86万家。随着互联网时代发展,在网商银行、微信、支 付宝等互联网金融冲击下,部分客户分流至网络银行,商业银行网点的吸储功力 大幅下降,其网点租金和人工成本、硬件维护成本等却不断上涨,近2年来,银 行网点数量总体呈下降趋势。目前社会对银行网点普遍存在服务态度差,业务效 率低,操作风险高等观点。但银行网点可以提供更全面的商业银行金融服务,是 银行获取利润的重要通道和前沿阵地,也是银行树立企业品牌和文化传递的重要 场所,是体现商业银行核心竞争力的体现,仍具有不可替代性。提升网点服务水 平,满足客户高效、安全、便捷的金融服务需求,成为各家银行网点重点研究与 解决的课题。民生银行作为我国商业银行发展的一个缩影,积极探索厅堂服务流 程,率先进行了运营系统改造升级,建立起较为完善的后台集中处理中心。但在 实际工作中,网点厅堂服务流程还是存在一些问题与不足,具有改善和提升空间。 本文将以民生银行TC支行作为研究对象,采取理论分析与实际相结合的方法, 对TC支行目前厅堂服务流程现状进行分析,找出其中问题,提出相应的优化建 议。 本文基于流程再造理论,阐述了流程优化概念以及流程优化实施工具。通过 对目前民生银行TC支行厅堂服务流程进行介绍,探讨当前厅堂服务存在问题, 随后主要运用流程优化工具对存在问题展开分析,以民生银行目前进行“以客户 为中心”的客户化运营发展为契机,重点阐述从厅堂布局,客户识别与分流,柜 面业务办理,厅堂产品营销等多方面进行的优化方案并提出具体实施步骤。最后 通过对比,证实优化流程对目前传统厅堂服务模式带来的积极变化以及效能提升, 从而达到提升客户忠诚度与黏性,增强厅堂服务意识,提升网点营销能力,真正 做到以客户为中心,提高银行核心竞争力。 本文分析虽然是以民生银行TC支行为对象,但对于其它商业银行厅堂服务 流程优化也具有借鉴意义, 希望能为其他商业银行服务模式的创新提供稳定的 案例支持和经验解释。 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 II 关键词:厅堂服务,流程优化,民生银行 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 III Abstract With the rapid development of the market economy, the rapid integration of domestic and global economy, China's commercial banks have also entered a period of rapid development, the major Commercial banks have resorted to capturing the market by establishing branches to expand their service radius. According to the CBI's financial license inquiry, as of February 11, 2019, the registered physical branches of banks in the country amounted to 228,600. With the development of the Internet era, under the impact of Internet banking, WeChat, Alipay and other Internet banking, some customers are shifted to Internet banking The power of commercial bank branches to absorb reserves has fallen sharply, while their branch rents and labor costs, hardware maintenance costs, etc. have been rising, nearly 2 Over the past few years, the number of bank branches has been on the decline. At present, there is a widespread perception in society that bank branches have poor service attitudes, low operational efficiency and high operational risks. However, bank branches can provide more comprehensive commercial banking financial services, and are an important channel and frontline position for banks to gain profits. Banks to establish an important place for corporate brand and cultural transmission, is the embodiment of the core competitiveness of commercial banks, still has irreplaceable . Improving the service level of branches and meeting customers' demand for efficient, safe and convenient financial services has become the focus of research and development for each bank branch. Addressing the Issue. As a microcosm of the development of commercial banks in China, MinSheng Bank actively explored the service process in the hall and took the lead in transforming its operating system. Upgrade and establish a more complete backstage centralized processing center. However, in actual work, there are still some problems and deficiencies in the service process of branch halls, with room for improvement and enhancement. In this paper, we will take MinSheng Bank TC sub-branch as the object of research, and adopt a combination of theoretical analysis and practical approach to analyze the current service process of the TC sub-branch. Analyze the current situation of the service process in the hall, identify the problems and propose corresponding 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 IV optimization suggestions. Based on the theory of process reengineering, this paper explains the concept of process optimization and the implementation tools of process optimization. Through the introduction of the current TC branch hall service process of MinSheng Bank, it discusses the existing problems of the current hall service, and then mainly applies the following methods The process optimization tool analyzes the existing problems and takes the current customer-centric operation development of MinSheng Bank as the basis. The opportunity to focus on the optimization of the hall layout, customer identification and streaming, counter business processing, hall product marketing and other aspects of the the solution and specific implementation steps are proposed. Finally, a comparison will be made to demonstrate the positive changes and efficiency improvements that the process optimization will bring to the current traditional service delivery model in order to achieve the desired results. Improve customer loyalty and viscosity, enhance hall service awareness, enhance the network marketing capabilities, truly customer-centric, improve Bank core competencies. Although the analysis in this paper is based on the TC sub-branch of MinSheng Bank, it is also useful for other commercial banks to optimize their hall service process, in the hope that it can provide stable case support and empirical explanation for the service model innovation of other commercial banks. Key words: Hall Service, Process Optimization, MinSheng Bank 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 V 目 录 第1章 绪论 . 1 1.1研究背景 ............................ 1 1.2研究意义 ............................ 2 1.3国内外研究综述 ................ 2 1.3.1国外研究综述 ............. 2 1.3.2国内研究综述 ............. 4 1.3.3国内外研究现状评述 . 5 1.4研究方法和思路 ................ 6 1.4.1研究方法 ..................... 6 1.4.2研究思路 ..................... 6 第2章 相关理论和方法 ............ 8 2.1流程再造相关概述 ............ 8 2.1.1流程再造的概念 ......... 8 2.1.2业务流程再造的基本原则 ........................ 8 2.1.3业务流程再造的实施步骤 ........................ 9 2.2业务流程优化相关概念 .. 10 2.2.1业务流程优化定义 ... 10 2.2.2流程优化与流程再造的区别 .................. 10 2.3业务流程优化实施工具 .. 11 2.3.1鱼骨图 ....................... 11 2.3.2鱼骨图绘制步骤 ....... 12 2.3.3ECRS分析法 ............... 12 2.4银行厅堂服务流程概述 .. 13 2.4.1银行厅堂服务相关概念 .......................... 13 2.4.2银行厅堂服务流程优化概念 .................. 14 2.4.3银行厅堂服务流程优化的特点 .............. 15 2.5客户关系管理 .................. 16 第3章 民生银行TC支行厅堂服务流程现状及问题分析 .................. 17 3.1民生银行及其客户化运营简介 ..................... 17 3.1.1民生银行简介 ........... 17 3.1.2民生银行客户化运营发展 ...................... 18 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 VI 3.2TC支行厅堂服务流程现状 ............................. 20 3.2.1TC支行厅堂布局 ....... 20 3.2.2厅堂客户识别与分流 .............................. 22 3.2.3厅堂柜面业务办理流程 .......................... 22 3.2.4厅堂产品营销流程 ... 23 3.3TC支行厅堂服务流程主要存在问题 ............. 24 3.3.1智能机具使用率不足 .............................. 25 3.3.2客户分流不到位 ....... 25 3.3.3业务耗时长 ............... 27 3.3.4营销效果差 ............... 31 3.4TC支行厅堂服务流程存在问题分析 ............. 31 3.5TC支行厅堂服务流程优化的必要性 ............. 33 第4章 民生银行TC支行厅堂服务流程优化设计 .............................. 34 4.1厅堂服务流程优化目标 .. 34 4.2厅堂服务流程优化原则 .. 35 4.3厅堂服务流程优化前期准备 ......................... 35 4.4厅堂服务流程优化方案设计 ...............