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2011 年后,我国经济的发展就告别了两位数增长,迈进了以中高速发展为常态的新 阶段。在现阶段结构调整的洗牌期,很多企业将面临前所未有的挑战。如何在经济结构 优化升级、发展驱动力逐步转变的新形势下,得以生存并茁壮成长,成为各家企业所思 考的核心。发展企业,核心就是发展其人力资源,提高人力资本水平,21 世纪的竞争已 经从资源的竞争逐步向人力资源的竞争过渡。大力加强员工在职培训,不断更新企业员 工知识结构、提高其工作效率以及其创新能力,既是企业应对转型发展的有效办法,也 是员工适应时代变迁的有效途径。 J 安装工程公司,创建于 2001 年,公司主要经营土木工程建筑,水、暖、电、中央 空调安装,钢结构施工,锅炉安装,室内装饰;机电设备安装;桥梁工程、市政公用工 程施工;化工石油设备管道安装工程等项目。企业目前有正式在职员工 207 人。除领导 层及中后台部门,绝大部分员工为基层技术操作员。 J 安装工程公司目前在企业培训方面存在诸多不完善之处,一是由于培训设施设备 不充足、培训内容单一、师资力量不足导致的高质量培训的有限性;二是公司领导层及 员工对培训不够重视,都存在一种得过且过的应付态度;三是在统筹规划、监督机制、 培训评估及费用监管方面工作的缺失。使得公司缺乏完善的培训体系。 通过同地区优秀企业先进经验的学习,并配合本公司调查问卷的实际情况,综合分 析了存在问题的原因,也针对不足之处做了针对性的改正提升。主要从需求分析、细化 计划、加强过程管理、落实培训评估四个方面对目标公司进行了培训系统的优化。并对 培训实施过程中的保障措施进行了全面打造,主要分为从公司文化层面上进行重视、健 全相关制度、提升支持制度三个方面。 本文从研究对象的现实情况着手,通过国内外先进理论的学习以及业内优秀案例分 析,改进并丰富了 J 安装工程公司的培训体系,这对于提升员工参加培训的积极性以及 促进员工将学习所得转化到实际工作中,有着不可忽视的作用。同时对国内类似企业培 训工作的进行存在一定的参考意义。 关键词:员工培训;培训过程;培训需求;培训评估II Abstract After 2011, China's economic development has bid farewell to double-digit growth and entered a new stage with medium and high-speed development as the normal. In the shuffling period of structural adjustment at this stage, many enterprises will face unprecedented challenges. How to survive and thrive in the new situation of optimizing and upgrading economic structure and gradually changing the driving force of development has become the core of every enterprise's thinking. The core of developing an enterprise is to develop its human resources and improve the level of human capital. The competition in the 21st century has gradually changed from the competition of resources to the competition of human resources. It is not only an effective way for enterprises to cope with the transformation and development, but also an effective way for employees to adapt to the changes of the times to strengthen on-the-job training, constantly update the knowledge structure of employees, improve their work efficiency and their innovation ability. J installation engineering company, founded in 2001, is mainly engaged in civil engineering construction, water, heating, electricity, central air conditioning installation, steel structure construction, boiler installation, interior decoration, mechanical and electrical equipment installation, bridge engineering, municipal public engineering construction, chemical and petroleum equipment pipeline installation, etc. At present, the company has 207 regular employees. Except for the leadership and the middle and back office departments, the vast majority of employees are basic level technical operators. At present, J installation engineering company has many deficiencies in enterprise training. One is the limitation of high-quality training due to insufficient training facilities and equipment, single training content and insufficient teachers. The other is that the company's leadership and employees do not pay enough attention to the training, and they all have a muddle along attitude. Third, the lack of overall planning, supervision mechanism, training evaluation and cost supervision. Make the company lack of perfect training system. Through the study of advanced experience of excellent enterprises in the same region, and in combination with the actual situation of the company's questionnaire, this paper comprehensively analyzes the causes of the existing problems, and makes targeted correctionIII and improvement for the deficiencies. The training system of the target company is optimized from four aspects: demand analysis, plan refinement, process management strengthening and training evaluation implementation. And the guarantee measures in the process of training implementation have been comprehensively built, which are mainly divided into three aspects: attaching importance to the corporate culture, improving relevant systems, and improving the support system. Starting from the reality of the research object, this paper improves and enriches the training system of J installation engineering company through the study of advanced theories at home and abroad and the analysis of excellent cases in the industry, which plays an important role in improving the enthusiasm of employees to participate in the training and promoting employees to transform the learning income into the actual work. At the same time, it has certain reference significance for the training work of similar domestic enterprises. KeyWords: Employee training;Training process;Training needs;Training evaluationIV 目 录 1 绪论 .................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ...................................................... 1 1.1.1 项目研究背景 .................................................... 1 1.1.2 项目的研究意义 .................................................. 2 1.2 研究的目的和内容 .................................................... 2 1.2.1 研究的目的 ...................................................... 2 1.2.2 研究的内容 ...................................................... 3 1.3 文献综述 ............................................................ 3 1.3.1 国外员工培训研究综述 ............................................ 3 1.3.2 国内员工培训研究综述 ............................................ 5 1.4 研究思路及方法 ...................................................... 6 1.4.1 文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司研究法 .................................................. 6 1.4.2 调查研究法 ...................................................... 6 1.4.3 对比分析法 ...................................................... 6 1.5 本文的创新点 ........................................................ 7 2 企业培训体系优化的理论概述 .............................................. 8 2.1 企业培训的概念 ...................................................... 8 2.2 企业培训的主要理论基础 .............................................. 9 2.2.1 人力资本理论 .................................................... 9 2.2.2 培训需求分析理论 ................................................ 9 2.3 培训流程 ........................................................... 10 2.4 常用培训方法 ....................................................... 12 3 J 安装工程公司培训现状分析 ............................................. 14 3.1 J 安装工程公司培训体系现状介绍 ..................................... 14 3.1.1 J 安装工程公司简介 ............................................. 14 3.1.2 公司组织结构 ................................................... 14 3.1.3 现有培训体系简单介绍 ........................................... 15 3.1.4 现有体系面临的困境 ............................................. 15V 3.2 培训体系现状调查 ................................................... 16 3.2.1 调查问卷设计 ................................................... 16 3.2.2 调查问卷发放与收回 ............................................. 16 3.2.3 调查问卷统计 ................................................... 17 4 公司培训体系问题分析 ................................................... 22 4.1 公司高质量培训非常有限 ............................................. 22 4.1.1 有限高质量培训症状 ............................................. 22 4.1.2 导致高质量培训有限性的原因 ..............................

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